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Would you consider being in a plural relationship?

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As a Lesbian, I totally would! Actually, I'd love to be in one...

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

I'm in an ongoing relationship with 2 guys, and a FWB relationship with another M/F couple.
Good for you! I think society has way too much influence on how others live their lives. Non conformity should not be looked upon as different.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

I am already - I have two other girls and three guys who are all FWB. Its my way of enjoying that side of my life.
Yes with no hesitation
Not an on going one. I like being married and having an intense relationship with my man. But, I don't mind having some fun on the side as well!
We are currently in a committed relationship with a wonderful gentleman. We still have a few online playmates and a few "on again, off again" FWB relationships as well. In real life, we are totally faithful within our primary relationship, but might welcome another playmate (male or female) as long as all parties were in agreement. I guess that's a bridge we'll cross when we get there. Either way, honesty and mutual respect will dictate where it goes from here.
hmm, not so sure that would work for me.... but then again.... who knows how it goes in the future!
No, that would not be something I'd be interested in. I would be too jealous and vice versa.

I don't think so, but life changes so is hard to say.
afraid not, i just couldn't see sharing my SO.

Say. Her. Name.


The husband from Big Love was constantly stressed the fuck out.
I am in a long term marriage and would not consider making any change.

However we both are free to explore other opportunities. I do and I know he does too.

Just that I do it a lot more than my husband.

At least I think I do it a lot more:

So I guess that means I am not ready for a plural relationship. Sex yes, but not a relationship.
Quote by Magical_felix

The husband from Big Love was constantly stressed the fuck out.

True. I think it,d be much easier for same sex couples for sure. More love in equal does to go around. It sounds like a good life to me

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Well until my BF found another girl friend it was great. My husband appreciated his help. Lol.
Well until my BF found another girl friend it was great. My husband appreciated his help. Lol.
I have done it once, it was online and it was really hard at the start. It did get easier, but after a while it became too much again. I'm not against the idea in the future, but I highly doubt it will happen. I always try to keep an open mind.
I would love to find a man AND a woman who would fuck me like the bitch I want to be.
This is not a fantasy, it's a true desire.
Something I have thought about, but have never acted on it, I always say no I would be to jealous. Because when I am in a relationship, I am in 100% and I don't like sharing. But who knows....
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I am currently in a 'plural relationship' although I must admit that is the first time I've ever heard the phrase. I and my husband are in an open relationship for the past 8 years. It's worked well for us both in terms of intimacy and also setting boundaries for each other. Being an Indian, it's not easy but we made it work and we are all the happier for it.

yes I would but only for the sex,my love goes only to my husband. In my first marriage when I found out he was having an qaffair with this much younger girl we all lived together for a while and I was so turned on watching and hearing them.In a way it surved me right because it taught me so much about just how to please a man. and boy did I learn.
I live a very open life....relationships are hard no matter what and sure it can be stressful from time to time but I personally find it very rewarding. I couldn't picture my life without the people that I love. Life takes a lot out of you it is my personal belief that we should hold on to any love and passion these emotions feed our souls and make life worth living. Really in the long run its a to each his own situation. I have been madly in love with people who just could not get over the jealousy and that is ok too. You have to do what works for you personally no two people are the same and that is what makes us all so beautiful.
is this when we both talk at the same time? .. then realise we r doing it so simultaneously go quiet? .. pause.. then simultaneously start talking again? .. ... had those ... they don't go far
they end up making u giggle...

Definitely something I couldn't do. I guess I'm a little selfish, I want to be the only one he wants and I want to be the only one wanting him (aside from random people, but there's no control over that) I want all the passion and desire, I don't want to share.