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Would you give up cigarettes to legalize marijuana?

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If given the choice would you make cigarettes illegal to legalize marihuana?
Of course.

Smoking is a filthy habit and the less of it the better. Not sure what marihuana is, perhaps it is how people spell marijuana after they have had too much of it?
If people have too much marijuana, they can't spell it at all.... they are too busy eating or laughing to be able to spell anything. I suppose my comment got me nowhere... we still don't know what marihuana is. I already gave up cigarettes, but would have to legalise marijuana
Absolutely. Of course I'm not a smoker (of cigarettes) so this would be an easy choice for me.
Today's cigarettes are unhealth(ier) than what they originally were. Now they're full of tar and cyanide and all kinds of other chemicals. Why those chemicals have been added, I really don't know? Maybe to add longer shelf life? Filler and less actual tobacco? Not sure.

If marijuana is legalized and Marlboro, Camel, whoever decides to mass produce them, won't they be filled with the same crap that makes cigarettes so evil that no one can smoke them anywhere in public? Once legal it's not like people are still going to buy weed from the 21yr old college kid. They'll be buying them in CircleK and Walmart and Kroger's and they'll be just as disgusting a habit as tobacco cigarettes.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by trinket
If people have too much marijuana, they can't spell it at all.... they are too busy eating or laughing to be able to spell anything. I suppose my comment got me nowhere... we still don't know what marihuana is. Makes me want to go and have a cigarette......

Have you read any of my stories? Half of half of them were written when I was stoned and my spelling was perfect and never requited any editing when I was the opposite of stoned, whatever that may be.

As for the original question, I'm one of those nutters who thinks that all drugs should be legal. Imagine the money governments could make if they were, for one. Research into cannabis and other drugs could be properly funded and profited from. List of reasons goes on and I can't be arsed listing them all. I shall say no more on this matter.
Ok I am SORRY for my phones autocorrect of MARIJUANA... And I was drunk when I posted this ?
Smoking cigs is so bad for u! I am all for it!

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.
I dont smoke cigarettes so it would be an easy choice for me. Although making tobacco illegal would pretty much kill the economy in North Carolina. Even if they replaced the tobacco crop with marijuana.

But if it was legalized, Im sure the government would so over tax it that there would still be a market to buy it illegally.
Don't smoke cigs, but legalize marijuana, sure.
Legalize pot and use the taxes raised for improving health care, infrastructure and job creation..get the money out of the hands of criminals. The amount of money wasted on controlling pot is ridiculous and completely ineffective. I could live without cigarettes.
Now thats a new spin. I would be all for it. More damage done by cigarette smoking than pot smoking in my opinion.
in a heartbeat... i dont smoke cigs, but legalization would add so much money to the economy
Quote by DirtyMartini
Damn...if I gave up cigarettes, I'd have to give up coffee...and writing...

Where's that story btw Lizzy? Doesn't look like the counter at the local Walmart to me...

Hi Alan smile

If you did mean 'story' you'll have to be a little more specific than that, I now have 15 half-finished on my list
1st person Humour Competition entry has unfortunately become a long-term project - just not my thing and became a complete bastard lol
My replacement poem will be submitted this weekend - I want that potato!

'Store' on the other hand is in Amsterdam, coffee shop called The Greenhouse Effect on the Warmoesstraat in the Red Light District.
You didn't read my Travel Musings post? (shameless plug)

Lot of love for the Marijuana thread today
If I had a choice, yes, cigarettes should be illegal. I was a smoker for many many years. So glad to get that monkey off my back! I've smoked cannabis most of my life. It's a plant. Hello. Follow the dollars. That is why cannabis is illegal, in my opinion. I don't call it marijuana because I don't get mine from MEXICO, which is where the name "marijuana" comes from. Let's call it by it's rightful name and decriminalize it, not make more laws to control it. Again, I repeat, it is a plant. A very useful plant with many many medicinal properties.
A horny couple, a few spices, a LOT of FUN

Hope you will check out my first story - Kitty Kapers - A Well Seasoned Woman
I vote make cigarettes and alcohol illegal as well as drugs, and texting while driving.
Quote by Wandering2
If I had a choice, yes, cigarettes should be illegal. I was a smoker for many many years. So glad to get that monkey off my back! I've smoked cannabis most of my life. It's a plant. Hello. Follow the dollars. That is why cannabis is illegal, in my opinion. I don't call it marijuana because I don't get mine from MEXICO, which is where the name "marijuana" comes from. Let's call it by it's rightful name and decriminalize it, not make more laws to control it. Again, I repeat, it is a plant. A very useful plant with many many medicinal properties.

