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Would you rather fuck me or Lindsay Lohan? Bi's only please

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I would fuck you not lindsey lohan she has been in trouble with the law way to many times and she doesnt not look pretty without makeup.
well tough call since most of us don't know your personality and what kind of guy you are, also you have no profile picture of your face so the only honest competition there is would be your upper bodies (chest and stomach) with that I would have to say you your body looks a little better than hers, but come on man your profile says you love to post pictures, show us more then the three you have up
Quote by MrNudiePants

A way with words. She's got it. LOL

A. Lindsay Lohan.
Lindsay Lohan. She may get in trouble, but she's gorgeous, has a awesome, sexy body & likes girls. What more could any girl ask for?
Well, I did stalk your profile and since you have no face pictures it’s a bit unfair but, given what LiLo looks like NOW... I would never in my right mind fuck her. She is scary and gross looking even when she is all “dolled” up. I don’t care how rich or famous what have you, you are when you look like that then there is no way I’d want to fuck you.. So, since I know nothing of you and hoping you don’t do drugs and look as bad as her, then you by far. If you would have asked this question 5 years ago then it would have been a harder choice, but I've never been much of a LiLo fan.
3 words dude...Money, Power,Status ....that's what they want, that's what she have status
you, she would probably be a high maintenance and a bitch.
LOL oh my..... I had more posted but decided to edit it. SMH
It would depend on where it ends up. No offense, but Lindsay Lohan makes more of an interesting story. You might not be able to tell your grandkids that you fucked Lindsay Lohan (apart from the age-appropriateness of the story, your grandkids may not know who Lindsay Lohan is), but you'll be a legend at the bar. But I don't think that LiLo would be a good pick for anything longer than a week.

For a one-night stand, I would go with LiLo

For anything lasting a while, I'd go with you.
Lohan is as dense as mercury - and just as poisonous. It would make for a difficult decision if it was say ... Aniston, Moore or Knightly. But to answer your question here, certainly YOU!
Definitely NOT Lindsay Lohan. What a dog.
Lindsey Lohan
I would say you sexy abs she is looking pretty nasty now 5 years ago she was hot