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Would you remove your blindfold?

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Your partner takes you to a fancy hotel for the night, after a few drinks in the bar you are taken to the room and blindfolded. After a few minutes have passed you become aware of another presence in the room, would you remove your blindfold or trust your partner completely and enjoy your blind date?
I'd remove mine, can't be too careful these days even with someone you know.
I would leave it on and enjoy the mystery of what's to come
I'd leave it on..... the excitement would bring new heights never to be forgotten.
There are times when I spend entire days blindfolded (depends on who is visiting as to whether I am allowed to see them) so no, I would not remove my blindfold.

Seeing people in the street and not knowing whether or not they have fucked you is an interesting mental topic.
I would definitely leave it on. Just the thought of not knowing what was to
Quote by nichols_10
I'd remove mine, can't be too careful these days even with someone you know.

Unfortunately, this.
I trust David implicitly, so I'd leave it on and enjoy what he had planned for me.
My wife couldn't keep the secret that long. In no time she'd rip off my blindfold and gleefully yell, "See who it is!"
no, i'm afraid i wouldn't be down for this unless it was something we had discussed prior to it happening.

Say. Her. Name.

It would depend on my level of trust with the person who did the tying of the blindfold. There are certain people I can say that I would trust completely in that situation and leave it on. However, if it were someone in whom I didn't have the best faith then I wouldn't resist the urge to start asking questions and take a peak at my surroundings.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

I would trust her, and be excited at the possibility of what comes next (heh).
Blindfold stays on.

I'll take whatever I can get.

It's just a blindfold. If we are talking bondage or I hear kitchen appliances revving in the background,
I'd think about it.

If I hear the grind of opening and closing pruning shears, I might peak.

If I hear a group of chuckling Smurfs, I'd remove my blindfold.
I've been through that one before, and don't wish too again.

Hint: Permanent blue balls. True story. Well, almost.
Trust him

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.
Depends how ugly my partner was, frankly.
Oh hell why not... life is short and adventures go by never to be again... so catch one while you still can and ride it, screw it, suck it or lick it but just do it. NO REGRETS.
Quote by puddleduck
Depends how ugly my partner was, frankly.

Hahahahaha! That was cold, puddleduck, damn cold. I approve.
Quote by Talesofus2
Your partner takes you to a fancy hotel for the night, after a few drinks in the bar you are taken to the room and blindfolded. After a few minutes have passed you become aware of another presence in the room, would you remove your blindfold or trust your partner completely and enjoy your blind date?

trust my partner
i would have to remove mine the unknown and questioning who it is would get the better of me.
Oh no...leave it on and enjoy the incredible sensations, heightened by the mystery. And. of course, secretly hope everyone indulges me!
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."
Take it off I wouldn't trust she didn't set me up
I'd remove it if it wasn't something we had already planned.
Not getting the blindfold close to me
Well...If it ist my partner und I can't trust them to not hurt me in any way?

Then why are they my partner? Why would I be with them at all?

So,...thinking my partner knows me, und ist doing something they know I will like,
I would not remove my blindfold, why would I? Spoil their surprise, und mine?

Simply relax, go with it, enjoy the yummy excitement und suspense they have planned for me...smiles

It would most definitely be someone else we both know anyway,
as any good partner would not want me to get a disease because it ist from someone we not know.
Of course I would remove it. Without my consent that would be a huge, [i[huge problem. In fact, it would be a clear cut case of assault. That much more clear cut in the event I were intoxicated.
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I trust my wife unconditionally. I'd leave the blindfold on and enjoy the ride!