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Quote by Verbal

I am a little skeptical of this "I pretty much joined Lush just so I could use the name" assertion.

I am thinking that's pretty much why I joined too! Dammit "Layla"!
No way!! You sparkle plenty SunnyD
Quote by Verbal

I am a little skeptical of this "I pretty much joined Lush just so I could use the name" assertion.

It is more true than not, oh ye of little faith.
Simple... i've always had that lustful feeling when I first awake, and #7 is my favorite number. Seemed fitting smile
my username is a nod to langston hughes' harlem sweeties. it's a poem that celebrates the various shades of black women.

Say. Her. Name.

I know I posted this in some other thread, somewhere...but anyway, as a child (and still, as an adult) Greek mythology fascinated me. One of the first books my parents ever gave me, in the years before the Internet, when true reference books were crazy expensive, was a copy of Bulfinch's Mythology. Still have it.

Anyway, Hera always fascinated me, as a woman and as a goddess. I chose this particular name because Hera Teleia was the form of the goddess (one of many of her forms) worshipped as the goddess of fertility. Seemed appropriate for the site.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

name and birthday
From how parents always say 'little missy' when you were bad as a kid. So 'Missy' is grown up bad.
Am I? I'm still waiting to find out. Sigh...someday perhaps.
Dani is short for my real name, which is Christina.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Buz short for Buzardio Buzopheloionious Bonopolistophereeney, IX. ...but don't tell anyone. Keep it a secret.
My Lush name is uh, (scrolls back up the page) oh, yeah, it's...Rumple Foreskin. Damned if I know why. Any suggestions?

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Quote by BiMale73

It may mean that in some Dutch dialect, but it's definitely not a regular Dutch word. I'd say Coojie sounds more Afrikaans than Dutch, but then again I know little about Afrikaans.

There are a lot of words in Dutch that end with the (t)je-form suffix. And I mean many, many, many, many, many, many words that are part of the main dialect of the Dutch language.
Keetje, Kootje which is the cootje form, This is going to be very long , but informative.
Notice the (je) form in just about every name. So I don't know what you're talking about.

