Couldn't like Connery knowing that he likes to "smack" his wife around. So he's said. Pisses me off too much.
Pierce!! He is the greatest James Bond with the most to give.a1RdQKYCSRrP8M6G
sean connery was definitely the best but way before my time so i would have to say peirce brosnon because he suited the role and had the charisma
I REALLY liked Connery as Bond, but I voted for Roger Moore because a) I was a huge fan of 'The Saint'; b) I loved his witty delivery of the scripts; and, most importantly for me, c) his films had the BEST gadgets and best Q.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Connery. I don't like what the movies have slowly become. He's a spy. In the beginning it was "Bond, go spy on the enemy". Nowadays it's "Bond, go blow shit up".
Never saw a Bond movie I didn't like.....Sean Connery is the best
Brosnan. Connery's films were better, but he sucks as bond. I can't understand a word he says.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
Connery followed by Brosnan
OK... for me Bond was all about the gadgets. So, while Connery was the best Bond and Brosnan was the second best, I was always more a fan of Q. And so I have to say that from that point of view, Roger Moore's Bond films were the best, but not because Moore was the best bond (he was good) but because the gadgets were the best. Many, like the Jet Ski, or the underwater divers version, actually became consumer products.
Who's with me on this?
I'm a wild and Krrraaazzzy Guy!
I like Connery, but Moore was my fav. The rest weren't all that great.
Oh Sean Connery, for sure!
was there another James Bond besides Sean Connery? wow
I love looking at women on cam. I have yahoo messenger, please contact me.
Sean Connery. No question.
1. Sean Connery
2. Daniel Craig
3. Piers Brosnan
Daniel Craig and then Sean Connery.
Sean Connery - without a doub
While Connery defined the role, it was Brosnan who finally brought it to new heights. His snappy patter was more easily delivered than any previous actor and his smoothness with the ladies was inherent to the actor, not the script.
Connery followed Moore then Brosnan (I almost always prefer originals. In music there is the occasional remake that is better but not often there either.)
1. Sean Connery
2. Roger Moore
3. Daniel Craig