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Favourite Movie Quotes

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Quote by OrionTat
Vicini : Inconcievable!
Inigo : You know you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Princess bride fav forever

"have fun storming the castle"

love this movie

Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva...So tweasure your wuv...Have you the wing? ...and do you, Pwincess Buwwercup...and so forth
Active Ink Slinger
The Love Guru

Guru Pitka: If your Uncle Jack helped you off an elephant, would you help your uncle jack off an elephant?
Quote by Blindfolded
Quote by Loislane
Mine are all from kevin smith movies
My friend here is trying to convince me that any independent contractors who were working on the uncompleted Death Star, were innocent victims when they were destroyed by the Rebels

K My friends and I had this (among many) discussions at our star wars movie.... marathon...... yeah im a nerd so what of it.
Oh and the Dogma quote was fucking hilarious

Kevin smith is a huge star wars fan..there are star wars refrences strewn throughout his movies...I am a huge star wars fan as fact my the car my b/f is giving me so he can get a new one I call the millenium falcon..
She may not look like much but she’s got it where it counts, kid. I’ve made a lot of special modifications myself-Han
Active Ink Slinger
I love star wars as well. Greatest movie franchise ever (for me)

But I was gonna go to Toche station to pick up some power converters! - Luke
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
Active Ink Slinger
"I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handel it. Have a nice day."


"Are me seams straight?"

"You lost your arms in battle, but you grew some nice boobs."

"Lady please, I'm not from Havanna."

Nicky extorting his banker:

"I think in all fairness, I should explain to you exactly what it is that I do. For instance tomorrow morning I'll get up nice and early, take a walk down over to the bank and... walk in and see and, uh... if you don't have my money for me, I'll... crack your fuckin' head wide-open in front of everybody in the bank. And just about the time that I'm comin' out of jail, hopefully, you'll be coming out of your coma. And guess what? I'll split your fuckin' head open again. 'Cause I'm fuckin' stupid. I don't give a fuck about jail. That's my business. That's what I do."
Sam Kinison as a professor, in Back To School:

[after a female student answered correctly why America pulled out of Vietnam]

Is she right? 'Cause I know that's the *popular* version of what went on there. And a lot of people like to believe that. I wish I could, but I was *there*. I wasn't here in a class room, hoping I was right, thinking about it. [shouting] I was up to my knees in rice paddies, with guns that didn't work! Going in there, looking for Charlie, slugging it out with him, while pussies like you were back here partying, putting headbands on, doing drugs, and listening to the goddamn Beatle albums! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Active Ink Slinger
"what frightens you most coope?"
"spiders.....and women......oh and spider women!"
Dog Soldiers
"All work and no play makes jack a dull boy"
The shining
Active Ink Slinger
"I know what you're thinking- "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But, being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?"
Punk moves hand away from the shotgun.
"Mister ahgats to know" Punk
Callahan aim at the punk and pulls the trigger....CLICK
"Shhhiiitt" Punk
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by heartofdarkness
"what frightens you most coope?"
"spiders.....and women......oh and spider women!"
Dog Soldiers
"All work and no play makes jack a dull boy"
The shining

Love the shining, and dog soldiers is possibly the best werewolf movie ever made.
My friend showed it to me and I've loved it since.
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
goldhat: oiga senor. we are the federales; you know the mounted police.
dobbs: if you are the police where are your badges?
goldhat: badges? we ain't got no badges! we don't need no badges! i don't have to show you any stinking badges!
dobbs: better not come any closer!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by groucho
goldhat: oiga senor. we are the federales; you know the mounted police.
dobbs: if you are the police where are your badges?
goldhat: badges? we ain't got no badges! we don't need no badges! i don't have to show you any stinking badges!
dobbs: better not come any closer!


I was gonna type out the whole quote of this clip, but instead I'll just set it up.
It's from Weird Al In UHF. One of the clips was Rauls Pet Palace. or something along those lines.
And the UPS guy shows up... and he has.... badgers.... badgers??
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
good one, bf! bravo! i had not seen that one!

Active Ink Slinger
"Send a wire to the main office an tell them ah said, AAAOOOWW!" Slim Pickins being hit over the head with a shovel.
"Somebody's gotta go back and get a shit load of dimes!"
"WHAT in the wide wide world ah sports is ah goin on here? Ah hired you people to get a little track laid, not jump around like a bunch of kansas city faggots!"
"holdit! holdit! What in the hell is that shit? ah ment a song a real song!"
All from Blazing Saddles possably the best western ever made!
And just for good mesure
"holdit! holdit! What in the hell is that shit? ah ment a song a real song!"

I'm proud to say, that one's in my collection.
Active Ink Slinger
"Throw up your hands/Stick out your tush/Hands on your hips/Give 'em a push/You'll be surprised, you're doing the French Mistake/Voila!"

Bart: Are we awake?
Jim: We're not sure. Are we... black?
Bart: Yes, we are.
Jim: Then we're awake... but we're very puzzled

Hedley Lamarr: Crimes?
Bart: Stampeding cattle.
Hedley Lamarr: That's not much of a crime.
Bart: Through the Vatican?
Hedley Lamarr: [smiling] Kinkyyyy. Sign here.