Abdullah : Ab, Abdel, Abdoel, Abdoella, Ap, Appie
Abraham : Ab, Abram, Ap, Appie, Bram, Brammetje, Brampie
Adam : Adampje, Daam
Adrianus : Aad, Aadje, Aat, Aatje, Ad, Addie, Addy, Adje, Adri, Adriaan, Adriaantje, Adrie, Arie, Arien, Ariën, Arjan, Arjen, Ary, Atie, Aty,Janus, Janusie, Janusje
Alexander : Alex, Lex, Lexie, Lexje, San, Sander, Sandertje, Sannie, Xander
Albert : Ab, Allie, Ap, Appie, Berrie, Bert, Bertje, Bertus, Bertusje
Andreas : André, Andries, Dre, Dré, Drees, Dreetje, Dries, Driesje
Anthonius : Anthonie, Anthonis, Anthoon, Anton, Antonie, Antonis, Teun, Teunis, Teuntje, Theunis, Thunis, Thunnes, Toine, Ton, Toon, Toontje, Tonie, Tonis, Tönis, Tonius, Tonnie, Tonny, Tony, Twan
Arnoldus : Aard, Aart, Aartje, Ard, Arend, Arendje, Arendo, Arent, Arendtje, Arne, Arnie, Arno, Arnold, Arnoud, Arnoudje, Arnout, Arnoutje, Art, Nol, Noldus, Noud, Noudje, Nout, Nuit
Balthazar : Balt, Baltus, Baltusje, Bolt
Bartholomeus : Bart, Bartel, Barteltje, Bartje, Bertel, Mees, Meeuw, Meeus, Meeuwis, Meus
Benjamin : Ben, Bennie, Benny, Jamin
Bernardus : Barend, Barendje, Barent, Beer, Beertje, Ben, Bennie, Benno, Benny, Berend, Berendje, Berent, Bernard, Naard, Nard, Nardus
Boris : Bor, Borisje, Borretje
Boudewijn : Boud, Boudje, Wijn, Wijnie, Wijntje
Cornelius : Cees, Ceesje, Cor, Corné, Corneel, Corrie, Corry, Kees, Keesie, Keesje, Kesie, Korneel, Kornel, Krelis, Neel, Nees, Neeske, Nelis, Nelisje, Nels, Relus
Daniël : Daan, Daantje, Dan, Dannie, Danny
David : Daaf, Dave, Davy
Diederik : Derk, Dick, Dickie, Dicky, Diede, Dik, Dikkie, Dirck, Dirk, Dirkie, Dirkje, Durk, Rick, Rik, Tjerk
Everardus : Eef, Everaard, Everard, Everhard, Evert
Floris : Floor, Floortje, Flor
Franciscus : Cis, Ciske, Ciskus, Cissy, Frans, Fransie, Fransje, Frank, Frankie, Franky, Suske
Frederik : Driek, Dricus, Drikus, Feitze, Fre, Fré, Fred, Freddie, Freddy, Freek, Freekje, Freerk, Frekie, Frerik, Frits, Ric, Rick, Rickie, Ricky, Ricus, Riek, Rik, Rikkie, Rikus
George : Geo, Georges, Joris, Jorisje, Jur, Jurgen, Juriaan, Jurjen, Jurriaan, Jurriaantje, Jurrie, Sjors, Sjorsie, Sjorsje, Yoeri, Yuri
Gerardus : Garrit, Ge, Gé, Ger, Geer, Geerd, Geert, Geerten, Geertje, Gerard, Gerd, Gerdje, Gerret, Gerretje, Gerrie, Gerrit, Gerritje, Gerry, Gert, Gertje, Graad, Grad, Gradje, Gradus, Sjar, Tjeerd, Tjeert
Godefridus : Fried, Friedje, Gode, Godfried, Goffert, Goof, Goofie, Goofje, Govert
Hendrik : Driek, Dricus, Drikus, Har, Harrie, Harko, Harro, Harry, Hen, Heijn, Hein, Heine, Heintje, Heinze, Henk, Henkie, Henkje, Hennie, Henny, Heyn, Ricus, Riek, Rikus
Herman : Herm, Hermie, Hermanus, Manus, Manusje, Manussie
Hubertus : Bert, Bertus, Houb, Hub, Huib, Huip, Huipie, Huub, Huupje
Hugo : Huig, Huug
Jacobus : Co, Cobus, Cock, Cockie, Cocky, Coes, Coos, Coot, Cornelis, Jaap, Jaapje, Jac, Jacco, Jack, Jaco, Japie, Japik, Jappie, Jim, Jip, Job, Joop, Joopje, Jop, Jopie, Joep, Joepie, Joepje, Kick, , Ko, Kobes, Kobus, Kockie, Kok, Kokkie, Kornelis, Koop, Koos, Koosje, Koot, Kootje, Kosie, Sjaak. Sjakie, Sjim, Sjimmie
