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Favourite Movie Quotes

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So I just finished an all day Star Wars marathon on May the Fourth ............ (be with you)
I know I'm a nerd
I realized that there are a ton of movie quotes that I loved about that franchise. For example:

"You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

and who can forget,

"Search your feelings, you know it to be true"

or even better

"Hey Leia let's fuck...." Alright that last one wasn't ever in a movie but Luke was thinking it.

If you have a favourite movie quote let 'er rip and we can all laugh and go oh yeah I remember that. What about.....

"I love scotch, scotchy scotch scotch, here it goes down down into my belly!"

Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
Indiana Jones
The Raiders of Lost Ark

"Snakes Why did it have to be snakes?"

Always laugh at that one My all time favorite movie hero
Memorable, but even twenty plus years later it gets me choked up:
Luke: "I have to save you father"
Darth: "You....already....have."

"I suggest a new strategy R2, let the Wookie win!"

But other movies have some great ones!

"My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."

However, one of my favorite lines from any movie is from The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra:

Ranger Brad: "We take our horrible mutilations around here seriously."
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
Quote by castlequeen

"My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."

LOVE that movie
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine."

"My Mama always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.'"
"Look, let me explain something. I'm not Mr. Lebowski. You're Mr. Lebowski.

I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me.

That or... His Dudeness... or Duder... or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing."
Pulp Fiction: Aah man, I just shot Marvin in the face!
Quote by rxtales
Quote by castlequeen

"My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."

LOVE that movie

My favourite movie of all time. Actually The Wrestler has recently taken that spot, but other than that The Princess Bride is amazing. "anybody wanna peanut?"
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
Great quotes so far guys, I especially appreciated the Big Labowski and Pulp Fiction quotes.
You should post the most far out quotes and let people guess what movie they're from lol
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
From "The Sweet Smell of Success", 1957:

Mr. Falco, let it be said at once, is a man of 40 faces, not one - none too pretty, and all deceptive. You see that grin? That's the, eh, that's the Charming Street Urchin face. It's part of his helpless act: he throws himself upon your mercy. He's got a half-dozen faces for the ladies. But the one I like, the really cute one, is the quick, dependable chap. Nothing he won't do for you in a pinch - so he says. Mr. Falco, whom I did not invite to sit at this table tonight, is a hungry press agent, and fully up to all the tricks of his very slimy trade.
Quote by MMonroe
Pulp Fiction: Aah man, I just shot Marvin in the face!

Loved that movie.
Dolores Claiborne:

"Now, you listen to me, Mr. Grand High Poobah of Upper Buttcrack, I'm just about half-past give a shit with your fun and games."

"Sometimes you have to be a high-riding bitch to survive. Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold onto."

"Sometimes Delores, an accident can be an unhappy womans best friend."
Too many to count, of course.

The best from Star Wars is "I've got a bad feeling about this" in several different places.
"We're going to need a bigger boat" from Jaws.
Preditor: "I ain't got time to bleed."

I know it's cheezy, but I'll use this in conversation one day.
Ferte in noctem animam meam, Illustre stelle viam meam. Aspectu illo glorior, Dum capit nox diem. Cantate vitae canticu, Sine dolore acte, Dicite eis quos amabam, Numquam obliviscar.
Quote by relaxandrelease
Preditor: "I ain't got time to bleed."

I know it's cheezy, but I'll use this in conversation one day.

OMG YES jesse the body ventura. Just watched that movie again actually
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
F.U.B.A.R. Fucked Up Beyoyond All Recognition - Tango And Cash

"John alcohol is supposed to be ingested!" - Die Hard 3
" I was working on a perfectly good hang over and watching captain Kangaroo" also Die Hard 3
Oz: Damn it, Jimmy! Why the hell did you have to go and move in next door to me?

Jimmy: Oz, do you know what kind of soil they have in this back yard? I've been here two days and I've got little tomato plants...

Oz: Oh my God!!

