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If given a choice between comfort or freedom which would you choose and why?

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If given a choice between comfort or freedom

Okay in this exercise you are being given a choice of Absolute Total Freedom or Absolute Total Comfort and make a choice and explain why your choice was chosen. There is no wrong answer and after making the choice at sometime I will explain or can message me and I will explain what the choice boils down to and provides a bit of insight into your fellow "Lushites." I am also providing a poll for this as well and please just try to answer once. And please state choice and why below

Thank you
I define nothing. Not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be.
- Bob Dylan

Consistent, Persistent and Bullshit Resistant!
- Trinket
I chose freedom because 'MERICA!
i chose comfort because of the reply above.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I rather be free. Comfort can only follow with freedom

I would choose comfort. Is freedom going to feed, clothe, and shelter my kids? And also what Sprite said.
Freedom. Comfort nearly killed me
I choose freedom. Nothing is more sacred to me than Freedom
With out a doubt Freedom. With freedom I can get the education and create all the comfort I'm willing to work for.

Freedom isn't free and I am proud to have done my part.....
Freedom is the illusion of control, which you never really have. Comfort is the illusion of happiness, which in reality is the only thing you actually have the freedom to control. Now... on with your political trick question...
Quote by BethanyFrasier
Freedom is the illusion of control, which you never really have. Comfort is the illusion of happiness, which in reality is the only thing you actually have the freedom to control. Now... on with your political trick question...

Not a political question or exercise more psychological
I define nothing. Not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be.
- Bob Dylan

Consistent, Persistent and Bullshit Resistant!
- Trinket
i choose freedom without freedom there is no comfort, but with each freedom there is a responsibility that goes with it and too many people are not taking responsibility for there acctions
what's up sunshine
All of these answers seem rather trite... Comfort, of course. The notion of absolute freedom, not restrained by law or by my own conscience or anything else, is very frightening. Ideally I'd prefer a balance... but no, I don't think humans were ever meant to have that kind of freedom. We simply can't deal with it.
Quote by AnnaK87
All of these answers seem rather trite... Comfort, of course. The notion of absolute freedom, not restrained by law or by my own conscience or anything else, is very frightening. Ideally I'd prefer a balance... but no, I don't think humans were ever meant to have that kind of freedom. We simply can't deal with it.

There is no comfort without freedom, there is just existence and acceptance of your situation... Just posting this, you have more freedom than 38% of the worlds population who have their own words and daily actions monitored or outlawed outright... While nothing is perfect, I will take any Freedom others have given their lives to give me..... I fought so we all could have a voice, even if that voice went against my own beliefs.... Now that is freedom I can live with....
I choose freedom and am thankful for everyone who has given or still gives something of themselves to let me and mine enjoy it
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
Quote by JC72

There is no comfort without freedom, there is just existence and acceptance of your situation... Just posting this, you have more freedom than 38% of the worlds population who have their own words and daily actions monitored or outlawed outright... While nothing is perfect, I will take any Freedom others have given their lives to give me..... I fought so we all could have a voice, even if that voice went against my own beliefs.... Now that is freedom I can live with....

This kind of freedom and true absolute freedom - radical freedom, of the sort proposed by Jean Paul Sarte (who in my opinion is full of shit) - are two totally different things. I am not free, currently, from having a bug in my phone that the German government can activate whenever they choose; I am not free to talk about matters relating to the Time of National Socialism and the Holocaust in Public; I am not free to incite hatred in public ... I am not free to spew hate speech, or to walk out of a store with a bunch of stolen jewelry ---- of course, I can still make the choice to do these things, but my choice is limited by the practical realities of artificial consequences imposed by my government.

Freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of the will --- these things are inherent freedoms of the human condition that cannot be taken away from us. The external freedoms are all very much secondary. In Germany, I am not free to do many things that people in America say they are --- but you know what? The way we do it here works, and it works very well ---- people don't deal well with too much freedom.

On the contrary, people in poorer nations have far more freedom --- their governments do very little to restrict their actions. The powerful people in Zimbabwe are "free" to abuse their countrymen relentlessly and as a result everybody suffers. Freedom of the individual and freedom for a society are inherently mutually exclusive and must be balanced. The freest condition is Survival of the Fittest, something which is quite antithetical to modern Western society.

