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Would you consider LUSH to be a porn site?

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Active Ink Slinger
The term 'porn' is, as has been said here by others, a loosely used term. I don't consider Lush to be a 'porn site' per se. I view it as simply another aspect of social media.
Active Ink Slinger
No, it's not as hardcore as a porn website, more like erotica social media.
Senior Analyst
Hell, I don't know.
The people here are not disgusting and neither are the pictures or the stories. That instantly puts it in a class different from, say, (You're welcome.)
On the other hand, there is a Biblical flood of bodily secretions on every page of the site, when there's no fucking going on there's a lot of talk about fucking, and there are boobs, cocks, and [ahem] pussy galore.

Net result: beats me.
Active Ink Slinger
No not a porn site. It is an adult social media, erotic chat, story reading and picture posting site. That is supported by users world wide.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Porgy87
Hell, I don't know.
The people here are not disgusting and neither are the pictures or the stories.
On the other hand, there is a Biblical flood of bodily secretions on every page of the site, when there's no fucking going on there's a lot of talk about fucking, and there are boobs, cocks, and [ahem] pussy galore.

Net result: beats me.

Don't we all...??
The Bee's Knees
ABSOLUTELY not! this site is geared for sexuality and sensuality enthusiasts

Say. Her. Name.

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by knobby
No, it's like a very very very naughty facebook.

smile This is exactly how I see it.

Yes, I think it's a porn site (it's why I first came her), along with many other things (erotica site, chat site, social media, writer's group, dating site, cybersex site). It is varied enough, and so well designed, that it becomes whatever you want to use it for (and the genius behind that is Nicola and Gav) (though the mods and the members are the heart of it, and why it works so well).
It could be a porn site in the eyes of some people, if that is the case, they leave it to other people who enjoy a bit of
naughty but nice fun
Active Ink Slinger
Pornography literally means "image(s) of prostitute(s)." Porne is greek for a prostitute, usually a slave, and "graph" is image (think photo [light] + graph). There are some feminist scholars who claim that all sexually explicit images or stories are pornography unless written by women and for women. Here, I don't think the women are enslaved or forced through economic means to have the sexual/sensual experiences we have, so, no, not pornography.

[Cue Tom Lehrer's song "Smut"!]

It's only 2-1/2 minutes, give it a listen.
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Cryptic Vigilante
Only if one ventures too far on my profile.

Seriously, it's definitely not the main purpose of this site, but the 'pornographic content' is still quite considerable (hardcore sections, galleries, comments, etc.).
Active Ink Slinger
I wouldn't consider it 'porn'. Sexual? Of course. Kinda the difference of a nightclub and a brothal; nightclub you go there for fun and maaaybe some sexual action. Brothal being straight-up go there for sex. That's my analogy anyway.
~*~*~* Only the one that hurts you can make you feel better ~*~*~*
~*~*~* Only the one that inflicts pain can take it away~*~*~*

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Active Ink Slinger
heck no Lush is a good site
Have lots of fun
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
It's a mix of the pornographic & the erotic. People take out of it whichever aspect they want.

I personally go for the erotic over the pornographic. It's just what I want. To each their own though, I don't judge
I totally agree, depends on what you are looking for.For me it's both, sometimes I'm on here for fun ,meet new. People and just chat. And other times I'm here because I'm horny and just want to get off reading or chatting. Tonight it's the latter, any volunteers lol.
Lush is simply a playful site for Anonymous Adults. It's a different type of AA. We can speak to our lush friends about our troubles, & concerns. I have. We can also tell them about our sexual desires. We can play out fantasies and be naughty without offending the other. There are some excellent writers here that give me a heated sexual rush. Sometimes I share that with them by message or in remarks on their stories. I've made some very good friends here and can share with them things I wouldn't share with my husband or others.

Here is George Carlin on Porn...

"I don't like porno movies. They piss me off. First they show a great looking naked woman who starts to play with herself. And while I'm watching, she sorta' becomes my girlfriend. And then suddenly in walks a guy with a big dick and he starts fucking my girlfriend. Pisses me off!" - George Carlin
Quote by asleep
I found this article in some of my reading and it got me to wondering about how others view LUSH and its effects on their lives.

As for me, I feel "better connected" with my own thoughts / feelings / emotions since LUSH than perhaps I did before. I feel LUSH has actually helped me in the areas that this article purports to say that "porn" is detrimental too. Maybe the writer was thinking along lines of videos, etc. whereas I'm more of a "word" person.

What say you on this? Is LUSH "porn"? How has LUSH helped / hurt you?


Sex Addiction [porn addiction / erotica story addiction / orgasm addiction / cyber sex addiction - whatever] is what can be damaging. All addictions have the potential to be damaging when satisfying that addiction interferes with healthy living and a normal life.

However - that is not the same as reading some stories and watching some porn.

I'm an erotica author. My life is much better now that I've embraced this side of myself AND I am turning my life long interest IN sex into something lucrative - it's opened career doors [I copyedit and do cover art at a price for people].