It's not important how many people I've killed. What's important is how I get along with the people who are still alive.
Robin: Aren't you one of those guys?
Quinn: What guys?
Robin: Those guy guys, you know, those guys with skills.
Quinn: Skills?
Robin: Yeah. You send them into the wilderness with a pocket knife and a Q-tip and they build you a shopping mall. You can't do that?
Quinn: No, I can't do that, but I can do this:
[Pops finger out of the side of his mouth]
Quinn: Does that help?
meg ryan sitting at a table in a restaurant faking and orgasm when the waitress ask an older woman at the next table what she is going to order, she say,

I take what ever she is having pointing to meg ryan

oh and Naked gun one liners are priceless

not to mention dirty Harry's go ahead make my day or do you feel lucky Punk! and on and on

Indiana Jones in the blimp slugs the German ss officer and the on lookers question what going on no ticket
"I'm gonna kill you all kinds of dead"

I think it was from The Spirit, which we just saw. Hated the movie though.

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." Do I even need to say what movie that's from? LOL

"We're going to need a bigger boat." Jaws.
Quote by chefkathleen
"I'm gonna kill you all kinds of dead"

I think it was from The Spirit, which we just saw. Hated the movie though.

It is from the Spirit. It's from when He's fighting Sam L Jackson, although that movie was super super super weird I loved it.
Especially since theres an unexplained scene where SLJ and Scarlette Johanson are wearing Nazi outfits. I couldn't stop laughing.
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
"I gotta jar of diiirrt, I gotta jar of diiirt, and guess whats insiiide iiit!" lol POTC
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
Mine are all from kevin smith movies

Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back

The Internet is a communication medium in which people come together to bitch about movies and share pornography with each other.

Bethany: McHenry is pretty far from Jersey, might I ask what brings you guys to Illinois?
Jay: Some fuck named John Hughes.
Bethany: "16 Candles" John Hughes?
Jay: You know him too? That fucking guy. Made this flick "16 Candles" right? Not bad it's got tits in it, but no bush. Of course Ebert over here don't give a shit about that stuff cause he's all in love with this John Hughes guy and rents every one of his movies. Fucking "Breakfast Club" all these stupid kids actually show up to detention, fucking "Weird Science" where this one chick wants to take off her gear and get down, but aw, no she don't cause it's a PG movie, and then there's "Pretty In Pink" which I can't watch with this tubby muthafucker any more, because everytime we get to the part where the red head hooks up with her dream guy, he starts sobbin' like a little eight-year-old with a skinned knee and shit. And nothing is worse then watching a fat man weep.


My friend here is trying to convince me that any independent contractors who were working on the uncompleted Death Star, were innocent victims when they were destroyed by the Rebels
The Animal

Sgt. Sisk: You - back of the mob!
Mob Member: "Back of the mob"? What? This is my spot! I came early!
Sgt. Sisk: Okay, *out* of the mob!
Mob Member: Ah, this mob blows.
Mulholland Drive:

Cowboy: Well, just stop for a little second and think about it. Will ya do that for me?
Adam Kesher: [sarcastic tone] Okay, I'm thinking.
Cowboy: No, you're not thinkin'. You're too busy being a smart aleck to be thinkin'. Now I want ya to "think" and stop bein' a smart aleck. Can ya try that for me?

Cowboy: There's sometimes a buggy. How many drivers does a buggy have?
Adam Kesher: One.
Cowboy: So, let's just say I'm driving this buggy. And, if you fix your attitude, you can ride along with me.
Vicini : Inconcievable!
Inigo : You know you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Princess bride fav forever

"have fun storming the castle"
Quote by Loislane
Mine are all from kevin smith movies
My friend here is trying to convince me that any independent contractors who were working on the uncompleted Death Star, were innocent victims when they were destroyed by the Rebels

K My friends and I had this (among many) discussions at our star wars movie.... marathon...... yeah im a nerd so what of it.
Oh and the Dogma quote was fucking hilarious
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
Quote by OrionTat

"have fun storming the castle"

"think it'll work?"
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
Raising Arizona

Glen: Say that reminds me, how'd you get that kid so darn fast? Me and Dot went in to adopt on account a' somethin' went wrong with my semen, and they said we had to wait five years for a healthy white baby. I said, "Healthy white baby? Five years? What else you got?" Said they got two Koreans and a negro born with his heart on the outside. It's a crazy world.

H.I.: Someone oughta sell tickets.

Glen: Sure, I'd buy one
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.