Jeroen : Jeroentje
Johannes : Han, Hans, Hank, Hannes, Hansje, Jan, Janneman, Jannes Jantje, Janus, Jo, Johan, John, Joop, Sjeng, Sjon, Sjonnie, Wammes, Wamp, Wannes
Josephus : Jef, Jeffie, Jo, Joek, Joekie, Joep, Joepie, Joepje, Joes, Joop, Joopje, Jopie, Jos, Josef, Joseph, Josje, Jozef, Sef, Sjef, Sjefke, Youp, Zef
Karel : Kareltje
Koenraad : Co, Coen, Coentje, Coert, Connie, Conny, Conrad, Cord, Cort, Curd, Curt, Koen, Koendert, Koentje, Koerd, Koert, Konrad, Konnie, Konny, Kord, Kort, Kurt
Lambertus : Bert, Bertus, Lambert, Lammert
Laurens : Lau, Lauwrijs, Lauwris, Lorens, Lou, Lourens, Loutje, Rens, Rensje, Renzo
Leonard : Leen, Leenaart, Leendert, Leentje, Lejo, Len, Lennart, Lennie, Lenny, Leo, Leon, Leootje, Nard, Nardus
Lodewijk : Lo, Lode, Loe, Loek, Loekie, Lou, Louk, Loukie, Louis, Loutje, Lowie, Lowieke, Lude, Ludo, Luit, Luitje, Luud, Luut, Wiek, Wieke, Wietje, Wikus
Lucas : Cas, Casje, Cassie, Kas, Kasje, Kassie, Luc, Luik, Luijk, Luk, Lukas, Luuk, Luyk
Marcellus : Ceel, Celis, Mar, Marcel, Seel
Marcus : Mar, Marc, Mark, Markie, Markje
Marinus : Mar, Marien, Rien, Rientje, Ries, Rini, Rinie, Rinus, Rinusje, Rinussie, Riny
Martinus : Maarten, Mar, Mart, Marten, Martien, Martijn, Martin, Martje, Meerten, Merten, Tien, Tijn, Tijntje, Tini, Tinus, Tinusje, Tinussie, Tiny
Mattheus : Mat, Matje, Matheus, Mathijs, Matthijs, Teeuw, Teeuwis, Theeuw, Theeuwes, Thies, Thijs, Thijsje, Thys, Ties, Tieske, Tijs, Tys
Mauritius : Mauk, Maukie, Maup, Maupie, Maupje, Maurits, Maus, Moor, Moortje
Michael : Chiel, Giel, Gieltje, Machiel, Magiel, Michel, Michiel, Mick, Micky, Mieg, Mies, Migiel, Mik, Mikkel
Mozes : Maup, Maupie, Moos
Mustapha : Mus, Mussi
Nicolaas : Clas, Claas, Cool, Colas, Colijn, Klaas, Klaasje, Kool, Kolijn, Nick, Nickie, Nico, Niek, Niekje, Nik, Nikkie
Paulus : Paul, Paulie, Paultje
Petrus : Peer, Peerke, Peet, Peetje, Peter, Petertje, Pieke, Pier, Pierke, Piet, Pieter, Pietertje, Pietje, Pit, Pyter
Richard : Ric, Rick, Rickie, Ricky, Rijk, Rik, Rikkert, Rikkie, Ritsert
Riemert : Riem
Robert : Bert, Bertje, Bertus, Bob, Bobje, Bobbie, Bobby, Rob, Robb, Robbert, Robbie, Robbrecht, Robby, Robin, Robje, Robrecht, Rop, Rupert, Ruprecht
Rudolf : Dolf, Dolfje, Dolfie, Raoul, Roef, Roel, Roelf, Roelie, Roelef, Roelof, Roeltje, Rolf, Rolfie, Rolfje, Rolph, Rudi, Rudie, Rudy, Ruud, Ruudje
Salomo(n) : Mon, Monnie, Sal, Sallie, Sally, Sjlome, Slome, Sloompie
Sebastiaan : Bas, Basje, Bassie, Bastiaan, Seb, Sebas
Simon : Siem, Siempie
Stephan : Steef, Steefie, Steefje, Stefan, Steven, Stevie
Theodorus : Door, Dorus, Tejo, Theetje, Theo, Theootje
Thomas : Maas, Tom, Tommetje, Tommie, Tommy
Walter : Wal, Wally, Walt, Wolt, Wolter, Woltertje, Wout, Woutje, Wouter, Woutertje
Wilhelmus : Bill, Helm, Helmus, Pim, Pimmetje, Wiel, Wieke, Wil, Will, Willie, Willy, Wilm, Wim, Wimpie, Wimpy


