Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up
Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story
The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more
Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel
Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus
Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex
Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!
Quote by sweetshannon
Is there such a thing as to much sex??
"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.
Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory
Quote by RejectReality
Guess I'm going to be the odd man out here.
There comes a point where you've been ridden hard and put away wet several times a day, by more than one girl at a time, in long sessions, for several days in a row, where the slightest rush of blood causes a sensation not unlike a madman is gleefully beating your junk with a rubber mallet. Add in facial road rash and chapped cheeks from having a face full of pussy on a near constant basis, plus sheer exhaustion, and there's absolutely a point where you have to beg off for a day.