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What Personality Type Are You?

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I'm an ISTJ, fam (Introversion, sensing, thinking, judging) and I'm a teacher, so yeah, seems like a good match. I've always been a judgey bitch, so pretty damn close I would say.
(INFJ-T) Advocate type and feel it was pretty acurate in describing my personality, good and weak traits etc.
ISFP. What the whattt..? So cliche and boring. I gotta say I have no choice but to agree with the result, was pretty spot on. And no, it doesn't fit my current job. Damn, I'm screwed
I'm an INTJ depending on the test.

It's the "architect" type.

"Architects radiate self-confidence and an aura of mystery, and their insightful observations, original ideas and formidable logic enable them to push change through with sheer willpower and force of personality. At times it will seem that Architects are bent on deconstructing and rebuilding every idea and system they come into contact with, employing a sense of perfectionism and even morality to this work. Anyone who doesn’t have the talent to keep up with"

So I should be a lawyer, doctor, surgeon, accountant, engineer, or a writer....
The thing to keep in mind is that each of the domains is actually a continuum rather than a binary either/or. For example, I'm INTP, but my Introversion (I-E) scores are off the charts, while I'm pretty much a 50-50 split between perceiving and judgment (P-J), so I could just as easily be INTJ...

But clearly, DamonX (who is also INTJ) and I have different personalities, so these kinds of classification systems only explain so much, but don't totally define who we are.

Don't believe everything that you read.

I'm an INTJ, the 'Architect' type.

I'm also ENTJ, the 'Commander' type.

I switch between both depending on if I'm in a period of solitude to think and plan or I'm social and in charge while others carry out those plans.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
I dont care what some silly test says... I just know I am one cool dude.

I'm ESFJ. Overall, it seems accurate for work and play.
INFP, that sums me up a lot...really thinking about the "mediator" thingy....hmmm
Protagonist Personality (ENFJ-A)

I think that's pretty accurate... well done software lol
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
Did the test -- INFJ-A -- The Advocate...
ENTP-A Debater

Debater Personality (ENTP, -A/-T)

Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of ’crack-pot’ than the stigma of conformity. And on issues that seem important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost.
Thomas J. Watson

The Debater personality type is the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift in the wind for all to see. Debaters don’t do this because they are trying to achieve some deeper purpose or strategic goal, but for the simple reason that it’s fun. No one loves the process of mental sparring more than Debaters, as it gives them a chance to exercise their effortlessly quick wit, broad accumulated knowledge base, and capacity for connecting disparate ideas to prove their points.
An odd juxtaposition arises with Debaters, as they are uncompromisingly honest, but will argue tirelessly for something they don’t actually believe in, stepping into another’s shoes to argue a truth from another perspective.

Playing the devil’s advocate helps people with the Debater personality type to not only develop a better sense of others’ reasoning, but a better understanding of opposing ideas – since Debaters are the ones arguing them.

This tactic shouldn’t be confused with the sort of mutual understanding Diplomat personalities seek – Debaters, like all Analyst personality types, are on a constant quest for knowledge, and what better way to gain it than to attack and defend an idea, from every angle, from every side?
Debater (ENTP) personality
There Are no Rules Here – We’re Trying to Accomplish Something!

Taking a certain pleasure in being the underdog, Debaters enjoy the mental exercise found in questioning the prevailing mode of thought, making them irreplaceable in reworking existing systems or shaking things up and pushing them in clever new directions. However, they’ll be miserable managing the day-to-day mechanics of actually implementing their suggestions. Debater personalities love to brainstorm and think big, but they will avoid getting caught doing the “grunt work” at all costs. Debaters only make up about three percent of the population, which is just right, as it lets them create original ideas, then step back to let more numerous and fastidious personalities handle the logistics of implementation and maintenance.

Debaters’ capacity for debate can be a vexing one – while often appreciated when it’s called for, it can fall painfully flat when they step on others’ toes by say, openly questioning their boss in a meeting, or picking apart everything their significant other says. This is further complicated by Debaters’ unyielding honesty, as this type doesn’t mince words and cares little about being seen as sensitive or compassionate. Likeminded types get along well enough with people with the Debater personality type, but more sensitive types, and society in general, are often conflict-averse, preferring feelings, comfort, and even white lies over unpleasant truths and hard rationality.

This frustrates Debaters, and they find that their quarrelsome fun burns many bridges, oftentimes inadvertently, as they plow through others’ thresholds for having their beliefs questioned and their feelings brushed aside. Treating others as they’d be treated, Debaters have little tolerance for being coddled, and dislike when people beat around the bush, especially when asking a favor. Debater personalities find themselves respected for their vision, confidence, knowledge, and keen sense of humor, but often struggle to utilize these qualities as the basis for deeper friendships and romantic relationships.
Opportunity Is Missed Because It Looks Like Hard Work

Debaters have a longer road than most in harnessing their natural abilities – their intellectual independence and free-form vision are tremendously valuable when they’re in charge, or at least have the ear of someone who is, but getting there can take a level of follow-through that Debaters struggle with.

