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Choosing Single Or Double

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From the DailyOM:

The Ways We Love
Choosing to Have a Mate or Being Single

The way we choose to love can be as unique as the way we choose to make a living, maintain our health, or entertain ourselves. Some choose to seek out a mate and enter into a partnership with a special individual, while others find immense satisfaction in staying single. There is no right or wrong way to be in your life when it comes to deciding whether or not to be in a relationship, even though society tends to put an emphasis on romantic partnerships. Whether you choose to go through life as part of a romantic relationship or live as a single unit, there are benefits to both. Feel free to be comfortable with whatever choice is right for you.

Choosing to be single is a wonderful way to spend time discovering yourself. You have more time and space to figure out what and how you want your life to be without having to keep someone else’s choices in mind. Being single gives you the freedom to do what you want at a moment’s notice and the pride that comes with facing life on your own terms. Companionship, support, and affection can be found while spending quality time with friends, colleagues, and relatives. There is also the fun that comes with being able to date many different people without having to make a commitment. Choosing to have a mate, on the other hand, brings with it an opportunity to share your life with another person. There is comfort in the knowledge that you are facing the world with someone as a united front. When life is challenging, you are in a position to strengthen, as well as give each other comfort. There is also the inevitable transformation of self that comes from allowing another person to so intimately be a part of your life.

Remember that what is right for one person may not be right for another, and people can transition between wanting to be with another person and wanting to be alone many times over the course of their lives. Whether you seek out a mate or live the single life, embracing it fully will ensure that either choice is as fulfilling as possible for you.
Shit , is it really all that difficult, and do we realy need to know if we made the right decission ( there view anyway)?
Active Ink Slinger
I agree Rocco with the article.
You have to be able to live with yourself before you can live with someone else.
I learned that the hard way.

Once I started living for me and found enjoyment in that - not looking for that special someone,
There she was.

But then that me - now 23 years later.

Lush Legend
Interesting article Roc.....
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
I thought all that was just common sense. Huh!
Good article Rocco. I myself enjoy being single but at some point I wouldn't mind having that one special lady to share my life with and experience new things together. Till that time comes if ever I am happy with things the way they are.
THANK YOU. You got the idea.
Active Ink Slinger
It's all about being happy with yourself. Then it really doesn't matter if you are single or "double".
Lush Legend
Quote by genevieve
It's all about being happy with yourself. Then it really doesn't matter if you are single or "double".

Well said Genevieve......
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Miss Sassy Pants
You usually find that someone when you stop looking and are settled in your single life.
I for one am happy and so used to being alone but have a special someone to shre your liafe with makes life so much better and more enjoyable
Active Ink Slinger
Lovely article. I know the right guy will come along for me when I least expect it.

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You usually find that someone when you stop looking

Is that ever the truth. They walk right into your life.
Quote by Hollywood3
You usually find that someone when you stop looking and are settled in your single life.

While im loving being single and free at the moment, i hope to god this is true
Active Ink Slinger
Never doubt the fates MM. Same thing happened to be. Gave up looking for love and quietly went about enjoying ticking off the items on the 'bucket list' when all of a sudden....Whammo!!

Enjoy being single for now sweetie, but grab hold of 'love' when it comes a knocking (you'll know, trust me).
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
I'm not quite sure I believe all the cliche's etc. I'am having an inner struggle inside, single or double. For now it's single. I can see good and bad points for both. I have trouble just casually dating, I feel to obliged to keep seeing that person when it's not for me grrrrrrrrrr I drive myself mad doing that ha ha.
I do love the idea of just doing what I want without a man talking in my ear. I do enjoy saying to the kids ok, I'm not gonna drive we'll get the train. If I had a man they'd say why not drive you've got a car. I think being single for me is about not having to explain why I'm doing something. That's the best bit about being single.
I have more of a problem with relatives since I've been single, they have taken the part of a partner so to speak they critisize what I do etc and that pissies me off no end, so I've decided to keep them at more arms length.
Thanks Rocco this was like a little bit of self therapy hee hee
Active Ink Slinger
I am seeing life from the double side. I love the companionship, tenderness, security and life that being married brings but if and when this couple becomes a single again, i will remain a single. i want to explore life with freedom to chose what I want and not feel guilty. I hope this doesnt tick anyone off. Marriage is great with the right person. Just remember your mate will get older and change and so will you. If you have a strong relationship it will carry you through most os it. DONT SETTLE !
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