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What is the most romantic movie you have ever seen?

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This one is one of my all time favorites
Somewhere in Time-- with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour
the vow, the notebook, pretty woman, top gun, love and basketball,
The Secretary, The Notebook, and of course The Titanic
Night Of The Living Dead

OK, its Casablanca without a doubt!

well maybe not, it was a tad morbid, but what the hell it's SID!
The Notebook, I don't care how many times I see it I still cry like a baby at the end...
This is a tough one. So many contenders, including “An Affair to Remember” starring Cary Grant and Debra Kerr. But, all things considered, the hands down winner is:

“Casablanca”, starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman (1942, Warner Brothers)
A Japanese movie called Audition
Somewhere In Time!!!! I own it now so I can watch it as much as I want.
"Brief Encounter"......

(Nobody fucks in it..... But we WISH they DID!!!!!!!!)

xx Steph
"Brief Encounter"......

(Nobody fucks in it..... But we WISH they DID!!!!!!!!)

xx Steph
I gotta go with Somewhere In Time as well. It was filmed (for the most part) on Mackinac Island Michigan, a tiny island in the straits between the upper and lower peninsulas. I was in a band playing on the island during 7 days of shooting and although I never met any of the stars, the crew and a few extras packed the bar we were working at every night. Didn't know a thing about the movie until it came out and right off the bat I recognized the Grand Hotel. The Island is one of my favorite places in the world. Very cool.
JERRY MAGUIRE "You complete me."
A romantic movie for women and.. men!

- I wish I could say the WOW, since I thought it had so so much potential. I ran to go see it! How to make the love of your life fall in love again, wow. I mean NO, no wow.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
I'll join the Casablanca crowd but also nominate The Princess Bride.
either Steel Magnolias or The Godfather...can't decide
Ladyhawke....oh so close and yet so far!
Brief Encounter hands down.
In another world I'd REALLY like Alpha Magus.......

('Brief Encounter' is my favourite ever movie....)

xx SF
For your cheesy reference of the day, I'm going to throw a curve ball on this thread and suggest "For love of the Game". Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston.
Quote by PutmeinCoach
Ladyhawke....oh so close and yet so far!

Forgot this one. I'd put it a little below The Princess Bride on my personal list but not by much. Definitely one of the rare good fantasy movies from that period.
I love "The Holiday," at this time of year especially. Going to snuggle in front of the fire tonight and watch it - might even open Mr Swollen's vintage port, to really get me in the mood.
Quote by wooody32
lol does this one count

Lol, I think so, yes. It counts. xP

Quote by menarealwaysignorged
This one is one of my all time favorites

Okay so I watched this an um.. First of all, She takes a bus which cost money but can't afford dinner, then goes and takes the bus to the movies then to see the movie but couldn't pay for the dinner. So How did she pay for the bus rides and the movie ticket? Lol Fail!!! Otherwise this is great. I agree that women shouldn't always expect men to pay for everything. If anything you can go dutch or take turns paying.. That's what my ex and I use to do.

Quote by seeker4
Forgot this one. I'd put it a little below The Princess Bride on my personal list but not by much. Definitely one of the rare good fantasy movies from that period.

I love the movie Princess Bride but never really saw it as a "romantic movie" more of a comedy. With a little love. I guess. It was one of my favorite movies growing up! biggrin

For real though. I'm not much into chick flicks even being a girl myself. I do like some of them though. I do like "P.S I love you." Ah, but I'm a sucker for accents so that was a big help. lol Otherwise most chick flicks or "romantic" movies aren't my thing.

Okay so I watched this an um.. First of all, She takes a bus which cost money but can't afford dinner, then goes and takes the bus to the movies then to see the movie but couldn't pay for the dinner. So How did she pay for the bus rides and the movie ticket? Lol Fail!!! Otherwise this is great. I agree that women shouldn't always expect men to pay for everything. If anything you can go dutch or take turns paying.. That's what my ex and I use to do.

Quote by seeker4
Forgot this one. I'd put it a little below The Princess Bride on my personal list but not by much. Definitely one of the rare good fantasy movies from that period.
Quote by Poppet

I love the movie Princess Bride but never really saw it as a "romantic movie" more of a comedy. With a little love. I guess. It was one of my favorite movies growing up! biggrin

See, for me, romance needs a little lightness. I hate heavy, overbearing romantic tragedies. Titanic is, IMHO, Cameron's worst movie and don't get me started on Love Story. For me, romance needs some playfulness and laughter, even if there is tragedy involved. Another movie that I could cite here is Kenneth Branagh's version of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. It's one of my favorite Shakespearean comedies to start with and he made a sumptuous, beautifully filmed version of it. As a romance, I'll take Much Ado over any version of Romeo & Juliet any day. It captures the joy and giddiness of love in a wonderful way. Princess Bride does the same thing with the relationship between Wesley and Buttercup.

YMMV, of course, but that's why I put Princess Bride as my most romantic movie.