I hope so. Why do they seem to go out of their way to make them look so lame?
I'm one handed on my phone, so I can't post pictures right now, but check out Jamaica's design. Now that's the right idea!
Quote by chefkathleen
Is this it?
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by Shylass
Who said I couldn't appreciate the effort and determination and discipline of the athletes? I said I was glad OTHER people are pleased and interested in it. I was going to avoid posting negativity, but since you have decided to mention it, I will say I feel negatively about it because of the three community projects I was working with (that were helping to keep disaffected youths off the street) being shut down due to the funds being, and I quote from two of the funding group managements, "redirected to the Olympics". So basically, all the money for the projects that were working and keeping little gits off the streets and not causing bother were shut down. Guess where vandalism and anti-social behaviour began to soar again?
It's nice people want to be fit and get paid money for it and impress other people by doing sporty stuff, but with the money being redirected down to London at the expense of people who do not live in London, nor will see their local economies boosted by it, then sorry, but I actually don't feel like getting out my pompoms and cheering them on. Besides the fact I'm not interested in sport, I think the organisation in for the Games in our country has been farcical and short-sighted.
I also hope that my worries about terrorist attacks and trouble like we had last year with the rioting are all unfounded. Maybe if less troops had been made redundant they wouldn't have needed to go private for security and make us a laughing stock, nor would the heroes returning from overseas have to suspend spending time with their families on leave for this. I just hope they have a good time on duty.
Over and out.
You'd think they might want to save their energy.
But it seems that Olympic athletes will be working up more of a sweat off the field than they will on it this Summer.
In a sign of what the world's fittest sportsmen and women get up to in the Olympic village, a record 150,000 free condoms - 15 for each competitor - have been made available to them.
The phenomenal outpouring of prophylactics means there will be 50 per cent more available to athletes in London than the 100,000 handed out at the last Olympics in Beijing in 2008.
Quote by hartclass
Got tickets to 4 events and just can not wait to get there. It is just so huge - a once in a life time opportunity to the the worlds best in action. Loved the opening ceremony - just so British - mad, crazy, fun, loud - Mr Bean & James Bond - yes please!