fuck you.....no really Fuck You...........FUCK..........YOU
Don't go away mad, just go away
Come back when you can't stay so long
When you get home, I hope your mom crawls out from under the porch and bites you
Go an' take a flyin' fuck tae yersel'. (and if you're extra angry, you can add the c-word to the end)
Since I don't have a dick ..suck my big toe
I always like the term
"Go forth & fornicate"
Take a flying fuck in a rolling donut
I rolled about laughing when I heard "go suck a fuck!" in Donnie Darko.
The worst thing anyone ever said to me as he left the argument was ''I hope you get cancer.''
Holding up three fingers with your middle finger in the middle, say "Read between the lines."
Then there's Pig Latin, "Uckfay Offay."
"Kiss my grits."
Lets play a game of hide and fuck yourself!
I think SereneProdigy has cornered the market on this topic .... oh yeah, just die.
Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya
Personally I tend not to swear very much but perhaps older Brit sayings would be 'take a running jump' or 'go have sex' ... not very exciting I know but in their day perhaps they had the same desired effect.
Wait a minute ... I have just noticed my lodger has pinched another packet of my cigs!! .. wait til I get me fucking hands on her the thieving bitch.
if....your mother coulda made change for a 10......you would have been a blow-job.......
it's obvious......the best part of you ran down the crack of your mothers' ass.....