Adriana : Aad, Aadje, Aat, Aatje, Adje, Adri, Adrie, Arianne, Arienne, Atie, Aty, Jaan
Agatha : Aaf, Aafje, Aafke, Aag, Aagje, Aagt, Aagtje, Afke, Agaat, Agaath, Ageeth, Gaatje, Gateke
Adelheid, Aal, Aaltje, Aleid, Aleida, Ali, Alice, Alie, Alida, Alina, Aline, Aly, Elles, Ellis, Heidi, Lida, Lie, Lietje, Lyda
Angela : Sjeel
Anna : An, Anita, Anja, Anje, Ank, Anke, Ankie, Ankje, Annaatje, Annechien, Anneke, Annet, Annetje, Annie, Anny, Ans, Ansie, Ansje, Antje], Chien, Naat, Naatje, Nan, Nance, Nancy, Nannet, Nannette, Nannie, Nanny, Nans, Net, Nettie, Netje, Netty, Nina
Antonia : Antoinette, Net, Nettie, Netty, Toon, Toontje, Tonia, Tonie, Tonneke, Tonnie, Tonny, Tony, Teun, Teunke, Teuntje, Twannie
Astrid : As, Assie, Astridje
Barbara : Bab, Babbe, Babetje, Babette, Babs, Babsje, Babz, Bar, Barber, Barbertje
Beatrix : Be, Bé, Bea, Beatrijs, Trijs, Trix, Trixie
Bernardina : Barendje, Beer, Beertje, Berendje, Bernarda, Bernardina, Bernardine, Barnardine, Bernardientje, Dina, Dine, Dineke, Dien, Dieneke, Dientje, Dini, Dinie, Diny, Narda, Nardina, Nardine, Nardien, Nardientje
Carolina : Carlien, Carlijn, Carline, Caro, Carolientje, Karlien, Karlijn, Karolien, Karolientje, Lien, Lieneke, Lientje, Lijn, Lijntje, Lina, Line, Lineke
Catharina : Carin, Carien, Carientje, Carina, Carine, Catelijne, Cato, Catootje, Ka, Kaat, Kaatje, Karien, Karientje, Karin, Karine, Karinnetje, Kat, Katie, Katinka, Katja, Katelijne, Kato, Katootje, Katrien, Katrientje, Katrijn, Katrina, Katrine, Kitty, To, Toke, Toos, Toosje, Tooske, Toke, Top, Tosie, Trien, Trientje, Trijn, Trijntje, Trina, Trine, Trineke, Trins, Tryn, Tryntje
Caecilia : Ceciel, Cecile, Cecilia, Ciel, Cielke, Cieltje, Cilia, Cillie, Cilly, Cis, Lia, Lieke, Lietje
Charlotte : Char, Charley, Charlie, Charlot, Charly, Lot, Lotje, Lotte, Lotteke, Lottie, Lotty
Constantia : Con, Connie, Conny, Constance, Stans, Stansje
Cornelia : Cee, Cees, Ceesje, Ceetje, Cor, Corrie, Corry, Kee, Kees, Keesje, Keet, Keetje, Neel, Neelie, Neels, Neeltje, Nel, Nellie, Nellie, Nels, Nelsje, Sees, Seesje
Christina : Chris, Chrissie, Christa, Stien, Stiene, Stienie, Stienie, Stientje, Stina, Stine
-dina, e.g. Bernardina : Dien, Dieneke, Dientje, Dina, Dine, Dineke, Dini, Dinie, Diny
-dine, e.g. Bernardine : Dien, Dieneke, Dientje, Dina, Dine, Dineke, Dini, Dinie, Diny
-dien, e.g. Bernardien : Dien, Dieneke, Dientje, Dina, Dine, Dineke, Dini, Dinie, Diny
Dorothea : Do, Door, Doortje, Dolly, Doreth, Doro, Dorrit, Dot, Dottie, Thea, Theaatje
