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Best beer

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Since this is a pub... Which country do you think produces the best beer? Bonus if you can give brand name for us other beerlovers to try. Maybe give a bit of a description how it tastes like and so forth, just so we can know if it's our kind of beer.

Personally I have to go for Germany and Erdinger Weiss. Wheat beer with a hint of fruityness in it that doesn't just make it fresh, but also rich in taste, a combination that can be difficult to mix without getting bitter.

And if this topic has been up before and dealt with then feel free to remove it or tell me to fuck the fuck off.
My husband is big on trying new beers from around the world. I'll ask him. I'm too vanilla on the subject. I drink Miller Lite and that's about it. A Guinness Black Lager every now and then is about as daring as I get.
I only really drink Corona, and mainly because I can put a lime in it.

Bud Lime is not bad but doesn't really constitute as beer, does it. haha

I like some of the blonde beers, but again - I'm all about the girly-type beers with lime.
Quote by chefkathleen
My husband is big on trying new beers from around the world. I'll ask him. I'm too vanilla on the subject. I drink Miller Lite and that's about it. A Guinness Black Lager every now and then is about as daring as I get.

No wonder I like you!! I call Miller Lite my go-to house beer! I have a Lush friend who mocks me mercilessly for that!

However, being the part-time alcoholic that I am, I love going on tours of microbreweries and trying different types of beers. I have to say that I do love a good IPA and am very partial to them when not drinking ML.

Most of the different beers are from microbrews throughout the US, especially regional ones from Chicago and Milwaukee.
I like too many beers to name all at once. My favourite at the moment is Tequila beer, it's great for drinking with friends. My all time favourite, however, is Hobgoblin. I really love real ale because it can be as complex as a good wine. Badger Golden Champion is great for those warm summer days when you need refreshment, I love the delicate elderflower taste and slight bitterness. I'd better stop now, lest I sound like a total alkie.
Quote by Gurlyboy
I like too many beers to name all at once. My favourite at the moment is Tequila beer, it's great for drinking with friends. My all time favourite, however, is Hobgoblin. I really love real ale because it can be as complex as a good wine. Badger Golden Champion is great for those warm summer days when you need refreshment, I love the delicate elderflower taste and slight bitterness. I'd better stop now, lest I sound like a total alkie.

You're not an alkie. You're a beer connoisseur.
Best beer? Beer, like women, is a personal choice. I prefer hot women and cold beer (sorry, all you UK'ers.) My favorite? Chimay Blue Label. It is very difficult in my opinion to beat a Belgian beer...
Quote by chefkathleen

You're not an alkie. You're a beer connoisseur.

I am indeed, but I'm always afraid saying stuff like that may sound a little pretentious lol

Franziskaner Hefe-Weissbier: Wheat beer with a hint of zesty banana fruitiness. Yes a little gassy but so refreshing.

Timothy Taylor Landlord: Strong pale cask ale. Nectar of the Gods. Warning- slips down too quickly!

Guinness: The black stuff. An Irish dry stout. A food.
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Quote by Dancing_Doll
I only really drink Corona, and mainly because I can put a lime in it.

Bud Lime is not bad but doesn't really constitute as beer, does it. haha

I like some of the blonde beers, but again - I'm all about the girly-type beers with lime.

You might like a nice hefeweizen, you can put orange slices in it and it's not as bitter as the type of beers you put limes in. Give it a try some time.

Lately I have been getting Dale's pale ale. Don't let the can fool you, it's a quality beer. It is one of the smoothest and just enjoyable pale ales I have ever had.

I like different beer at different times and depending on if I am eating...
To mention just a few...
Hot day on a Mexican beach - Pacifico is fine or even a Sol

When the Fajitas arrive I want more substance so I ask for Dos Equis Lager>

But when I just want to relax with friends, I prefer>

Belgium - without a doubt.

......... and to add, I just love the way they serve each brand in it's own distinctive glass. Well done you Belgies !! x
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I only really drink Corona, and mainly because I can put a lime in it.

Bud Lime is not bad but doesn't really constitute as beer, does it. haha

I like some of the blonde beers, but again - I'm all about the girly-type beers with lime.

I suggest you try german weissbiers. Usually they have a more smooth and fruity taste. They don't have the sort of bitterness that you usually find in English beers and Pils(Czech beer, although Czech beer is fucking awesome too).
Last Sunday I had Newcastle Brown Ale from a can. It was just wrong tasting. Am I the only one who thinks that ale should be drunk from either a bottle or a pint glass? Lager is fine in cans, but ale from cans is just sacrilegious. Somebody agree with me please, because my friends think I'm slightly mad for thinking this, not that I care, but it's nice when people agree.
Quote by Gurlyboy
Last Sunday I had Newcastle Brown Ale from a can. It was just wrong tasting. Am I the only one who thinks that ale should be drunk from either a bottle or a pint glass? Lager is fine in cans, but ale from cans is just sacrilegious. Somebody agree with me please, because my friends think I'm slightly mad for thinking this, not that I care, but it's nice when people agree.

