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Which would you choose?

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If you had to give up ALL of your SENSES, but ONE ...
Which would you WANT to keep, and WHY.

I would keep my sight. Without smell, the loss of taste wouldn't be so bad. Not hearing would be hard for many reasons ... one being my love of music and the sound of laughter, etc.. But without sound, .. I could still use sign language to communicate (due to my sight of seeing whats happening). Touch would be replaced with the sight of someone telling me things, and the sight of them touching me (I just won't feel it).

Ugh, after saying all that ... I don't know if I should change my answer.
I am a musician so I could not give up my hearing. Touch would be a close second. Sight would be difficult but i could get along without it!
my sight..

all the others i feel like i could over come but not being able to see my son grow never knowing what he looked like or his wife...not seeing pretty flowers
This is such an interesting forum! Congratulations for actually posting something worth deep critical thinking! smile

I would choose to keep my sense of sight. There are so many beautiful sights in this world. Just by seeing the pretty blue sky at morning. Watching the rain fall down slowly and splash into puddles on the ground. Even loosing the vision of the Autumn perks such as the colorful leaves, and the browning of the grass would be too much to bare. I would like to keep my sight so that I can enjoy all of the beauty that is still left in the world.
As difficult as this is... it is perhaps more difficult here, since here,
I have made friends... that are 'remote'.

I imagine their smell
I can also imagine their sound
Perhaps I can also imagine their taste
Seeing their photos I can see them
But I simply cannot imagine their touch, their loving caress...

Ask a mother, if they could see, hear, smell, taste or touch their baby one more time, one last time...
I do believe that somehow the answer would be a hug... that sense of touch reigns supreme.

But I still want to consider it more...
Sense of Taste: I would be lost without taste because I am a coniseur of well made foods as being a cook.
Hmm this was a tricky one for me but would want to keep my hearing as a life without music would not be right for me.I would miss my CDs.
Sight is the one thing I couldn't give up. To never be able to see my beautiful fiance's face. I'd miss her smile way to much. Of course it would be hard to live without feeling her kisses as well, but for that I'd always my memories of what that felt like. Reading lips is an easy trick for me, plus I remember a shit tone of sounds, so no big lose there.
Sense of touch.

Can't imagine being at a loss of majority of my senses and completely
numb as well. How will I know if something is wrong? How will I know
someone is really there for me if I can't feel their reassurance? Imagine
trying to eat if you can't even sense the food is in your mouth, or choking
or...or...okay, fine. I wanted to keep sex...
Are you truly awake?
I would keep sight. After a botched operation i have very little hearing and taste anyway. Smell goes hand in hand with taste and touch is something that is not really needed to lead a full life.
A very thought provoking thread. I think I would keep my sight.
Hearing. Then touch. I need to hear to sing and pitch and shizz, but without touch I'd be rendered useless.
Insert something witty here.
It's really hard to imagine a life without touch. Surely without that everything else wouldn't mean too much. Your life would be so much more difficult; I doubt you'd be able to walk and you'd have to have help doing very basic tasks like feeding yourself.

I guess, if I could only keep one, I'd have to keep touch (although that would still be a pretty meagre existence).
I would go with AH's choice of sight also, for the same reasons and so I would know exactly what I was eating too!
I have areas that I cant feel. I used to not be able to see well(LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my lasik). I love to cook, and I love music. Smell would be the first of the senses i would abandon, followed by hearing, touch, taste, leaving only sight.
well since i'm that very EYE,...?
Trying to sound cool. Too much work left.
Sight so I can see this beautiful world & every thing & every one in it
Very interesting question. Also very difficult choice, a choice I hope I and everyone else never have to make. But I think I would choose sight. Not to be able to see all of the wonderfully beautiful things in the world, to never see my daughters smiling faces again, to never see (hopefully someday) my grandchildren. Could not give that up. Of course I love music so not being able to hear would be hard too. But I guess sight would be my choice.
Keep, hearing.

I've tasted the best steaks, smelled my little one after he bath when a baby, I've seen enough to get the picture, and I cant touch with my heart. But, I need to continuously hear what others say and play.
It would have to be sight.
Would agree to keep sight ... images are worth a thousand words. smile
i would keep my hearing... i would go crazy if i couldnt talk to anyone and would have to just sit in silence all the time
I will have to think more on this subject, but I will go ahead and tentatively say sight.
I would keep my sight, the World is beautiful and I haven't got to see all of it yet.
I would keep my sense of touch. Can't feel an orgasm without it. Can't feel your partner's skin, their caresses, anything. And without your other senses, your sense of touch becomes heightened.

Without eyes, people can still do pretty much everything, including getting around and even reading.

Without smell, you lose a lot of joys, but there are so many odors around every day we rarely pay attention to.

Without hearing, you can't hear someone say you love them, but you can communicate with sign language, and their actions are a better indicator of how they truly feel anyway.

Without taste, you lose the enjoyment of food, and the ability to taste your lover. But it's a great diet plan, lol.

But touch can compensate for them all. To never be able to feel someone touching you, holding your hand, kissing your lips--that would be the ultimate loss.
I have been around for ages and have seen a lot and have many sights in my memory
I have heard too much
I have said too much
Not touching would be sad
But not being able to taste good food and good cognac is a horror. Never mind being able to taste a lover.

I must have taste.
Seeing is believing !
I have an enormous library of music committed to memory, and that would be the biggest loss from not being able to hear any more.

Losing my sight would spare me the frustration of watching my looks fade when I get older.

Taste and smell would be hard, but I have a friend who manages without them, so I suppose I could too.

I can't even imagine feeling alive without the sense of touch. Even Helen Keller had that. I'll keep all my tactile sensation, but thanks for giving me such an agonizingly painful decision! lol