Eleonora : El, Ellie, Elly, Len, Lenneke, Leonora, Leonore, Leonoor, Noor, Noortje, Nora
Elisabeth : Bep, Bepje, Beppie, Bet, Beth, Betje, Bets, Betsie, Betsje, Betsy, Bette, Betteke, Bettie, Betty, El, Eline, Elisa, Elise, Eliza, Elize, Ella, Elle, Elleke, Ellen, Ellie, Elly, Els, Elsje, Elske, Lie, Lieke, Lies, Liesje, Liesbet, Liesbeth, Lijs, Lijsje, Lisa, Lise, Lys, Lysbeth
Emma : Em, Emke, Emmaatje, Emmeke, Emmie, Emmy
Eva : Eef, Eefje, Evaatje, Evelien, Evelientje, Evelina, Eveline, Evi, Evie, Evy
Francisca : Cis, Ciskca, Ciska, Cissy, Franca, Francien, Francina, Francine, Franka, Frans, Fransje, Sien, Sienie, Sientje
Frederika : Fre, Fré, Frederieke, Frederike, Freek, Freekje, Frida, Fridaatje, Frieda, Friedje, Riek, Riekie, Riekje, Rika, Rike
Gerarda : Garritje, Ge, Gé, Gea, Geer, Geertje, Gees, Geesje, Geeske, Geetje, Ger, Gerda, Gerdina, Gierdine, Gerdinen, Gerdientje, Gerrie, Gerritje, Gerry, Gert, Gertie, Gertje, Geseke, Gesina, Gesine, Grada, Gradje
Geertrudis : Geer, Geert, Geertje, Geertrui, Geertruida, Gees, Geesje, Ger, Gerrie, Gerry, Gert, Gertie, Gertje, Geseke, Gesina, Gesine, Trude, Trudeke, Trudi, Trudie, Trudy, Trui, Truitje, Truus, Truusje
Helena : Hella, Leen, Leentje, Len, Lena, Lenie, Lenneke, Lennie, Leny
Hendrika : Driek, Drika, Harriet, Hen, Hendrikje, Hendrina, Hennie, Henny, Henriëtte, Hettie, Hetty, Jet, Jetty, Riek, Riekie, Riekje, Rika, Rike
Hermina : Herma, Mien, Mienie, Mientje, Mijn, Mijntje, Mina, Mine
Hildegonda : Gon, Gonda, Gonnie, Gonny, Hil, Hilde, Hille, Hilletje, Hillie, Hilly
-ina, e.g. Carolina : Ien, Ientje, Ine, Ineke
Ingrid : Inge, Ingridje, Ink, [[Inkie]
-ine, e.g. Caroline : Ien, Ientje, Ina, Ineke
-ita, e.g. Ita : Iet, Ite
Jacoba : Bien, Bientje, Bina, Bine, Bineke, Co, Coba, Cobie, Coby, Cock, Cockie, Cocky, Coos, Coosje, Cootje, Jaco, Jacobien, Jacobina, Jacobine, Joop, Joopje, Jopie, Ko, Koba, Kobie, Koos, Koosje, Kootje, Sjaak, Sjakie, Zjakkie
Johanna : Han, Hanna, Hanne, Hanneke, Jan, Janet, Janie, Janke, Janna, Janne, Janneke, Jannet, Jannetje, Jannie, Janny, Jans, Jansje, Janske, Jantje, Jeanet, Jeannet, Jo, Joekie, Johanneke, Joke, Joop, Joopje, Joos, Joosje, Jopie, Sjaan, Sjaantje
Josephina : Fien, Fientje, Fina, Fine, Jo, Joop, Joopje, Jopie, Joos, Joosje, Jos, Josefa, Josepha, Josie, Josien, Josina, Josine, Josje, Jozefa, Piek, Pien, Pienie, Pientje, Sefa
Julia, Juliana : Julie, Julieke, Juliëtte, Juul, Juultje, Lia, Liaatje, Lie, Lieke, Liet, Lietje
Laetitia : Letitia, Titia
Leonarda : Leona, Leonie, Leonieke, Leonietje, Lon, Lonnie, Lonneke, Lonny, Narda
