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What are your Lush "Pet Peeves"?

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Active Ink Slinger
Lush mods who don't understand puns.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by LaylaJune

Tried that too - along with ctl-delete and shift-delete and alt-delete.


But thank you, anyway.

It's an auto-complete form thing, I would think. Perhaps you should call your personal IT guy for some in-depth exploration of the issue.

It is so hot when you say "DELETEDELETEDELETEDELETEDELETEDELETEDELETEDELETE." Yum. And with FIVE exclamation marks. I may swoon. Say it again.
Fancy Schmancy
Quote by Verbal

It's an auto-complete form thing, I would think. Perhaps you should call your personal IT guy for some in-depth exploration of the issue.

It is so hot when you say "DELETEDELETEDELETEDELETEDELETEDELETEDELETEDELETE." Yum. And with FIVE exclamation marks. I may swoon. Say it again.

I will be conducting an in-person consultation with my personal IT guy in the very near future. Computers will be optional.
Quote by LaylaJune

I will be conducting an in-person consultation with my personal IT guy in the very near future. Computers will be optional.

Did your in-depth consultation produce anything of note?

Is the issue resolved?

I made an assumption that you were using Firefox browser, but you can search google "How to delete autofill information" and select other browsers.

Deleting autocomplete entries

Some form fields on web pages and the Location Bar and the Search Bar have autocomplete drop down lists that appear with a list of previously-entered data.

To delete individual entries from the Firefox Location Bar, Search Bar, and other form field drop-down lists:

Click on the text field
Press the Down key to activate autocomplete
Highlight the entry you want deleted by using the arrow keys or hovering over it with your mouse
Press the Delete key (On Mac use "Shift + Delete" or, if using an extended keyboard, "Shift+Backspace").

The Up and Down arrow keys, and "Page Up" and "Page Down" all work to activate autocomplete or to move in an Up or Down direction within Autocomplete both selecting (highlighting) and copying the line into the Location Bar.

You can delete your entire autocomplete lists from the Firefox "History (or Tools) -> Clear Recent History" menu

Checking "Browsing & Download History" ("Browsing History" in SeaMonkey) will clear the Location Bar autocomplete as well as your history.
Checking "Form & Search History" ( "Saved Form and Search History" in SeaMonkey) or will clear web pages' autocomplete and the Search Bar's autocomplete

If that doesnt work consult your personal IT guy again!!
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
The Bee's Knees
Quote by browncoffee
When people use (...) way too much. When it's not even relevant. For example someone IM's me with:

Hello... how are you...

No. Just NO. I will not be telling you how I am. I find the overuse of ellipsis' (is that the plural?) vaguely creepy.

you and me both, sister! also, an ellipsis is three dots. not two. not five and definitely not fifteen.

Say. Her. Name.

Quote by jfineales
Can't seem to get PayPal to allow my Visa payment to process to allow Gold membership!

Have you tried just using your bank card? You don't need PayPal to buy gold.

More poems from Cleo

And Frank_Lee?
Not specific to Lush, but failing to proofread one's botched autocorrects before hitting 'send.' It grates on about the same level as that relative who only calls while she's driving.
My pet peeve is frustration, by not catching my mistakes. Perhaps at times being inpatient.
The Bee's Knees
people who return with shiny new profiles thinking no one knows who they are.

ETA: actually, on the other hand, it's amusing. tee hee.

Say. Her. Name.

Quote by browncoffee
When people use (...) way too much. When it's not even relevant. For example someone IM's me with:

Hello... how are you...

No. Just NO. I will not be telling you how I am. I find the overuse of ellipsis' (is that the plural?) vaguely creepy.

I know....It's taken a while for me to reply...I hope everything is well with you..

It's Friday!

You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Active Ink Slinger

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.
Active Ink Slinger
That there is not enough time in the day to visit lush more often!
my newest :)
Quote by FirstBlush
Not specific to Lush, but failing to proofread one's botched autocorrects before hitting 'send.'

Found a bunch of spelling, punctuation, & other issues in a story this week. Commented saying I largely liked the story outside of them. Author replied, telling me to message them telling what I found (or something like that). Why? Story won't be removed & reposted or anything like that!
Men in "The Ladies of Lush" room. You can't just throw on a dress, call yourself a female for the purposes of Lush, and come hang out in a women's only room. A crossdresser is still a man, albeit a man in woman's clothing. I'm sorry, but crossdressers are not transitioning and do not belong in the Ladies room. I know some don't mind it, but its a pet peeve of mine. The women's room is for women. Period. And yes, I am fully aware that half the women there are guys posing as women. Use your own common sense and intuition to seperate the wheat from the chaff. But if you are just a crossdressing male, stop actually putting female in the gender selection and coming into the Ladies room.
The Linebacker
I named my dog Peeves, so I can say, "There is my pet Peeves."
Active Ink Slinger
Frustrated that there isn't a "Like" option when you see something in a forum thread or when a friend posts something on your profile.
For all its flaws, that is one thing I do like about the book of faces.
Comments on stories/poems but no votes.

Unicorn Wrangler
People who act like their shit doesn't stink.
Southern Charmer
Large pictures! 500px is a great size. Make your pictures smaller.

I will even help you if you don't know how.

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Joannem310
Frustrated that there isn't a "Like" option when you see something in a forum thread or when a friend posts something on your profile.
For all its flaws, that is one thing I do like about the book of faces.
Then why not take a few moments and write a brief note to that person and tell them how you feel? As someone who has co-authored stories here, I know it is the comments where a reader said what/why they liked something that meant the most and was the most helpful in helping me improve my writing. I have met several of my friends here simply by this activity. Any comments I’ve received about forums I’ve participated in have had the same effect.

If there was a ‘LIKE’ button, then it makes sense there should also be a ‘DISLIKE’ button. If someone didn’t like something I wrote, I would hope they would show me the courtesy of telling me why. My feelings would not be hurt, and I’d appreciate their honest feedback. I would and have told people that too. Simply saying you didn’t like something with no reason given, would be kind of rude, don’t you think? The author would be left to forever wonder what they did wrong. To me, that would be like spanking a small child that had done something wrong, but never explaining what they did that was so bad.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
YouTube's fault - those empty icons whenever a video is taken down.