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Do You Know Any Stupid Laws?

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Yes they got Obama and Cameron to be elected.

Bullet proof glass. Where was that in kennedy's time.
The "In-Laws"......?
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Sunday trading laws in the UK - totally archaic! You are allowed to enter stores, and browse, prior to the time the store is legally allowed to sell you it's merchandise. This morning, I stood in a queue 5 deep in M&S at 10.50am, the staff stood on the tills, looking at the customers waiting but were not allowed to take our payments until the tills opened at 11am! Bloody stupid or what!
There are several states where oral sex between a man and a woman is illegal. THAT SUCKS.
Quote by funseeeekrr
There are several states where oral sex between a man and a woman is illegal. THAT SUCKS.

A 2003 US Supreme Court ruling invalidated the various state and local sodomy laws throughout the US, so oral sex is now legal for everyone who can legally consent to sex (which varies from state to state).
Quote by MotelMILF
And is how messed up Massachusetts can be. Three years ago, a married couple who were friends of mine, rented a room for a little fun. Well, she like to be spanked, and her husband was tearing her ass up with a paddle. Someone in adjacent room called police believing that he was beating her. When cops knocked on door, and he opened it, they saw her bent over chair with her hands tied and her ass beet red. They arrested him for assault even though she explained that it was sexual roleplay. LOL

My initial response was to agree with you that this was kinda crazy, but you have to realize that frequently victims of domestic abuse will not press charges and will protect their abusers for varying reasons. If the cops respond to a call and see evidence of physical abuse they are probably obligated to make an arrest. If they didn't make an arrest and something happens where the wife ends up dead or severely injured you can rest assured that someone would be holding the cops responsible for not having protected the woman.

It's also turns out that there are limits to what you can do with your own body. You can't legally commit suicide. You can't sell yourself into or otherwise legally bind yourself into slavery. You can't sell your organs. You can't always have an abortion. You can't take illegal drugs even if you grow or manufacture them exclusively for your own use. You can't attempt to harm yourself and if you do you can be locked up to protect yourself from yourself. Consequently, it's not so surprising that there may be limits to how much physical abuse you can consent to receiving.
Yeah, about 99% of them. Passing laws has become a substitute for common sense and decency. Sometimes laws punish the guilty, rarely do they protect the innocent.
Illinois - A state law requires that a man's female companion shall call him "master" while out on a date. The law does not apply to married couples. haha
Ottumwa, Iowa - It is illegal for any man, within the corporate city limits, to wink at any female with whom he is "unacquainted."
Alabama - It is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.
In Dallas- it's illegal to have realistic dildos
In Dallas- it's illegal to have realistic dildos
Just about all of them.
Can't talk dirty in Oregon while having sex
In Texas "Up to a felony charge can be levied for promoting the use of, or owning more than six dildos."
In Alaska, it is against the law to get a moose drunk. Or to ride one. And if your ride a drunk one...
anything Congress passes and the President signs
Quote by Shaman
anything Congress passes and the President signs

Hahahahaha very funny baby!
In Miami, Florida it is illegal for a husband to dress up his wife as a parrot no matter how hideous she looks
Quote by Shaman
anything Congress passes and the President signs

The UK is full of them - It's why we're in such bad shape.
here in north carolina it's illegal to use elephants for farming

Say. Her. Name.

Rule 6: There is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...... rule 6.

Rule 7: (all in chorus) No pooftas!
Quote by todream65
It is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots.

ok that is one is actually understandable. (sheepish admittance to repeat offending on that one)

starting to think, though.......would that be.....designs of animal legs ON your boots, or actual pieces of animal legs stuffed IN your boots? At first, I thought the latter.
In Juneau, Alaska (the state capital mind you) it is against the law for owners of pet flamingos to let them come into the barber shop.

You have to wonder sometimes WHY these laws were even written and who came up with them! I mean is there a big "flamingo in the barbershop" problem in Juneau?
In New Jersey this one is very very very stupid "All cats must wear three bells to warn birds of their whereabouts." in Cresskill, NJ
Quote by Lustyrose4u
In New York Citry, it is illegal to shoot rabbits from a moving street car.

what???????????? why didn't someone tell me this BEFORE I moved here????? ... I shall picket city hall..

[mmmm .. before I do.. what's a street car? ]
ok I now live in NYC where..

- Donkeys r not allowed to sleep in bathtubs [Brooklyn]

- It is against the law to throw a ball at someone's head for fun [NYC] ... am still waiting for clarification on "snowballs" .. may be in deep mire

- It is illegal to jump off the Empire State Building [rest I presume ok?]

- Members of nine New York Indian tribes are exempt from the city's 8% parking tax [ bought a large feather and embroidered head band ]

- New Yorkers cannot dissolve a marriage for irreconcilable differences unless they both AGREE to do so.

- Women may go topless in public providing it is not for business purposes

- Jaywalking is legal as long as it's not diagonal.. i.e. u can cross the street outwith the crosswalk [what's a crosswalk?] but u cannot cross a street diagonally.
Quote by BrownEyedBabyGirl89
In New Jersey this one is very very very stupid "All cats must wear three bells to warn birds of their whereabouts." in Cresskill, NJ

I actually like this.. I remember in New Zealand more than half the native species of birds that died were killed in towns and cities by domestic cats sad .. but they will not enact this law