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What are you really an "expert" in?

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This came up recently, so I thought it would be interesting to see what areas of special expertise some of us may have. Something you are familiar enough with to be considered a "subject matter expert" in.

For myself, that is probably primarily military topics. As in, that has been my career for over 20 years. First enlisting when President Reagan was in his first term, and still serving today under my seventh President. In two branches of service, four countries, and on bases of all 4 branches of service. Infantry, Missile Defense, and Computers were my main areas of specialization there, but also security, weapons and urban combat techniques, supply, logistics, as well as working in field hospitals.

And as a large believer in what George Santayana said about learning from history. As such, I am an expert in WWII history, but also well researched on other things from the Neolithic to late 20th century. Human Migrations and how one civilization forcing another to move has been a particular interest there. I believe in the axiom that what has happened before will happen again, and try to spot trends in past events to see what may happen in the future.

Computers is another one, comes from having a mother that was a programmer in the 1960's and growing up with the things. Still very active in this field, but the demand has largely died as people ditch computers for other devices. Finally closed my store 3 years ago when all people brought in for me to fix were cheap netbooks that were not even worth fixing in the first place.

And a bit more esoteric, being a DJ. Started that professionally in 1981, everything from skating rinks and teen dance clubs to more modern dance clubs and even strip clubs in five states and two other countries. Want to know what it was like trying to use a guitar mixer before the "modern DJ mixer" came out, or the best way to match tempo and do the old-school "DJ Music Wave" along with transitions between genres, feel free to ask. I no longer do it as hearing damage (permanent tinnitus) prevents me from perusing this professionally anymore, but I still keep my finger on the equipment and trends from personal interest.

And as a side into that, broadcasting. Mostly at a small defunct UHF TV station in the LA area, but doing it for many years (mostly as a show lead, researcher, and equipment operator). One thing about working at a small TV station, not many people there so everybody gets to do almost anything. "Hey, there is a 30 minute hole in the schedule, wanna do a show?" "Hey, we got nothing scheduled from midnight to 2 in the morning. Go drag one of those public domain horror movies out of the archive, you got an hour to make and film the skits and sketches to open and close it with."

What kind of expertise do others in here have, and would be interested in sharing? Either for helping background in writing stories, or just to learn more about different things.
I am good at/have a lot of knowledge about a few things. I wouldn't consider myself an expert on any of them.

that said, cool thread. hopefully, people won't get shitty all over it.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

that said, cool thread. hopefully, people won't get shitty all over it.

That's why it's not a think tank topic. What debate is there to be had besides "no you're not an expert at that". Or like what is the discussion to be had here?

Poster 1: I am an expert at playing the kalimba

Poster 2: oh okay cool

Like, what is the debate?
Quote by Magical_felix

That's why it's not a think tank topic. What debate is there to be had besides "no you're not an expert at that". Or like what is the discussion to be had here?

Poster 1: I am an expert at playing the kalimba

Poster 2: oh okay cool

Or what is the debate?

discussions or debates. this would fall under discussions. if one of the forum mods chooses to move it, that's fine. I'm just a story mod.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Magical_felix
My favorite color is pink.

quit being a dick. it gets tiring sometimes. if you don't like the thread, don't read/post and just keep your yap shut. jesus fucking christ. this is why i don't have kids.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I also like black, but with pink next to it, it looks even cooler.

Quote by sprite

quit being a dick. it gets tiring sometimes. if you don't like the thread, don't read/post and just keep your yap shut. jesus fucking christ. this is why i don't have kids.

I could say the same about people that post in my threads.

Don't like them, don't post. But they do anyway.
Quote by Magical_felix

I could say the same about people that post in my threads.

Don't like them, don't post. But they do anyway.


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I am unfortunately a SME on several programming languages and the project life cycle. Unfulfilling career choice, but pays the bills for this single mom.

As a necessity, I became a SME on ADHD and some components of LD.

Through my involvement on Lush, I have become a SME on some sexual kinks.
Quote by sprite


Oh good, that way she can't see me saying lush mods are as useful as WWE referees.
This might be a good thread for The Spa, or in one of the social threads.
Quote by Buz
This might be a good thread for The Spa, or in one of the social threads.

No Buz, this is "discussion". Don't be mean.
Quote by Mushroom0311

Any educational qualifications to back that up?

I'm sure we'll all love to hear your expert opinions in where to buy pork rinds...

Are you actually going down this road?
Quote by Magical_felix

No Buz, this is "discussion". Don't be mean.

In that case, l am an expert in pleasuring women.

It could be interesting to see what this evolves into or we could place bets on who and when this thread gets hijacked. Any expert gamblers?

I wonder if anyone here has been used as an expert witness in a court of law?
Quote by Buz

It could be interesting to see what this evolves into or we could place bets on who and when this thread gets hijacked.

Well now that Chryses challenged Osman, osman will call Chryses a testicle with glasses.

