Yes they got Obama and Cameron to be elected.
Bullet proof glass. Where was that in kennedy's time.
Quote by funseeeekrr
There are several states where oral sex between a man and a woman is illegal. THAT SUCKS.
Quote by MotelMILF
And is how messed up Massachusetts can be. Three years ago, a married couple who were friends of mine, rented a room for a little fun. Well, she like to be spanked, and her husband was tearing her ass up with a paddle. Someone in adjacent room called police believing that he was beating her. When cops knocked on door, and he opened it, they saw her bent over chair with her hands tied and her ass beet red. They arrested him for assault even though she explained that it was sexual roleplay. LOL
Quote by todream65
It is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots.
Quote by BrownEyedBabyGirl89
In New Jersey this one is very very very stupid "All cats must wear three bells to warn birds of their whereabouts." in Cresskill, NJ