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Do you know who it is?

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Active Ink Slinger
The Linebacker
I don't know...but just thinking about that...OUCH!
Unfortunately, I do believe I saw a few of those pics in that profile when I first joined Lush, which was attached to a friend request. As far as who it is, sorry I think I've blocked that from my memory. Although, a battery flashback keeps intruding in my thoughts from time to time.
Quote by Curlygirly
Unfortunately, I do believe I saw a few of those pics in that profile when I first joined Lush, which were attached to a friend request. As far as who it is, sorry I think I've blocked that from my memory. Although, a battery flashback keeps intruding in my thoughts from time to time.

I think that was the case with me .... I remember, but not the name.
Active Ink Slinger
Glad to know I wasn't the only one traumatized by it!!
Alpha Blonde
The name of the kink you describe is called "sounding" if you want to look it up and find other similar pics/vids online to show the wife. Usually it is done with metal rods, not 'household objects', but hey I guess he was improvising.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm pretty certain there was a thread about this before...

I'll see if I can find it
Quote by TheScottishGal
I'm pretty certain there was a thread about this before...

I'll see if I can find it

Here are some key phrases for you to search the forums for, ScottishGirl:

1. What made you decide to do that?
2. Guy sticking things in his HooHa
3. OMG, WHY??
4. Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!
5. Guess I can't use that battery in my vibe
6. No, you can't borrow my toothbrush

Hope that's helpful.
Ah, here it is!!


Interesting thread....
Clever Gem
Oh god I've seen those pics , he had AA batteries and such stuck in there! ouch
But sorry can't remember the name.
Active Ink Slinger
I do.

Does this sound familiar? keys, pencil, screwdriver and batteries?

Don't look if squeamish

Now everyone will be wondering how I know Simple, Lush moderators know everything
Quote by Fugly
I do.

Does this sound familiar? keys, pencil, screwdriver and batteries?

Don't look if squeamish

Now everyone will be wondering how I know Simple, Lush moderators know everything

Ok but...

The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by Fugly
I do.

Does this sound familiar? keys, pencil, screwdriver and batteries?

Don't look if squeamish

Now everyone will be wondering how I know Simple, Lush moderators know everything

Ok but...

Hey, that's nothing, I've done worse! I put a penis in my hole

@Kinkme You're welcome....I think. LOL
Quote by Fugly
Hey, that's nothing, I've done worse! I put a penis in my hole

Active Ink Slinger
Well there is another thead in the forum, In Ask The Gals I think, "What Would You Do If You Had A Penis For A Day?" Inserting objects in the pee hole would not be on my list, LOL!!

I find it hard to believe a guy, no matter how kinky he is, could possibly get pleasure from that. That would be like me dripping hot wax on my clit!! Oh wait......................Never Mind!!! LOL
NOT LOOKING at the link .... nope!!!
Just looked at the pics and all I can say is "YIKES!"
Active Ink Slinger
Hey give the guy respect ! At least he'll never lose his car keys !!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
The name of the kink you describe is called "sounding" if you want to look it up and find other similar pics/vids online to show the wife. Usually it is done with metal rods, not 'household objects', but hey I guess he was improvising.

Dear Doll.......

It's not that I'm shocked that you know what it is....... (Though I kind of am......)

It's not that you even know what it's called....... (And why do they call it 'Sounding??????")

It's not even that you seem to sound so blase about this practice that it seems like you probably tried it with some poor boy in High School and decided it didn't work for you while leaving him to only gain satisfaction ever after by inserting implements into his tool while being watched by a bored blonde girl......

What bothers me is that you seem to think this is Vanilla...........

(THAT shocks me!!!!!)

(If you dyed your hair red YOU KNOW I'd LOVE you!!!!!!)*

xx SF

* (Though not enough to stuff things up my cock......)

xx SF
Quote by Fugly
I do.

Does this sound familiar? keys, pencil, screwdriver and batteries?

Don't look if squeamish

Now everyone will be wondering how I know Simple, Lush moderators know everything

So i was curious, so I decided to look at the person's page. I saw the screwdriver picture get faster and that was when I got squeamish. haha
Active Ink Slinger

When the shoe is fit the feet are forgoten :Osho
Just because I know you're thinking about doing this. I asked Alice what she thought. PSA to follow.

Cock-stuffing, or "sounding" as it is called in the S&M community, involves inserting smooth, long, and thin surgical steel rods called "sounds" (hence the name "sounding") into a man's urethra. The two most commonly used "sounds" are the Van Buren, which has a J-shaped curve on the end, and the Dittle, which is straight. Other objects, such as thermometers, may do the trick, but metal sounds are recommended because they are easier to clean and have no chance of breaking when in use. While a glass thermometer may be readily available, the risk of breaking (and leaking harmful mercury) makes this a risky option.