That's my prediction.
I'm a parent to two children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and due to the nature of their condition, I have to know more than most medical professionals in regards to what is dangerous for them in an emergency situation. I shouldn't have to, but they're at high risk of fat embolisms, adrenal crisis, and if they need oxygen, it needs to be at a lower level than others would have it. These are fatal, and you'll be surprised by how many medical professionals don't know about the condition. In an emergency, there isn't time to get hold of the specialist consultants who do know, especially at the weekend. I also read everything I can get hold of about clinical trials, potential treatments etc because I'm never told about them. Most parents of children with the condition are exactly the same as we are their biggest advocates, and I assume the same could be said for most who care for those with a rare condition.

The rest of my knowledge is mindless junk. Random shit like recognising the manufacturer of a Ball-jointed doll, everything Miyavi related, who was in what Visual-kei band etc. I'm also known as a "genre snob," because I'm good with the numerous, sub-genres of metal to the point it's become a running joke with my friends to deliberately mislabel something to see my reaction

I've already noticed that blackened-pop, and doomgaze isn't on this.
Quote by Magical_felix
This is not a think tank topic.

Adult Swim - discussions and debate of a more serious and heavyweight nature

Wow, that is right there in the description of this area. And since I am addressing this in a serious and not mocking or insulting tone, I would think it would apply.
Quote by Magical_felix

That's why it's not a think tank topic. What debate is there to be had besides "no you're not an expert at that".

Like, what is the debate?

Once again, the very description:

Adult Swim - discussions and debate of a more serious and heavyweight nature

Not everything has to be a debate, or an argument. At least, not to most people.

And ultimately, this is a message area on a site about stories. And quite a few of us are also writers.

More than once, people have come to me because of my knowledge of things like the military or "vintage computers", because they wanted some information they simply did not have. And I have called upon similar individuals in the past. I even once for a story had a question about a comic book character, and one of the other posters was a self-proclaimed "comic book geek", so I knew I was able to get answers from him.

Not all of us live our lives based on arguments and politics.
Quote by Mushroom0311

Not everything has to be a debate, or an argument. At least, not to most people.

It doesn't have to, but it just does, and will.
Depending on the definition of expert I'm probably not an expert in anything but I'm damn good at a bunch of stuff. I'm usually the guy that brings the divergent experts together because I can speak 'expert' in the two opposing viewpoints. I never got a degree but I'm qualified as: crane operator, underground miner, business analyst, project manager and hockey coach. I'm almost an expert in cycling, hockey and creating complete bullshit that fools people into thinking i know what I'm talking about.

I may be an expert fuckup. I'm really good at that.
Quote by utterchaos
I'm also known as a "genre snob," because I'm good with the numerous, sub-genres of metal to the point it's become a running joke with my friends to deliberately mislabel something to see my reaction

I've already noticed that blackened-pop, and doomgaze isn't on this.

Kawaii metal seems to be missing.


Quote by Buz

It doesn't have to, but it just does, and will.

OK, now this will likely piss some off, but I feel like I have to say this regardless of what some may think.

Are you not a "moderator"? Seems to me that if I am not mistaken, the definition of such is as follows:

an arbitrator or mediator.
a person who moderates an internet forum or online discussion.

So not to be impertinent, but is that not part of your very job, to keep discussions and conversations on-track, topical, and to prevent bullying and disrespect? To keep debates civil, and be impartial unless you are imputing as an individual?

Because this may likely get me booted, but I have to admit I have seen damned near little to none of that here. I see myself calling a person on being completely incorrect and wrong factually, and am told I am being a "bully". Then I have seen yet another actually call me an "asshole", and moderators basically nodding in agreement then telling me again I have to be "more polite".

Then I see you dragging a topic off-topic, and almost encouraging others to do the exact same thing.

Meanwhile, I look at the red title below your name, and wonder what in the hell it is there for, if it is not to do exactly what it says, and "moderate".

Just now, you say it "does and will". Is it not your very job under that title to help ensure that such does not happen? Or is it only a shiny badge you wear, that maybe gives you the right to lord over others who refuse to bow down to your might?

TO be honest, I expect to be booted and banned, and I largely do not care anymore. The irony is, more often than not as I have said I support what many of you say, even if not to the fanatical belief you all seem to demand. I am a moderate, yet it has been made obviously clear to me that even "moderates" are not welcome in here, and must be excised. And laughingly, I only came to the forums to hopefully network with other authors, to see if we could help each other out. Even in creating this thread, my hope was to see if I could make "peaceful contact" with others, without all the political garbage that many seem to bring everywhere they go, and create some civil conversation without animosity.

But others seem to drag it with them wherever they go. I see some purposefully smarting off to "moderators", and nothing is done. Yet I call one on an actually incorrect fact, and get a strong dressing down that I am violating rules here.

