Do you sleep nude or wear something? Do you dress differently if you know there will a special event happening that evening?
I typically sleep with a t-shirt and either pj bottoms or just panties. I think that is my mom instinct kicking in, don't want to bend if the house catches on fire & I have to rescue kids!
I have any number of beautiful gowns, but they are mostly worn to entertain friends.
If I am in bed to sleep I am almost always nude. Hope that is OK with all.
i always sleep nude, except if im staying at a friends or familys house and ill wear panties and a tshirt
It depends...
Sometimes nude, sometimes panties and a vest or T-shirt, or if it's cold, yoga pants and a t-shirt...
I sleep nude. I'm so used to it that pjs feel weird. We don't have kids, though. I suspect my habits would have changed if we had kids in the house.
I sleep naked, except for when I'm at a family member's or a friend's place. I'll wear a shirt and pajama pants.
Latest story:
I usually sleep in my boxers and an old shirt with the sleeves cut off. During the winter months I wear pJ's just to stay warmer.
The decisions we make dictate the life we have.
Follow your dreams, for those that do not will only try to discourage others.
Normally nude, except if it's cold, when I've got some non-sexy but warm pyjamas!
I looooove wearing pjs, well just the bottoms with a vest top. If its any warmer, the layers come off one by one, or if im with someone i dont bother with them at all
In the Summer it's just a tee and panties, in the winter though I'm a total pajama freak
Really, sex and laughter do go very well together, and I wondered - and I still do - which is more important.
Just a smile...................
I usually sleep naked. If it gets really cold I might put on PJ bottoms but I can't stand putting on a shirt to bed anymore.
Socks - I have cold feet but everything else is naked and hot! LOL

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! I am usually naked, but other then that undies or a shirt, never together though.
Shorts and t=shirt during the week
My wife on the weekends.
I dress like an authentic Roman Gladiator (though the sword poking me in the side is a little uncomfortable) to go to bed or sometimes a Star Wars Stormtrooper. Other times I go to bed dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Also its great to sleep in a long Matrix style overcoat with a sawed off shotgun underneath. During the fall (football season) I dress like a linebacker..pads, helmet, cleats, the whole bit. If I have a difficult time falling asleep I take it all off and sleep naked.
in the spring, summer & fall, usually boxer shorts and a tshirt or tank, in the winter usually long pj pants or sweat pants and a tshirt