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If you were Aladdin...

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I was reading Tales From The Arabian Nights to my niece last night and y'know, all those stories are full of genies and lamps and rubies and wishes. I got to thinking, 'What would be the first thing you'd wish for?'
I know it's random but if someone appeared and said, 'Hey, make a wish!', what would you ask for?
My niece said 'another story' (shameless).
So, what would you guys wish for?

PS. You can't wish for more wishes! smile
Active Ink Slinger
Gonna be greedy lol.......

1. Have all the strengths but none of the weakness's of a vampire.
2. A bank account that no matter how much I spent never went below 10 million dollars.

And I'm saving my last wish for a later date lol.
Veni, vidi, vici" Julius Caesar 47 BC
Her Royal Spriteness
i didn't have to think about this one - i'd wish for my cat to be restored back to being 100% healthy and never regret the use of my one wish.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I would wish for world peace.... no i´d wish for personal financial security... wait no, i´d wish for a cure of all cancers.... wait... no i´d wish for the power to seduce anyone I wanted...

no seriously, this is one intense decision -- do you wish for the group or do you go solo on this one?!?
Alpha Blonde
I want my dog back, and with a healthy lifespan as long as mine.
Internet Sensation
I'd wish for enough money to:
-pay off my debt
-a ticket to Australia
-an apartment in Perth for 3months.

Don't want to wish for too much, it might change me. I sort of like life to be a bit of a struggle.
I'm going to be real shallow and say

1- Untold wealth at my disposal
2- To have a long, healthy life regardless of lifestyle
3- To be able to have any man/woman I desire.

If I could lead a life like that when the time comes for me go, God can strike me down and I would die a happy person.
Rookie Scribe
i would wish for having sex with any woman that i thought was fit, right there and then not get caught by the police and nobody can stop me.
The idealistic part of me wants to wish for world peace but I actually don't really know how to define that and so I am hesitant.

The practical part of me wants to wish for enough money that it is never something I have to worry about because then I could concentrate on getting on with my life and concentrating on the things that I think are important. In that way, I could make my own contribution towards the fulfilment of kosen-rufu (a world peace of sorts).
I wish I could be with the one I'm in love with.
Active Ink Slinger
My wish is for everyone to always treat others with respect and kindness.
Advanced Wordsmith
got to be a mix, some for me some for all.

1) To be a polymath
2) Never to get injured
3) I'm saving this one...never know when it might come in handy...
Active Ink Slinger
I'd wish to work travelling the globe studying wild animals in their natural habitats. Maybe be the new (But obviously not as good as) David Attenborough.
This post comes to you from the original and highly disorganised mind of scared, I certainly am, lol
Active Ink Slinger
wish for world peace be in love with a girl thatwears a top hat and be happy forever oh dam i am a wizard have to look into that
An answer to every question I pose.
I'd wish to work in Forensic Science
A Delorean that travels through time...
Oh ya - and world peace
Purveyor of Sweetness
enough money to do good things and the judgement to know what those things were....
Head Nurse
i just want the power to teleport, that would solve all my personal problems smile
Active Ink Slinger
i would remove all types of problems from the world..........................n first of all poverty and malnutrition
I'd wish for someone to find the cure for cancer
Superpowers, cos they're always awesome
To be young again, but in the time when I was young and not nowadays :-)
Active Ink Slinger
I'll assume it's only a wish. In that case untold wealth. Not for greedy reasons though. One only needs so much to
get by. With that much i would have the abilty to help countless people, and that is exactly what i'd do. There are so
many good things to get invovled in and fund. The possibities are endless. I have to say i'd have a damn nice boat though.


Active Ink Slinger
I would wish for my cousins husband to be alive and healthy. And if I can't wish for a dead person to be alive, then I guess I would wish to be rich so I could help as many people as possible with the money I'm given...
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
I would wish for good health .... without it, you cannot do what you desire.
I would wish for a chauffeur driven vw beetle smile.