It comes in cans? I think if you tried serving that in England they'd throw it after you, so yeah, serving it in cans is ludicrous and should be avoided, same way Guiness in cans should be avoided. Guiness can't be drunk unless it's from tap.
Quote by elitfromnorth

It comes in cans? I think if you tried serving that in England they'd throw it after you, so yeah, serving it in cans is ludicrous and should be avoided, same way Guiness in cans should be avoided. Guiness can't be drunk unless it's from tap.

Darn tootin'! Though I do enjoy the odd can of Guinness, it's definitely better from tap, but I don't like the way they've tampered with the recipe in recent years, it's so much lighter now and not as bitter, which was the thing that I really enjoyed about it.
Efes Pilsen is the best beer brand in Turkey
I think all liquids that we drink should be in glass. I hate cans. It's makes what's inside taste... like the can? Or metally, or canny. Milk, soda, beer all should be from glass.
Quote by chefkathleen
I think all liquids that we drink should be in glass. I hate cans. It's makes what's inside taste... like the can? Or metally, or canny. Milk, soda, beer all should be from glass.

I concur. And not to sound pedantic or insulting, but I think the word you are looking for may be metallic smile gah, metallic beer, how minging!
Thanks to MFelix and Elit for the tips on beers to try!

Orange slices in beer! I think I'm love... smile <-- yeah, I know all you beer connoisseurs are probably gagging right now. haha
Quote by Gurlyboy

I concur. And not to sound pedantic or insulting, but I think the word you are looking for may be metallic smile gah, metallic beer, how minging!

How right you are. Heavy metal does not belong in beer.
Quote by chefkathleen
I think all liquids that we drink should be in glass. I hate cans. It's makes what's inside taste... like the can? Or metally, or canny. Milk, soda, beer all should be from glass.

Guinness in cans is really common.. It does not taste like a can.

I mean, I would be extremely impressed if someone could blindly pick out what beers were from a can and which weren't. Like in some taste test where you pour the beer into a glass.
Quote by Magical_felix

Guinness in cans is really common.. It does not taste like a can.

I mean, I would be extremely impressed if someone could blindly pick out what beers were from a can and which weren't. Like in some taste test where you pour the beer into a glass.

In my experience you can usually taste it on the foam on top. Not as thick when it comes from glass.

Also, DD. I'm just doing this in an attempt to impress you and get you to bed with me
I would have to say tank 7s IPA
I've just remembered about another beer that I like: Tesco Finest Belgian Wheat beer. It's actually as complex as a good wine/ It has a nice fruitiness, some long lasting bitterness, is slightly nutty and quite spicy. It has a smooth texture and goes down pretty well.
DD! You're in TO! Of all the microbrews around here....

Okay, Canadians represent here- be it known I almost never touch Molson ;)

Steam Whistle is a fabulous, easy Pilsner from right here in Toronto- ultra drankable, but may be difficult to find anywhere else.

MacAlsen is a great bewery in Quebec- in the Wheatbeer category - I favor their St Ambroise Apricot, and if I can find it, The St Ambroise Raspberry.

South of the border, I'm obsessed with Abita, from Louisiana. Purple Haze is what I drink when I find it.

Unless I'm in Boston, then Is Sam Adams anything on tap.

Okay, fine. i love me a Guinness, properly poured, on Tap, never canned.

I swear, I'm not an alcoholic!
I am UK. My first beer, at 14 I think in the pub!, was a light and bitter which some will remember I hope. I moved on the 'Real ales' which in those days were still delievered in the traditional wooden barrels and a good pub would put the barrel in position until it had settled and tasted good (through sampling). The temperature I believe is also key (58C I believe). I used to love a good Courage Directors, a Youngs Special, London Pride and OMG many more. I used to frequent when I could the pubs with CAMRA recognition (Campaign for Real Ale) and they served great pints.

Alas over the peat 10 years or so I have gone to lager which I dont enjoy anywhere near as much but I admit I am not adventurous and buy Fosters (ducks!!). In the main this is due, certainly when out, to many pubs not putting the effort in to ensure a good real ale is served at its best and so many people now will drink keg and frothey and COLD !! beer like John Smiths (sorry but yuck). Sad really because this country to some extent is famous for its beer (Real Ale) as Ireland is for Guinness. 6o years ago the ladies drunk port and lemon or brandy and lemonade on a night out and the men real ale ... was lager even around then ??. I bet statistically the nation, well the men anyway, are primarily lager drinkers now ... sad.

Real Ale .... RIP.