-lia, e.g. Julia : Lia, Liaatje, Lie, Lieke, Liet, Lietje
-lie, e.g. Julie : Lia, Liaatje, Lie, Lieke, Liet, Lietje
-lina, e.g. Carolina : Lien, Liene, Lieneke, Lientje, Lijn, Lijntje, Lina, Line, Lineke
-line, e.g. Caroline : Lien, Liene, Lieneke, Lientje, Lijn, Lijntje, Lina, Line, Lineke
-lien, e.g. Carolien : Lien, Liene, Lieneke, Lientje, Lijn, Lijntje, Lina, Line, Lineke
Louisa : Loe, Loek, Loekie, Loes, Loesje, Louki, Loukie, Lous, Lousje, Wiek, Wieke, Wiep, Wiepje, Wies, Wiesje, Wiske
Magdalena : Leen, Leentje, Len, Lena, Lenie, Lenneke, Lennie, Leny, Magda, Maggie
Margaretha : Greet, Greetje, Greta, Griet, Grietje, Map, Mapje, Mar, Marchje, Margje, Margreet, Margriet, Margrietje, Metje, Mette
Maria : Ma, Maaike, Maar, Maartje, Maatje, Maayke, Mai, Maike, Mar, Mari, Marie, Marieke, Mariëlla, Mariëlle, Mariet, Marietje, Mariëtta, Mariëtte, Marij, Marije, Marijke, Marike, Marrie, Martje, May, Mei, Meike, Mia, Mie, Miek, Mieke, Miep, Miepie, Miepje, Mies, Miesje, Mietje, Mijke, Ria, Rie, Riek, Rieke, Riet, Rietje
Mathilde : Hil, Hilde, Hillie, Hilly, Machteld, Mat, Matje, Maud, Maudie, Mechteld, Til, Tilda, Tilde, Tillie, Tilly
Monica : Moon, Moontje, Mona, Moniek, Moniekje, Niek, Niki, Nique
Patricia : Pat, Pattie, Patty, Tries, Tricia, Trix
Petra : Peet, Piet, Pietie, Pietje, Pita
Petronella : Nel, Nelleke, Nellie, Nelly, Nels, Nelsje, Peet, Piet, Pietie, Pietje
Regina : Rea, Reetje, Gien, Gientje, Gina, Ginaatje, Gine, Gineke, Regi
-rina, e.g. Marina : Rien, Rientje, Rina, Rine, Rineke
-rine, e.g. Marine : Rien, Rientje, Rina, Rine, Rineke
-rien, e.g. Marien : Rien, Rientje, Rina, Rine, Rineke
-rika, e.g. Hendrika : Riek, Riekie, Riekje, Rika, Rike
-rike, e.g. Hendrike : Riek, Riekie, Riekje, Rika, Rike
-riek, e.g. Hendriek : Riek, Riekie, Riekje, Rika, Rike
Rosa : Roos, Roosje, Rosaatje, Rosie
Saskia : Sas, Sasje, Sassie
Simone : Moon, Moontje, Siem, Siempie
Sophia : Fia, Fie, Fietje, Fieke, Sofie, Sofietje, Soof, Sophie, Sophietje
Susanna : San, Sanna, Sanne, Sanneke, Santje, Sus, Suus, Suusje, Zus, Zusje
Theodora : Do, Door, Doortje, Thea, Theetje
Theresia : Resie, Trea, Trees, Treesje, Treeske
-tina, e.g. Justina : Tien, Tientje, Tina, Tine, Tineke, Tinka
-tine, e.g. Justine : Tien, Tientje, Tina, Tine, Tineke, Tinka
-tien, e.g. Justien : Tien, Tientje, Tina, Tine, Tineke, Tinka
Wilhelmina : Helma, Helmi, Mien, Mienie, Mientje, Mijn, Mijntje, Mina, Mine, Wil, Willa, Willeke, Willemijn, Willie, Willy, Wilma
Quote by ivanka_simkiewisz