Once they’ve secured such a position, Debaters need to remember that for their ideas to come to fruition, they will always depend on others to assemble the pieces – if they’ve spent more time “winning” arguments than they have building consensus, many Debaters will find they simply don’t have the support necessary to be successful. Playing devil’s advocate so well, people with this personality type may find that the most complex and rewarding intellectual challenge is to understand a more sentimental perspective, and to argue consideration and compromise alongside logic and progress.

yeah, that fits me pretty well, i think?

The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm ENFP-T as well.


- curious
- observant
- energetic and enthusiastic
- excellent communicator
- knows how to relax
- popular and friendly


- poor practical skills
- find it difficult to focus
- overthink things
- get stressed easily
- highly emotional
- independent to a fault


While Thinking types may be better at applying logic to systems and machines, people with the Campaigner personality type are able to apply that same logic to human interactions and networks, using their exceptional social perception to find out what makes people tick. This lends Campaigners a solid foothold in any human science or service, from psychology, counseling and teaching to politics, diplomacy and detective work. All of these fields have another important similarity: they are in constant development, shifting, presenting new angles and new approaches. It’s simply not possible to be good in these fields and content with the way things are, and this is where Campaigners truly shine.

Where Campaigners do not shine is in systems of strict regimentation and hierarchy, such as military service. Campaigners thrive on the ability to question the status quo and explore the alternatives, and if this is a quality that is not just unappreciated but actually frowned upon, this will not only make them unhappy, but it may even threaten their emotional stability. Repetition, predictability, boredom… while some Sentinel types may appreciate predictability and clear hierarchies, these are not selling points for Campaigners. People with the Campaigner personality type need to feel like they’re pushing boundaries and exploring ideas, and should focus on interests and careers that encourage that.

Many more career options satisfy these needs, and not just the scientific ones – writing, journalism, acting and TV reporting all give Campaigners a chance to explore something new every day and stir the pot a little while they’re at it. It may come to pass though, that the best way forward for Campaigner personalities is to establish themselves as entrepreneurs and consultants, blazing their own trails and taking on whatever project is most fascinating. So long as they get to use their people skills, identify and achieve their own goals and inspire their colleagues and followers, Campaigners will be happy.
Quote by Strangerlyd
Did the test -- INFJ-A -- The Advocate...

have always felt you were a kindred spirit

i am an INFJ-A The Advocate.

The Advocate personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population , but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As members of the Diplomat Role group, Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.

Advocates indeed share a unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain – Advocates will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity not to create advantage, but to create balance. Egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to Advocates, and they tend to believe that nothing would help the world so much as using love and compassion to soften the hearts of tyrants.

i've taken this test many MANY times and always end up with this result. i would say it is spot on. and yes, it influenced my career; i'm in education.

Say. Her. Name.

I'm ENFP-T also.

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive.

Oriah Mountain Dreamer
The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.
Apparently I am ENTJ-A which they are calling the Commander.

Quote by littleduchess
I'm ENFP-T also.

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive.

Oriah Mountain Dreamer
The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.

ypu, me, and Doll, are so starting up an ENFP club. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

ypu, me, and Doll, are so starting up an ENFP club. smile

Can't wait to see the uniforms.
I'm an INTP although I get a different result every time I do a Meyers-Briggs. If I recall last time I was an ISTJ.
Quote by LYFBUZ
I'm an INTP although I get a different result every time I do a Meyers-Briggs. If I recall last time I was an ISTJ.

didn't you come up as a IDJT once, too? biggrin

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by littleduchess

Can't wait to see the uniforms.

hope you're not allergic to latex ;)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by curvygalore
INFJ - A per usual.

That makes you the jelly to our peanut butter. The snow to our skis. The fire to our crackers. You have to join our club too as an INFJ is meant to be the BF of an INFP. So then... how do you feel about latex? *Psst... don't blame me. Rachel picked out the uniforms.)
Quote by honeydipped

have always felt you were a kindred spirit

i am an INFJ-A The Advocate.

The Advocate personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population , but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As members of the Diplomat Role group, Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.

Advocates indeed share a unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain – Advocates will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity not to create advantage, but to create balance. Egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to Advocates, and they tend to believe that nothing would help the world so much as using love and compassion to soften the hearts of tyrants.

i've taken this test many MANY times and always end up with this result. i would say it is spot on. and yes, it influenced my career; i'm in education.

Thanks Nia, we are both, smiled when I saw yours...
What the? That test suggested I was borderline INFP instead of pure INTP like the other times I've taken the Myer-Briggs test.

Regardless, I might have to just form a club by myself. That's actually just fine with me, because I'm an introvert.
INFP: the mediator and dreamer.
Sounds mostly right although there were a good deal of questions on which I was unsure so I’d be curious to see how the result would change with a few variations. However, I think that just by wondering that it sort of confirms the result, ha ha.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Quote by littleduchess

That makes you the jelly to our peanut butter. The snow to our skis. The fire to our crackers. You have to join our club too as an INFJ is meant to be the BF of an INFP. So then... how do you feel about latex? *Psst... don't blame me. Rachel picked out the uniforms.)

Hooray! I'll happily join the club and be an INFP bestie. I'm more of a silk and cashmere kinda girl, but I'll go with the latex as I'm already racking up too many spankings with Rachel!