Should have been Cthulhu, as much as I dreaded high school!
My high school's team name was "Rebels". Back when I attended, in the eighties, the mascot was "Johnny Rebel" a little character in a *cough" Confederate uniform, but with maple leaves instead of stars on the cross of the Confederate flag. Needless to say, controversy arose at some point (don't know when) and now it's the "Rebel Lion" (get it, "rebellion"), a lion in a non-specific, generic looking red uniform. Why a Canadian school had such an obviously American mascot was a question in the first place so I can't say I'm unhappy with the change.
The Quakers. Featuring a mascot of a "Quaker" with a musket, which totally makes sense given that the Quaker faith eschews violence. Brilliant, that one.
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In college though, we didn't have a mascot, only a color. Maroons! Somehow I think I was gypped
As with so many other schools, colleges and universities across the nation...the Bulldog.
Bearcats. Ironically, one of the colleges that I attended also was Bearcats
As a freshman at my school, we were Mustangs.
For the next three years at my new high school, we were the Tigers.
For all of my college career, we were the Tigers, as well.
High School we were the Blacksburg High School Indians
(But someone got their undies in a knot) and in 2002 they were renamed the Bruins . Was a cool native American outfit. Now its just a bear on the sidelines
Middle school was the Braves but the name was also changed to the Titans
College was the Cobras
Mine was a devil.
It caused an issue and some of the religious folk in town tried to petition to have it removed.
Stormy the Skeeter...
as in the Mesquite Skeeters
Two Pistol Pete - modeled after Yosemite Sam
"I expect nothing. I fear no one. I am free." Nikos Kazantzakis
We were Tigers.
I like pretending I was a snow tiger.
"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.
Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory