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Your past self

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If you could go back in time and meet the younger version of yourself, when would you go back to and what would you tell yourself?

Me, I'd go back to when I was around 12, pat myself on the back and say that the bullying would stop and that the bullies would end up with rather shitty lives.
I would go back when I was 16 and tell myself that choice I am about to make is wrong one. That I don't need to go through highs school alone and lonely (for some reason I have decided to distance myself from people and another 3 years spend alone..teens., however that was one of worst decisions I have made in my life, that did determinate my future. Any other way my future would be much easier..)

Thanks for this thread, Elit, this feels great
I'd go back to 4th or 5th grade and I'd choose to join my two best friends on that bike ride. The one I wouldn't go on because I was "mad" at one of them, and I wouldn't call him a snotty nosed brat. I'd be riding in my normal second in line position. I'd see the car turning onto the road and stop. Preventing my friend from being hit, dragged for 100 ft, and dying.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
I was 16.

I wish I could tell myself that things would be a whole lot easier if you could just hang in there for the whole two years until I graduate.
I'd tell myself not to give in to my dad, or let him manipulate me. That we'd find a way to not lose our place to live just for me to go to class five hours a day instead of working.
I'd tell myself to risk losing my relationship with him, if that's what it took, to get him to wise up on a few major issues. Because I'd eventually lose that relationship anyway, so what's the difference?
I'd tell myself that women can wield powers in so much healthier, more effective ways than through sex. And that it only serves to harden, if not hurt, me over the long term otherwise.
I't tell myself to pay attention to my surroundings. To not just notice the highs of drugs but friends of mine that are already strung out at 15 or 16. To notice the ill-justified laziness around me, not just the true victims of circumstance.
I'd tell myself to walk away when I end up with a boyfriend next year who obviously has rage issues. Don't tell yourself that he'll never hurt you. He will.
I't tell myself to never stop feeling, even when it's easier. To never bury the hurt, even though it's faster than dealing with it. To never lose hope, because you never really get it back or realize when it's safe to have it again.
I'd tell myself never to sell myself. There are better ways to learn, better ways to grow up. It's a fucking minefield you'll be lucky to get through unscathed. The hard-knocks coursework might get you there, but it's no badge of honor.
I'd tell myself to be a strong as I already know myself to be. Hold my head high, recognize my strengths, and trust that the rest will work itself out, because it will.
Id tell my earlier self that trust is a luxury, and that the world is a cold, harsh place. You are all alone in this world, and trusting others is weakness; and invites damage. You need to be strong, stop smiling so much; and learn ruthlessness as a reality. Don't trust the system; once your in it, you will never come out. Stick to your own kind; they will provide mutual support and protection.

When you are wronged; you MUST punish. If you pardon one sin, you invite a thousand more upon yourself. Be what the world wants you to be, rather than yourself. Don't struggle.
Hahaha! Oh god... I'd go back to earlier this morning, and rearrange my day.
The gallery could have waited, fucking surprises, you just never expect them!
What if I had not been on that train? What if I had been where I normally am?
Yep, I'd go back to this morning, today would have been very interesting.
I'd go back to that night 8 years ago. I would have said 'no' because you were a douche bag who didn't deserve it. Sure, it felt good. I'll give you that much. But you most definitely were NOT worth it. You still remain my biggest regret.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Interesting post - I was going to put up something here on a similar theme "if you could send a message back in time to yourself on your first day on lush, what would it say?"
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
i would go back to 19 and say GO TO SCHOOL YOU FREAKING MORON!

then id go to 29 and say...quick! have your daughter then leave your husband as fast as you can!
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Quote by overmykneenow
Interesting post - I was going to put up something here on a similar theme "if you could send a message back in time to yourself on your first day on lush, what would it say?"

Please start that thread. smile That's a great one!
And to believe the idea to this thread came from a Yougurt commercial
i wouldn't go back in time to see my younger self, because everything that i did in the past has got me to where I am now.
I'd tell myself at eight on that wednesday afternoon after tennis lesson in summer to bike straight home instead of practicing my skills to steer a bike with strings attached to the steer like a horse on that that deserted parking lot separated by small lanes and surrounded by bush....
I would tell myself that I wasn't responsible for the marriage of my parents & that it would be ok to pursue my own goals and be happy...
I would tell myself that i am worth it...
I would tell myself to trust my intuition but not be guided by fear..
That I would never settle for less or be in a relation to please someone, to take my place and don't wait till a place is given.. Because the price to pay otherwise is too high..
I would tell my self daily that I should try everything i had an interest in not wait till i think i am a good at it!
I would tell myself that it is ok to express my feelings and not that I shouldn't swollow them and that I should try to laugh everyday!
I would tell myself that I deserve to be loved and to give people a chance that do...
I would tell myself that it was ok to live outside the country away from my family and that it is not a fled like others say...
I would tell myself that even if I do nothing with this message, yes life can be fucked & I can be complex but that is good & fun to be me or be with me...!!
Quote by littlemissbitch
i would go back to 19 and say GO TO SCHOOL YOU FREAKING MORON!

then id go to 29 and say...quick! have your daughter then leave your husband as fast as you can!

I second this. And then I would add, stop thinking with the little head!

I'm actually going to consider this topic for a bit. I'm certain there must be more
I love this post for so many reasons. I think I would go back to when I was 21 and tell myself to stop believing that everything had to be so unbearably painful in order to deserve any sort of happiness (if you suffer then you might be able to be allowed a taste of joy, kind of mentality). I would also offer some sort of compassion, kindness, guidance and love; all of the things I was missing at that age.

Fuck, this is depressing. I'd also high five myself for being so good in bed and mention that the captain of the hockey team would fondly remember me as a Sexual Circus 15 years from now... and to fuck him one more time just for funzies!
With the benefit of hindsight, there are definitely a lot of mistakes I could correct. But if I went back and told my 19 year old self to stick out college and graduate, whole sections of my current life wouldn't exist. Yes, it would have been a lot easier, but the struggles molded me, and set me in the direction I am now. Those struggles also brought people and opportunities into my life that would not have come any other way. So I think if I had the opportunity, I'd pass.
Quote by overmykneenow
Interesting post - I was going to put up something here on a similar theme "if you could send a message back in time to yourself on your first day on lush, what would it say?"

ohhh! i would say.."its ok! its not all ax murderers and rapists here! you will find people you love here, people that will change your life forever and for the better"
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Id go back to when I was 17 and give my mom a big hug, tell her I love her and that I will miss her so very very much Love Ya Mom!
Then I would tell myself that drugs only help you forget for a little while but the hurt is still there.
Id go back to when I was married and tell myself it isnt all right for my husband to beat me and that I am the victim and not the problem and that I should take my girls and leave before it gets worse (I didnt and it did)
Id go back to January 2010 and tell my partners, "No I dont want to sell our business" and do whatever I had to do to buy them out.
And id go back to this morning because I was in such a rush I didnt tell my daughters I love them before I left
I'd go back and observe, but not attempt to change a damn thing. Sometimes life is boring, sad, infuriating, or just shitty. Can't do anything about that, so I would just be curious what my behavior back then (when?) and there (where?) looked like to an objective observer. Also, I wouldn't want to alter the trajectory my life has taken, considering it lead me to my perfect girlfriend.
On the fun side, I would tell myself to go for it a few times. One instance - I had a crush on a girl (ended up a cheerleader and on homecoming court) starting in 7th or 8th grade but never approached her because I thought she was out of my league (I was kinda nerdy back then). At my ten year high school reunion we were both married to others and she admitted she had a crush on me all that time, too. I've got to say at 28, she was a Hell of a lot hotter than my wife who sort of let herself go after a few years of marriage..

On the serious side, I would tell myself to finish a few things I started but never did, to make some risky decisions instead of the 'safe' ones, to move away from 'home' for some incredible opportunities I missed out on because I was afraid of doing so alone and made some college and career choice changes.
I would of gone back to 16 told myself to stay on at school and go with my heart to become who I want and not what others see me as.
I could go back to so many points in my life and change things by giving my then self advice, but usually the experience, even if it seemed bad at the time, led to greater and good things.
I think I would tell myself to trust my intuition more and also that everything happens for a reason and it's important to learn from the bad just as much as the good.
(Seriously, there's got to be a point to the crap, hasn't there?)
Quote by LadyX

Please start that thread. smile That's a great one!

ok I'll put it up :)

EDIT: here it is New Lush feature: First Day Time Machine
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
i would go back to when i was about 14 and tell myself that to become what i wanted i have to work my hardest and choose my friends wisely instead of letting the people i considered friends from then on walk all over me.
i would tell myself that i shouldnt have called him that da and arranged to meet up and have my dignity taken.
i would have told myself to egnore all the male attention and aim for better things in life and a career.
I'm not going to say there were things I wouldn't change if I could. Of course there are. And not wanting to sound cliche, but I don't want to change them. The past is the past and it should be left there. I'm how I am today as the strong, independant woman I am because of what happened in my past. Some things were my fault, others were taken out of my hands.