Tobacco is also a plant.

The only "medicinal" properties of recreational use I know of are: decreased reaction time, poor judgement, increased appetite, damage to short term memory and a desire to post stupid memes on Facebook rationalizing drug use.

The last one is just from personal experience and several blocked people. I hopes it's not common.
I dont have too I live in Colorado!
I don't have to give up jack .. Livin I Cali
OOPS ! your to late , I stopped smoking in 1968..I do like the though of legalizing , Mary Jane,POt, whacky tabackie, taking a very large % of the profits and using them on other public programs..
In a heartbeat. I hate cigarette smoke, and no one can deny which causes more deaths.
Quote by Soleillalune
I don't have to give up jack .. Livin I Cali

Oh sure rub it in....

I gave up cigs a long time ago. Cant make me give up smoking weed.
I knew someone who smoked a lot of weed. It fucked him up big time and he had to check into a clinic.

Being stoned has never agreed with me so I have no fondness for it.

Much prefer booze. Beer, wine, whisky.
Quote by paul_moadib
I knew someone who smoked a lot of weed. It fucked him up big time and he had to check into a clinic.

Being stoned has never agreed with me so I have no fondness for it.

Much prefer booze. Beer, wine, whisky.

i'm the opposite. never knew anyone killed by a stoned driver, beat up by a stoned boyfriend, or died from alchohol poisoning from smoking too much pot.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

i'm the opposite. never knew anyone killed by a stoned driver, beat up by a stoned boyfriend, or died from alchohol poisoning from smoking too much pot.

Are you sure that nobody has ever driven a car while stoned on pot and caused a fatal accident?

As for becoming violent, of course pot smokers don't get violent, Tetrtahydracannabinal is an anesthesia, it relaxes you. The problem I have seen with most pot heads is getting them motivated to do anything. I had college roommates that did nothing but smoke pot, eat and sleep. Strangely enough, they flunked out of college fairly quickly.

How can you get alcohol poisoning from something that contains no alcohol? Personally I have no idea if anybody can overdose on pot. I do know of cases where people were forced to drink large amounts of water and actually died from water overdoses so I would conclude that a person can overdose from too much pot.

So in conclusion, go ahead and do all the drugs you like. I personally don't really care because you are adults and what you do to yourselves is none of my business and I don't want it to be my business. Now when you reach the end of your life and you realize how much time you wasted being wasted and how much of your life is gone simply because you destroyed too many memory brain cells from your drug use I hope you remember that nobody really gives a damn.
yes legalize it!!
Cigarettes addictive, Marijuana addictive I would never chose one for the other, It's sometimes nice to have a change.
Quote by lafayettemister
Today's cigarettes are unhealth(ier) than what they originally were. Now they're full of tar and cyanide and all kinds of other chemicals. Why those chemicals have been added, I really don't know? Maybe to add longer shelf life? Filler and less actual tobacco? Not sure.

Decades of scientific agricultural engineering went into producing tobacco that is much more addictive than it originally was so that the tobacco companies could grow their businesses and make higher profits. Since it is much more addictive smokers smoke much more often. The modern cigarette is a very dangerous thing.

You can also imagine what smoking unfiltered marijuana for many years will do to your lungs. Years of consuming the THC from marijuana has its effects also. Have you noticed how regular users of marijuana slowly lose their ambition to accomplish anything in life?
You are invited to read Passionate Danger, Part II, a story collaboration by Kim and ArtMan.