One of the funniest movies ever made.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
\Dark Helmet: Careful you idiot! I said across her nose, not up it!
Laser Gunner: Sorry sir! I'm doing my best!
Dark Helmet: Who made that man a gunner?
Major Asshole: I did sir. He's my cousin.
Dark Helmet: Who is he?
Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole sir.
Dark Helmet: I know that! What's his name?
Colonel Sandurz: That is his name sir. Asshole, Major Asshole!
Dark Helmet: And his cousin?
Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole too sir. Gunner's mate First Class Philip Asshole!
Dark Helmet: How many asholes do we have on this ship, anyway?
[Entire bridge crew stands up and raises a hand]
Entire Bridge Crew: Yo!
Dark Helmet: I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes!
[Dark Helmet pulls his face shield down]
Dark Helmet: Keep firing, assholes!
Active Ink Slinger
Vespa : Who are you?
Barf: Barf.
Dot: Not in here mister this is a Mercedes.
Barf: Not that's my name Barf.
Vespa: What are you?
Barf: I'm a mog Half man, half dog. I am my own best friend.

John Candy in another great role. You will be missed.
Active Ink Slinger
Black troopers: We aint found shit!

Colonel Sanders: Try here stop

*looks around bewildered*

Dark Helmet: What the hell am I lookin' at? When does this happen in the movie
Colonel Sanders: Now. You're looking at now sir. Everything that happens now is happening NOW
Dark Helmet: What happened to then?
Colonel Sanders: We passed it.
Dark Helmet: When?
Colonel Sanders:Just now. We're at NOW now.
Dark Helmet: Go back to then!
Colonel Sanders: When?
Dark Helmet: Now!
Colonel Sanders: Now?
Dark Helmet: Now!
Colonel Sanders: I can't.
Dark Helmet: Why?
Colonel Sanders: We missed it.
Dark Helmet: When?
Colonel Sanders: Just now.
Dark Helmet: When will then be now?
Colonel Sanders: Soon
Dark Helmet: How soon?

Spaceball: SIR!

Dark Helmet: What?
Spaceball: We've identified their location.
Dark Helmet: Where?
Spaceball: It's the moon of Vega
Colonel Sanders: Good work, set a course and prepare for our arrival
Dark Helmet: WHEN?
Spaceball: 19 Hundred hours sir
Colonel Sanders: By high noon tomorrow they will be our prisoners
Dark Helmet: WHO!!!!?????
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
Active Ink Slinger
"hey where all the white women at?"
Lush Legend
"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges." - Blazing Saddles

"I always tell the truth...Even when I lie."-Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in Scarface

God and this one cracks me up everytime....LOL!

Aunt Voula: [to Ian's parents]

"Now, you are family. Okay. All my life, I had a lump at the back of my neck, right here. Always, a lump. Then I started menopause and the lump got bigger from the "hormonees." It started to grow. So I go to the doctor, and he did the bio... the b... the... the bios... the... b... the "bobopsy." Inside the lump he found teeth and a spinal cord. Yes. Inside the lump was my twin."

From my Big Fat Greek that movie!!...

"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
From Vegas Vacation:

Cousin Eddie, talking about the plate in his head: Every time I belch, the plate shifts and my legs give out. But man, what a view!

[Clark and Ellen have found Audrey dancing at the Club Aereola]
Clark Griswold: Audrey! What are you doing? Ten years of tap dancing lessons and this is the way you repay us?
Audrey Griswold: What? You told me to get a summer job!
i like the one on High School Musical 3 when Troy invites to Gabriella to the prom. he has her choose which shirt he should wear to the prom only to whisk her away in song!! "Can I Have This Dance?" check that song out!!
Active Ink Slinger
Big Daddy
"Cat, dog, fish, hip hip-hop hip-hop anonymous? YOU GIVE HIM ALL THE EASY ONES."

Water Boy
"Mama said alligators are so ornery, cuz they got all them teeth and no toof brush"
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TheChrisJ
Big Daddy
"Cat, dog, fish, hip hip-hop hip-hop anonymous? YOU GIVE HIM ALL THE EASY ONES."

Water Boy
"Mama said alligators are so ornery, cuz they got all them teeth and no toof brush"

Hi I'm Tom. . . . . . . . . . Hi I'm Tom. . . . . . . . . . Hi I'm Tom
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
Active Ink Slinger
"Candygram for mongo, candygram for mongo. Sign here please. Thank you." duh duh duh dadadaduh dadaduh duh BOOM
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
Advanced Wordsmith
heres one for susan "nothn sexyer than a naked women with a gun" or some thing like that its from the whole nine yards
save a horse ride a cowboy
Active Ink Slinger
"NO! Do, or do not. There is no try"

Go Yoda!

Ferte in noctem animam meam, Illustre stelle viam meam. Aspectu illo glorior, Dum capit nox diem. Cantate vitae canticu, Sine dolore acte, Dicite eis quos amabam, Numquam obliviscar.
Advanced Wordsmith
The Bad Guy shoots our masked hero with his revolver several times, while our hero slowly walks towards him, shaken with each shot.


Our hero V replies:

"Behind this mask is an ideal, and ideals are bulletproof!"

From V for Vandetta.
Quote by wyocowboy
heres one for susan "nothn sexyer than a naked women with a gun" or some thing like that its from the whole nine yards

You know, I can't think of nothing finer than a fine naked woman holding a gun.