The one thing I would do is go back and tell myself at every down moment that regardless of what anyone said, I was beautiful. No matter my size. That I'm curvy, not fat. That my chipmunk cheeks are cute.
I would tell me that 'that' relationship, was not a good idea. And how you hurt that guy will hurt you for months more, to the point where you self harm..again. And even when you move on, it takes about 6months before you feel yourself and strong again. He was not good for you.

He turned you into something ugly, he just never realised and believed it was your fault.

But without these experiences I would not be me now. And I would not be with my amazing boyfriend, whom I fully deserve.
back to when I was 16

Tell that shy, sweet girl to keep her chin held high, she has done nothing to deserve the sneers and comments of those girls.
Tell her that its ok to recognise that its jealousy pure and simple and that there will come a time when those comments will roll right over her.
Tell her that people like that will come and go in her life but that she will find those special people that she is craving.
Oh and a heads up, girls like will not change. You will meet women like that constantly but you will learn to spot them and avoid them
One last thing
Your life will be wonderful and everything you have ever dreamed for will be yours
I'd go back to when I was 15 and tell myself to stay in school and actually try, stop hanging out with morons, don't get into fights and for gods sake stop eating it takes longer to lose weight than it does to gain it
Great thread Elit

I try to not have regrets. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason and whatever happened in the past has led me to where I am today.
But that said, I would like to go back to when I was about 10 years old and sit myself down and make myself understand that I am good enough as I am! Don’t listen to those other people, they don’t know you and they are not worth the damage you ended up doing to yourself and your body!! Hang on for a few more years until you end up meeting people that love you for the person you really are!
Dear Rachel,

I know you're only 10, and some of this you won't understand, but trust me, it's important. Remember it. Sometimes bad things happen or bad people hurt you. There's no reason for it, it's not punishment, that's just the way the world works. Stay strong, girl. KNOW that it will get better, that good stuff happens too, and that there will be good people in your life. Just remember, if anything bad happens, know that you WILL find love and hope and beauty and you will be happy, honey - and you won't be alone, you'll have someone by your side for for all of it, good and bad, someone you won't expect, but trust me, it will be someone who will give you your 'happy ever after'. Never give up, never quit dreaming - when you have dark times, it will get better - i promise.

One thing i am going to tell you...

mommy's going to go away, i think you figured that out already. sorry, honey, i wish i could change that. she's going to go away and your brothers aren't going to be there, and it's just going to be you and daddy...

Your daddy loves you. you're going to both go through a lot of pain, but he does and this is the important part. he's going to need you to be strong and to forgive him and try to remember that he hurts too, that he misses her so much and that you remind him of her too much and all that pain and anger is going to feel like it's for you - it's not. There are going to be days when he's lost somewhere you can't get to, and it's going to feel like you've lost him too. There's going to be days when you hate him, Rachel. Days when you wish he'd died too.

I know it'll will be hard, but you have to believe that he'll be there for you one day, but until then, you're going to be on your own for a bit - try to understand that he still loves you, try to always remember that, try to remember he's doesn't mean to hurt you, and most importantly, try not to hurt him back - in the end, you'll only hurt yourself.

you're going to be okay, i know that's going to be hard to believe at times, but you will - you're going to grow up to be a strong, caring woman, who's going to make mistakes, but whose heart will always be in the right place. You're going to have adventures and find love and make some wonderful friends, and sometimes it's going to be scary, but you're going to be strong enough to handle it. love is stronger than hate. Always remember that, and hope is stronger than fear. That's going to be the hard one, i know, but just try to remember it. i love you, which is pretty cool, right? knowing everything you'll do, everything i've done, the last 20 years, i still love you, girl.


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

So many times I'd like to go back and advise my stubborn self on things I did that I either shouldn't have or should have done. I think the one that stands out in my mind that might not change the person I am today mentally would be to work out and eat better than I did.