There are a lot of words in Dutch that end with the (t)je-form suffix. And I mean many, many, many, many, many, many words that are part of the main dialect of the Dutch language.
Keetje, Kootje which is the cootje form, This is going to be very long , but informative.
Notice the (je) form in just about every name. So I don't know what you're talking about.

Friends of mine are expecting a baby this month. I'm not sure if they already decided on a name, so I will pass them the list of names ;)

Anyway, you're right about the -(t/p)je suffix. It's similar to the -chen suffix in German, essentially meaning 'little'. There's also -ke and -(p)ie, the latter is used primarily for names (mostly nicknames), while -ke is used for nouns as well in the southern parts of the Netherlands and in Flanders (BE).

You mention 'Cootje' now, which is indeed a Dutch name. Originally you wrote 'Coojie' though, which is not. As you can see in your list of names -jie is not a suffix we use here. Of course -ie is, but 'Cooj' is not a Dutch name. I can tell, not because I know all Dutch names, but because it ends with a j, which is an extremely unlikely character for a Dutch word to end with, unless it's part of the digraph ij (pronounced as the German ei, similar to English i).


my ex used to call me her little puppet, i loved the connotations and the name ever since.
Peri Peach

Peri is a Turkish word for a Fairy..... And I've chosen it to convey that I'm a fairy from Fairyland who eats peaches ... :P
When I joined Lush, I didn't want people to know my real Christian name. I named myself after Tracey Wickham, a famous Australian swimmer and gold medalist at the Olympics. Tracey was born the same year as myself and I followed her life closely when she first reached stardom in swimming. When studying in Melbourne University in Journalism, I actually met Tracey Wickham at the Olympic Swimming Pool in Punt Rd, Melbourne, near where I lived. So the name Tracey has always been near and dear to my heart.
I am a huge fan of the late folk singer Harry Chapin. To me as long as people are listening to Harry's music, he still lives, thus Harrylives. Sex is referenced in a lot of his songs, so felt it was appropriate.
In college, a group of friends gave me the nickname of 'Hopper' because I would always show up to parties for only about an hour before heading off to another. It was pretty typical for me to 'hop' from one place to another over the course of the night, always eager to proceed on to the next adventure.

Anyone familiar with 1337 or h4X0r speak should be able to understand why the E is switched out for a 3. I've thankfully outgrown that juvenile style of typing but it can be fun to slip back into it every once in a while, in the right setting of course.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

I needed a pen name for sex stories and I like to build things, hence Carpenter. Brad just seemed to fit as a first name.
Delicia means a delicious pussy hahahahaha :P
Well it was one of these choices: seductress, siren, femme fatale... All meaning: a sexually attractive woman who sets out to allure or seduce someone.
One of my favorite beers has always been the Mexican beer, 'Dos Equis'. In English that generally means two X's - in fact the label on a 'Dos Equis' bottle usually has two X's on it.

When I first started writing adult stories, (~2003), my stories were considerably more explicit than they are today. If they had been made into movies they likely would have been considered triple X, (three X), or in Spanish, 'Tres Equis'.

Not being Hispanic, or even a Spanish speaker for that matter, I adopted as my pen name, 'Trace Ekies', which in English has a pronunciation similar to that of the Spanish 'Tres Equis'. Although my stories today could probably be made into R rated movies, I still use some minor variation of 'Trace Ekies' as my name for all 'adult' type activity.

With the recent popularity of the 'Dos Equis' man, I began using un-copyrighted lookalike images of his and usually close my communications with 'Stay horny my friend(s)'.
I know it is boring Robert1959 ... But it is the name I go by in real life and my birth year. But I am the same person online as in the world, in emails, chat, Pvt, or in my poetry .. I am what you read, and do not pretend to be anything else than me.
ConBrio is a term of music direction meaning "with great energy, vigorously"
I would prefer Megan but that name was taken when I joined. At school I was known as Meggsy so I adopted that one.
A fictional Chinese character who is a notorious villain and consort, but who has also been taken on in Chinese mythology as a saint representing the prostitutes and fornicators.

I couldn't use any of my normal range of usernames because that would lead people back to my day job, which involves running part of the family friendly internet.
i practically created this name a few years ago (to the best of my knowledge) and have been using it ever since. if you see Eomas, that's probably me. named for éomer from Lord of the Rings