This is fabulous for me - I love doing all of it.

I don't see that as being bad at all. People who think productive and proactive sexual interests are bad are people who I classify as prudish. They just don't like someone who embraces sex so openly.

Now again note - this is not the same as addiction which can be very negative. Huge difference between the two.

Is Lush porn? It's a dynamic social community - and some people engage in porn exchanges here among theirs elves.
People also fall in love - talk about things not at all related to sex [I come here to work as do many people]. Last night I swapped recipes and cum and jizz were not ingredients. [btw - fabulous zucchini bread!]

Now - since I'm an active erotica author who publishes here and everywhere that's like asking me if my erotica is porn. Some of it is [I laugh at the idea that it's a bad thing]. Some of it's not [some of it goes deep into the human psyche and emotional components of sex and life]

Do I care?

No - Smut / Porn / Fuck stories / Sex Stories / Erotica . . . in my world - under my fingers - it's all the same. SEX


Cocks and dicks and pussies and some prudes every now and then giving a shit about what I write. -- Like as if I give a shit. They can - I don't know - go play canasta or something.

But yet again - only a single individual can look at their life and say it's a good or bad thing. For me - it's all good. I'm more confident and happy as a person. I have a goal in my life. I'm productive every day - busy as all get out and love it. For others . . . that's up to them to sort out. If someone sees it as a bad thing then that's their analysis of their life.

I decided my obsessive involvement with political debate online was a bad thing - not that being educated on all matters is bad - but because I spent all of my time tooth and nail debating a group of people who were just like me: sitting on their ass and watching the world through the filter of a comp screen. So I've toned that way down.
And I just want to emphasize again THAT THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH PORNOGRAPHY.

Not a damned thing.
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Porn Site, I don't think so, I tend to view it more as an erotic playground.
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Melissa999
Porn Site, I don't think so, I tend to view it more as an erotic playground.

And you meet some really nice people in this playground (nice to meet you, Melissa !)
Just have to watch out for the playground bullies.
Play nice, bring a little more love (and lust) into the world.
Best Friend Exchange Club: Here
Artist stories start at Artist -- Chapter 1
Starbucks Reverie at Starbucks Reverie

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And please read my competition entry:There's Always Time. A sweet love story set in a time traveling universe.
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Quote by Charlotte_

And you meet some really nice people in this playground (nice to meet you, Melissa !)
Just have to watch out for the playground bullies.
Play nice, bring a little more love (and lust) into the world.

Yes, so far, that is true. Nice to meet you, Charlotte ( hugs ) I bring good things, never the opposite smile
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
I like Nicola's post on this. Not a porn site. At least not a mindless graphic porn site. I came here a year and a half about by clicking on a link while putting together a paper in and it directed me here. Since joining Lush, the category was removed (a move I agree with btw). Back to the porn question. I think this is a community of authors and people that enjoy erotic fair. However, if your not a premium member there are a lot of obnoxious porn adds and spam that jumps you. The solution of course is to join and turn it off.
This site has nothing to do with porn. It’s about eroticism, lust and sexuality, all perfectly normal aspects of a healthy life. The word ‘porn’ has been invented many years ago, at a time when people were prudish, narrow minded and hypocritical. As for the second part of the original question: Lush has changed my life for the better. I have met a lovely woman here, who gives me sensations I have been missing for years. Despite the fact that she lives thousands of miles away from me and we therefore have to deal with a time difference. I also have got acquainted with a male friend (nothing sexual) whom I respect, and have nice contacts with from time to time. Last but not least, my humble stories receive warm comments from very kind people.
Active Ink Slinger
yes...images displayed on here in advertising and on pages are of pornographic content as are the stories.
Story Verifier
In the original sense of the word - the Greek "pornographos" translating as "someone writing of harlots", it's a definite yes!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by ChrissieLecker
In the original sense of the word - the Greek "pornographos" translating as "someone writing of harlots", it's a definite yes!

As opposed to 'harlots writing of someone'?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Story Verifier
Quote by sprite
As opposed to 'harlots writing of someone'?

Uhm, not at all Harlots writing of harlots still fit the definition
Quote by ChrissieLecker
In the original sense of the word - the Greek "pornographos" translating as "someone writing of harlots", it's a definite yes!

True, but we changed and evolved a bit since Greek times, besides Op is asking how we personally perceive this site.
To me, Lush is a community of like minded people who enjoy all things sensual and erotic. You can find just about anything you want here: friendship, lovers, poetry, stories, drama, humor, satire, and yes some porn. But above all, this is a community even though it advertises porn sites (I became a paying member to make that go away).
Lol, sorry Rick, I should have kept reading. Lush has actually helped me as a man in all my female relationships. I have a few friends I can talk to about anything. They are open and honest, non-judgmental and discrete. Beautiful women used to make me nervous, but my confidence has grown strong in large part because of all my lovely friends. Thank you for setting me free ladies {}