I would go so far as to say that the freedom you think you enjoy is a complete illusion. The American government, and my own, can monitor our every move any time they choose --- if they wanted to, badly enough, they could invent charges and plant evidence to have us arrested ... they can destroy our homes and property by way of Eminent Domain ... they impose an artificial measurement of wealth (money) and then forcibly take it from us (taxes)... it's a social contract, practically speaking; we trade some of our freedom for comfort and protection and social order.
Well what have you done Shotgun?? Excuse me people!! He said psychological....christ.....he also said THERE IS NO WRONG ANSWER.

I don't agree with any of you! Except I still choose freedom....because comfort bores me
Quote by Shotgun011

Not a political question or exercise more psychological

see??? Too busy to read instructions
Absolute freedom implies complete and utter disregard of the needs and wishes of any other individual. Man has always needed social structures to survive, but social structures cannot be when no rules of interaction and cooperation can be established. Rules regulate and restrict us. Absolute freedom and social structures are incompatible. The same goes for absolute comfort. Things have to be done, unpleasant ones too, and risks have to be taken. That contradicts absolute comfort.
Even a solitary individual is restricted in his options by th skills and tools he has and by the rules of nature. Both absolute freedom and absolute comfort are therefore impossible.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Okay one more time this is a psychological exercise and deals with a bit of insight and there is NO WRONG ANSWER and not a political exercise and deals with thought processes vs. gut feelings and the Thanking those who have served to preserve freedoms for comfort. And as I said I will explain your choices via message or black boxes.
I define nothing. Not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be.
- Bob Dylan

Consistent, Persistent and Bullshit Resistant!
- Trinket
Sometimes, one must become uncomfortable to create success .... and to me, success equals freedom!! When you can, reach for Freedom!

What ???? We are in the Pub aren't we ?
Freedom to chose my level of comfort
Quote by AnnaK87

This kind of freedom and true absolute freedom - radical freedom, of the sort proposed by Jean Paul Sarte (who in my opinion is full of shit) - are two totally different things. I am not free, currently, from having a bug in my phone that the German government can activate whenever they choose; I am not free to talk about matters relating to the Time of National Socialism and the Holocaust in Public; I am not free to incite hatred in public ... I am not free to spew hate speech, or to walk out of a store with a bunch of stolen jewelry ---- of course, I can still make the choice to do these things, but my choice is limited by the practical realities of artificial consequences imposed by my government.

Freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of the will --- these things are inherent freedoms of the human condition that cannot be taken away from us. The external freedoms are all very much secondary. In Germany, I am not free to do many things that people in America say they are --- but you know what? The way we do it here works, and it works very well ---- people don't deal well with too much freedom.

On the contrary, people in poorer nations have far more freedom --- their governments do very little to restrict their actions. The powerful people in Zimbabwe are "free" to abuse their countrymen relentlessly and as a result everybody suffers. Freedom of the individual and freedom for a society are inherently mutually exclusive and must be balanced. The freest condition is Survival of the Fittest, something which is quite antithetical to modern Western society.

I would go so far as to say that the freedom you think you enjoy is a complete illusion. The American government, and my own, can monitor our every move any time they choose --- if they wanted to, badly enough, they could invent charges and plant evidence to have us arrested ... they can destroy our homes and property by way of Eminent Domain ... they impose an artificial measurement of wealth (money) and then forcibly take it from us (taxes)... it's a social contract, practically speaking; we trade some of our freedom for comfort and protection and social order.
Thank you

Freedom. My fuse is not as short now as it once was yet the thought of bondage still raises my blood pressure - a dangerous thing at 68.
This is like asking for yin or yang, one side or the other. For every piece of convenience and comfort, we give away a bit of our knowledge, strength and freedom. Everything in life is an exchange deal. The question is, weather the deal was worth it or not.
Well, finding myself faced with the choice between comfort or freedom, I definitely pick freedom. As much as I enjoy my central heating system, I don't like getting pathologically dull. But please give me a call, when someone invents the perpetuum mobile smile
Freedom. If I'm free there is comfort.
freedooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! without it, life isn't worth living