Sounders use lots of lube, so the "sound" can easily slide in on its own (gentle guidance may be necessary; pushing or forcing can cause tearing of the fragile tissue). If you encounter a constriction in the urethra that the "sound" will not pass through (most likely scar tissue), do not try to drive it through. More lube and a narrower sound may be more safe and successful.

Saliva isn't generally recommended as a lubricant because it dries quickly (as you may have discovered already). Also, sugars from the mouth can be found in saliva that may cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). Sugars also can be found in some types of lube, sometimes listed as glycerin in the list of ingredients. Ultimately, a water- or silicone-based, glycerin-free lube with a thin consistency will probably work best for "sounding." Silicone-based lubes are longer lasting, but water-based lubes may have a thinner consistency. However, some people find silicone-based lubes to be a bit harder to clean up. Men find what works by experimenting.

People enjoy using "sounds" for the pleasurable sensations felt while being inserted. They are also popular in the S&M community as a form of power exchange. Some of the curved "sounds" make getting an erection extremely difficult. If a penis starts to become erect, the person inserting the sound must wait until the erection subsides before continuing. Often sounds are locked into place so that a submissive partner cannot get an erection.

The main risks with "sounding" include tearing or cutting the urethra and infection. Anything inserted into the urethra is to be cleaned to reduce the chance of infection. Some discomfort may be felt later if the sound has stretched the urethra. If that happens, people use smaller "sounds." Some men also feel burning when urinating, due to irritation. If the feeling continues for an extended period of time, the urinary tract may have become infected. If this occurs, or if there is blood in the urine, the person needs to see a health care provider. For those who use sounds, being open and honest with the provider is vital, in order to discuss alternatives for avoiding infection if they plan to continue "sounding."

Just because you "don't do it often" doesn't mean you needn't do it safely each time. Leave the thermometers, with the risk of broken glass and mercury poisoning, behind and invest in a "steel" sound. They can be found at some adult toy stores or online.
Active Ink Slinger
There ar also electric sounds(both flexible and rigid) available for use with a Tens unit. That takes prostate stimulation to a whole (no pun intended) new level. My ex-wife did that to me once, with a flexible one. That was the day I discovered it is possible for men to be multi-orgasmic. My second one was dry, but much more intense than the first. We could not come up (again, no pun intended) with a sure-fire way to sterilize it, though, so we tossed it into the trash after one use. (FYI - My physician once told me that alchohol does not kill all germs and bacteria; that is why betadine is used to create a sterile field. So if you decide to try it, forget alchohol wipes.)

I considered making one from stainless steel, but am afraid it would be too easy to tear the innerwalls, or perforate the sphincters with a rigid sound.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Alpha Blonde
Quote by stephanie
Quote by Dancing_Doll
The name of the kink you describe is called "sounding" if you want to look it up and find other similar pics/vids online to show the wife. Usually it is done with metal rods, not 'household objects', but hey I guess he was improvising.

Dear Doll.......

It's not that I'm shocked that you know what it is....... (Though I kind of am......)

It's not that you even know what it's called....... (And why do they call it 'Sounding??????")

It's not even that you seem to sound so blase about this practice that it seems like you probably tried it with some poor boy in High School and decided it didn't work for you while leaving him to only gain satisfaction ever after by inserting implements into his tool while being watched by a bored blonde girl......

What bothers me is that you seem to think this is Vanilla...........

(THAT shocks me!!!!!)

(If you dyed your hair red YOU KNOW I'd LOVE you!!!!!!)*

xx SF

* (Though not enough to stuff things up my cock......)

xx SF

Haha... you mean you don't want to play with the contents of my toolbox? When they see me coming into the hardware store, they always seem to look at me suspiciously, even though I am a blonde that technically does know how to screw in a lightbulb. Uhm, not in there, you dirty boy!

Actually I just learned about it a few months ago while having martinis with some of my gay friends. They always have the best sex stories! I definitely think this is a few flavours way past vanilla, but hey, to each his own right? If a guy wants to stuff his sausage, then more power to him.

Personally it's not my thing, and really outside of that one debauched convo that actually left me feeling like a prude, I haven't known any other guys that were prone to becoming aroused at the sight of a screwdriver or a box of sharpies.

Figging, on the other hand, is a whole other ballgame.
Constant Gardener
Man... how'd I miss that classic Lush forum thread?

Just when I think I've seen everyfuckingthing on the planet.

I hope he's got those .gif files online somewhere I can hotlink to them...I got about 40 twisted male friends I'd love to show them too.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Figging, on the other hand, is a whole other ballgame.

busts up laughing!! We love you, Doll!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Fugly
I do.

Does this sound familiar? keys, pencil, screwdriver and batteries?

Don't look if squeamish

Now everyone will be wondering how I know Simple, Lush moderators know everything

This post should have come with a warning! IF YOU CLICK ON THIS PROFILE YOU MIGHT GET SCAR FOR LIFE!!

EDIT: i just saw the "Don't look if squeamish" i guess now is too late