I'm in the military so the guys I work with are basically my brothers. That being said anyone who grew up with brothers knows what I mean when I say, I hate everyone I work with -_-
No,... I dont have one.. LOL
Sometimes I hate it, sometime it is ok. I'm a manager in retail. It's alright, pays the bills and we have a laugh.
on the contrary, i love my job. sometimes i do need a holiday though
No, I love it and I'm proud of what I do.
Not at all. I love my job. I chose my profession. Started my own business and very proud of its success. Most of my employees have been with me for a long time, with only a brief time when I had to lay off most of them. When we recovered from a very unpleasant event they all came back. It is my management staff and my employees that with confidence allowed Hubbie and I to spend 5 weeks in Upstate NY back in April and May.
Sorry but I love my job and its in a pub, tada how lucky am I
I used to love it, but no longer. My job is one where, if you have the required certifications and skill set, hundreds of companies want you. Every one will use you until you are used up and throw you in the trash heap and go get another sucker to do the job. You are a tool to be used, not a human being with a mind. Your input is neither wanted nor appreciated. It wasn't always like that. Once being resourceful and having a 'get the job done' attitude was appreciated. Now they want mind numbed drones. I'm out as soon as I can financially manage to bail.
I really enjoy my career. I'm well compensated to do what comes very naturally to me.
I dont hate it but then I rarely enjoy it. I am no longer career motivated... it pays bills and keeps me busy.
I dont think I hate my job. LOL. Actually have a good work environment in the office.
The only time things go nasty is when I deal with certain customers in the ME region. They expect you to be at your beck and call for shit they screw up in the first place.
No. Love my career, my job. I'm very blessed.
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By 'job', if you mean do I like writing fiction - whether as published books or short stories for Lush - then I love it to pieces!
Job? Job? Oh yes, I remember, I had one of those back in the last century, but it took up too much of my time so I ¿retired? I think they call it and now I get a pension.
I enjoy my job very much. Of course it has its ups and downs but still I am happy here.
I am young. I cannot fathom being in love with a job when you're my age. Unless it falls into your lap. I know I have a ways to go, so I'm not letting that get me down. I'm at a job to keep money in my bank, nothing I plan on keeping as a career. I do DISLIKE it, but I don't hate it.
Absolutely not! I could never do a job I hated and if I did 'dislike' it, then I would strive to find a way to enjoy it. I don't think it's healthy for anyone to be drudging about thinking 'I hate this, I hate this.' Sure, we all have off days but most jobs are about helping other people and that's never a bad thing.
No as I chose this career.
It has it's day but the money is too good. Hope to get out eventually.
Retired from driving, but enjoyed it "most of the time". In later years, the craziness of others (4-wheelers) kinda got to me. Im happy to be retired and my main job now is "honey do" stuff.
While I do enjoy aspects of my job, ie the law, chemistry, the products and the people I work with, most of my job is with the public and the public does not know the complexities of my job. I do enjoy my career, but I do also enjoy a holiday too.