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Would you ever fuck your closest (opposite sex) friend, knowing that is as far as it will go.

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So my question is age old and timeless. Fuck your best friend when the situation presents? Your choice!
I have done this 2 times in my life. One time it was wonderful and we kept our friendship intact and the other time it did not work out so well. So I would probably not do it again and risk ruining a good friendship.
No, thats why he's my best friend and I havent fucked him already
Well mine was reverse, when from girl I wanted to closest friend! But there was always the lingering thought that what would happen if the moment presented. To be honest I don't know what I'd do. I get what you saying. Your first time, was it by accident or intention?
My closest opposite-sex friend is gay, so that's never going to happen.

However, I have wanted to have sex with my closest female for a while. The chance presented itself a couple of nights ago and I took her up on it. However, I think it is one of those things that may have been best left fantasy. But I know it won't go to much further, a man is moving to be with her, and I am leaving in a few weeks. So I don't regret it, and am glad to have had the chance
Hey I'm not vouching its the best idean but I'm a study of human nature and I'm seeming this in a few peoples heads lately.monroe good for you don't ! My time happened, got me the best friend I could ask for.
Haha ok good point rxtales, but that's a good outcome I think. An experience that had to happen. Shame it she leaving and you leaving. Haha. Ok the gay viewpoint I forgot to address! Ill count that in too. Btw my best , has a great bf and treats her right. So I'm happy for her, never regret.
I would and she knows I would... but we lost our shot many years ago. Now she is happily married. Lucky bastard. lol

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
why does it have to be your opposite sex friend? i've had sex with my bestest best friend and we eventually became a couple smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Sprite that's great! See it does work out .... And you right it doesn't have to be oppisite sex friend....its whomever we feel the closest too. But its interesting to see how different people stories are. That tie of friendship, do u lose it or keep it.
I have fuck my friend of 30 years . about ten times so far, all we do is call and set up a time .
So far it works, never any hint of going any where else with it.
I've had this friend for around 14 years & for the last 6 years we have been best friends. We fucked almost 4 years ago & have been together ever since. My best friend is my lover. This could be an exception to the rule. Has worked out great for us.
Quote by sprite
why does it have to be your opposite sex friend? i've had sex with my bestest best friend and we eventually became a couple smile

I have done the same thing. Had sex with one of my best friends. We were friends for over 15 years and now she is my GF, Best Friend and Soulmate. So you never know how these things will work out
Quote by Ban
Sprite that's great! See it does work out .... And you right it doesn't have to be oppisite sex friend....its whomever we feel the closest too. But its interesting to see how different people stories are. That tie of friendship, do u lose it or keep it.

yeah, we were close friends, and friends with benefits for a long time before we became a couple - i think we are soulmates, only it took us both a while to be in a place where we were both ready to fall in love with each other. it's not been a perfect relationship, but even when it's been rocky, we've never stopped being friends - she's the one constant in my life and i even uprooted myself and moved to Seattle rather then have her presense be absent from my every day. 3 1/2 years now, my longest relationship by far. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Its really great to see this kind of response, and damn interesting! But I'm half a sleep now lol and can't come up with any witty or charming commentary....but sprite...that's awesome too hear I will tell you, to have that devotion.its nice to know that it exists smile
Funny, I was just talking about this exact topic last night...

For me... No, I would not fuck my male friends. For me, guys are either in the "friend zone" or I'm attracted to them... in which case, I'd just act on it rather than play the friendship card and wait for a key opportunity. Unless one of us is in a relationship, if there is a connection, something usually happens fairly early on.

For the male friends I've had, I just don't see them in a sexual way at all, so it really doesn't matter what "ideal situation" might occur. It just isn't going to happen. I have had male friends do this to me over the years though (play the friend card and then look for some opportunity to push things into the sexual realm), and it greatly frustrates and annoys me. It just makes things awkward and potentially messes up the friendship dynamic when I say 'no'.

As for female friends... I've lightly fooled around with a lot of my female friends when a lot of alcohol is involved, but avoid having full sex with my closest friends. An acquaintance is one thing, but I just think sex between friends has the potential to go wrong and I really haven't had a situation to warrant me wanting to risk it yet.
Me? Rather wouldn't. A one-night stand could be fun. But when you change a good friendship into a romantic relationship, things are more likely to go wrong. Friends understand and accept each other better than couples do -- since they are not sharing their lives with each other. But when they start to demand more from one another, both of them become frustrated and that becomes a problem. I'm not saying that this always happens so -- as evident from the experiences posted here -- but it is more likely to happen, like 70%-30%.

So you could either be just friends; or be friends with benefits, if you're both sexually liberal; but if you want to have a serious relationship, think twice.
I suppose everybody to their own. I have a friend, one whom I trust, confide in and often go out with when the occasion arises. She is, and has been, my best friend for a number of years and although we are in separate relationships, have had sex (albeit under the influence) on a number of occasions. Never has there been any form of regret or even pressure from either side, in fact; we often give each other advice about the existing relationships we are in and still to this day sneak a "stolen moment" when we can. Not something I am hugely proud of but circumstantially feel it sometimes justified. Both of our respective partners are comfortable with our friendship.
hmm... you know, I probably would. But I haven't seen any of my best guy friends in years. However ... if I saw them now... and they are still as fuckable as they were...then in a heartbeat!
yeah i probably would.
Make no mistake that I don't deny it as an option nor do I suggest it. My best friend, a beautiful wonderful pain in the ass haha, is the best thing to have happened to me. On two seperate and possibly embarressing events it didn't quite work. But funny enough our friendship galvanised.
The annoying thing is that she tells me everything .... All the juicy details of her sex life. Now hear how your best friend with whom I have : tasted, fingered, licked, sucked, fondled and passionately had sex with, does set off a few several random and possibly erotic thoughts.
I care for her but the sneal biatch knows I enjoy hearing her sordid tales. So yes it is somewhat my fault that I picture picking her up, pinning her to a wall and basically going wild monkey. But in retrospect. I don't know if I'd really want to. Hehe she and I are good... Yes I suffer a few annoying hardons but I don't know if I'd really make a move again.

Yes ladies are all evil. ;)
Closest? Maybe. I'd have to think very hard about it, though it would probably only happen as a spur of the moment thing when I wasn't thinking. Other close female friends? Definitely.
I would. I would love to. I've thought about it lot's. Damn, thats got me thinking about it again!
Well, right or wrong . . . In a heartbeat!
Been there a couple of times. Probably not a good idea though. The friendship changed.
I would fuck most of my friends male or female
Yes, and I have!
I have aand he was good and we still are best friends and fuck buddies
I'm best friends with mine, most of my other female friends I would do in a heart beat, her ....I'm just happy to be around!