Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
Ten celebs huh?
1. Rocco
2. Johnny Depp
then in no particular order:
Sean Connery
Will Smith
Sandra Bullock
Queen Latifah
Orlando Bloom
Robert Pattinson
Charlie Sheen
I happen to like athletic men so here goes not necessarily in this order
Tom Brady Handsome bedroom eyes Can I just type Tom Brady 10 times mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Randy Moss
David Beckhan Soccer
Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp
Ray Bourque rugged handsome athletic Hockey player Briuns
George Clooney
Ryan Newman NASCAR Drive
Emmit Smith Winner dancing with the stars Former football player I love the way he moves. He can dance into my bedroom any time
Tiger Woods Nice body I would not mind playing a few rounds with him Golfer
Derek Jetter still very cute in my book Baseball Player
Mike Modano Dallas Stars hockey player
John Cena Pro wrestler but a bod to kill for
got carried away a few more that 10 sorry I guess I was dreaming too much
I don't think I know the names of 10 celebs... but I'll check them up and write them down, can't be that hard to find 10 half decent lads. :P
Okay here goes its been a while since I last thought of ten guys to sleep with oops I mean have sex with who wants to sleep with a sexy celeb under your duvet heee heeeee
1 Joey ( from friends)
2 Ross ( from friends as chandler bing a long doesn't do it for me haha)
3 Little john ( from the 2009 Robin Hood series)
4 Aiden ( from sex and the city pworrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)
5 Mr Big ( also from sex and the city ha ha )
6 Neil Morrisey ( from the tv series Men Behaving Badly) pworrrrrrrrrrrrrrr still very fit
7 Andrea Botchelli ( wow is senses when he makes love must be amazing)
8 Marti pellow ( music band Wet Wet Wet what a cheeky smile he still has and twinkly eyes)
9 Richard Armatage
10 The Australian guy form the film ( Coyote Ugly) ooooo something about green eyes.
7. Jenifer Garner
8. Tsonga (can't spell his first name)
Here's my top 10
1. Jennifer Garner
2. Yancy Butler
3. Jessica Alba
4. Angelina Jolie
5. Robin Meade
6. Eva Mendes
7. Hillary Swank
8. Alicia Keyes
9. Ashley Greene
10. Danica Patrick
OOps Kafka on the shore typo then sorry catnip.
1) Antonio Banderas
2) Johnny Depp
3) Chuck Norris
4) Orlando Bloom
5) Jafar (though he is a cartoon, i'm a swooner for villains)
6) Bill Nighy
7) Willem Dafoe
8) Marshall Teague
9) Geoffrey Rush
10) Gerard Butler
Oh it's that Kari. I know who you mean.
She seems like the perfect cover girl for Maxim.
hmmmm .... I have to put them as past and present ...
Lenny Kravitz (ooh so sensual)
Sting (stamina)
Johnny Depp (hmmm... those eyes, that mouth ...)
Tom Brady
Jakob Dylan
Hugh Jackman
Brad Pitt
David Beckham (only if he doesn't utter a word!!)
Steve McQueen (racing in a car ... Bullettttt!)
and my #1. JFK Jr (damn that plane crash!)
I like your list, Bwitch. I have no idea who Tom Brady is, though and I've seen him mentioned here a few times. Shall have to investigate!
Megan Fox
Angelina Jolie
Leonardo Dicaprio
Ed Westwick
Sienna Miller
Tupac Shakur
Ashley Greene
Robert Pattinson
Johnny Depp
Sarah Shahi