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Why do some women??

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Quote by CrimsonBlaze
I agree with everyone in their assessment that it has a great deal to do with how a person is raised, as well as the influence from the media; however, I would also add that a person's individual personality traits have much to do with it. There are some people such as myself who is quite independent and self-sufficient, never "needing" someone else in my life to make me complete in some way. Then there are those who, regardless of their ability to support themselves, seem to be unable to function well without having a significant other in their lives at all times. They jump from one relationship to another acting as if the world will end if they remain single and unattached for any length of time.

My thoughts on this are quite basic, actually. I feel a person must learn to love themselves first, finding peace and happiness within themselves by themselves before they can ever expect to find it in someone else. If a person is unhappy with their life, then expecting to find all of their problems miraculously solved simply by having another person in their life is unrealistic. It just means the things that are making you unhappy in the first place are just going to keep making you unhappy...but now there's another person involved instead of just you.

I don't 'need' another person in my life to make me happy...but it doesn't mean I don't 'want' someone in my life. I just understand the difference between wanting and needing. It shouldn't be such a complicated thing, you know?

Well said. I have been unhappy with another person in my life, and maybe part of that was that I was very insecure with myself. I have also been very happy with another person in my life, but he passed away. I am alone now, I can take care of myself for the most part, but I truly WANT another person to share with. I don't NEED one, but I do WANT one.