As I said, I expect this to vanish very quickly, for how dare I say that the Emperor has no clothes".

But I suggest you and others look into what being a "moderator" means, and actually do your damned job. I actually fall on the left-of-center politically, yet I laugh as I am almost constantly considered to be "Far-right". I create on purpose a thread with the intent of reconciliation and civil discussion, and see outright attacks, moderators telling users to keep it civil, being ignored, and then it just continues. And finally, moderators saying things will go out of control, while it is in their power (and their very job) to keep that from happening.

In closing, you said "It will". But I say, is it not your very job to prevent that from happening?
Killing Sims and dinosaurs.

Band name, called it.
Quote by laura
Killing Sims and dinosaurs.

Sims, as in The Sims?


Oh, the memories. I still remember when I first bought that game. An overseas edition, from Thailand. I spent quite a lot of time making a family, building a house, and doing all the things I should have done.

The first "day" I took the game off pause,, the family (mom, dad, 2 kids) walked into the house, then mom went into the kitchen to cook dinner. Stove caught fire, and she died. The first freaking 10 minutes of my game!

Needless to say, everybody was borked. The father would not go to work, the kids would not go to school, they just stood around that urn of ashes all day and cried. They were broke, starving, and would do nothing but cry and sleep.

I finally had them all get into the pool, removed the ladder, and killed them all so I could make and move in a new family.

I still play The Sims on occasion, but even 20 years later my very first 15 minutes playing sticks with me to this day.
Quote by Mushroom0311

Sims, as in The Sims?


Oh, the memories. I still remember when I first bought that game. An overseas edition, from Thailand. I spent quite a lot of time making a family, building a house, and doing all the things I should have done.

The first "day" I took the game off pause,, the family (mom, dad, 2 kids) walked into the house, then mom went into the kitchen to cook dinner. Stove caught fire, and she died. The first freaking 10 minutes of my game!

Needless to say, everybody was borked. The father would not go to work, the kids would not go to school, they just stood around that urn of ashes all day and cried. They were broke, starving, and would do nothing but cry and sleep.

I finally had them all get into the pool, removed the ladder, and killed them all so I could make and move in a new family.

I still play The Sims on occasion, but even 20 years later my very first 15 minutes playing sticks with me to this day.

Pffffft removing pool ladders is for rookies. There's so much you can do with them now. Freezing to death in winter, starvation, woo-hooing to death if you're old enough.
Quote by laura

Pffffft removing pool ladders is for rookies. There's so much you can do with them now. Freezing to death in winter, starvation, woo-hooing to death if you're old enough.

Much of which was not there in 2000. And as a player with 15 minutes in the game, I did not know that yet.
Quote by Mushroom0311

So not to be impertinent, but is that not part of your very job, to keep discussions and conversations on-track, topical, and to prevent bullying and disrespect? To keep debates civil, and be impartial unless you are imputing as an individual?

Because this may likely get me booted, but I have to admit I have seen damned near little to none of that here. I see myself calling a person on being completely incorrect and wrong factually, and am told I am being a "bully". Then I have seen yet another actually call me an "asshole", and moderators basically nodding in agreement then telling me again I have to be "more polite".

Then I see you dragging a topic off-topic, and almost encouraging others to do the exact same thing.

Meanwhile, I look at the red title below your name, and wonder what in the hell it is there for, if it is not to do exactly what it says, and "moderate".

Just now, you say it "does and will". Is it not your very job under that title to help ensure that such does not happen? Or is it only a shiny badge you wear, that maybe gives you the right to lord over others who refuse to bow down to your might?

TO be honest, I expect to be booted and banned, and I largely do not care anymore. The irony is, more often than not as I have said I support what many of you say, even if not to the fanatical belief you all seem to demand. I am a moderate, yet it has been made obviously clear to me that even "moderates" are not welcome in here, and must be excised. And laughingly, I only came to the forums to hopefully network with other authors, to see if we could help each other out. Even in creating this thread, my hope was to see if I could make "peaceful contact" with others, without all the political garbage that many seem to bring everywhere they go, and create some civil conversation without animosity.

But others seem to drag it with them wherever they go. I see some purposefully smarting off to "moderators", and nothing is done. Yet I call one on an actually incorrect fact, and get a strong dressing down that I am violating rules here.

As I said, I expect this to vanish very quickly, for how dare I say that the Emperor has no clothes".

But I suggest you and others look into what being a "moderator" means, and actually do your damned job. I actually fall on the left-of-center politically, yet I laugh as I am almost constantly considered to be "Far-right". I create on purpose a thread with the intent of reconciliation and civil discussion, and see outright attacks, moderators telling users to keep it civil, being ignored, and then it just continues. And finally, moderators saying things will go out of control, while it is in their power (and their very job) to keep that from happening.

In closing, you said "It will". But I say, is it not your very job to prevent that from happening?

Buz is a story mod, as am i. we spend most of our time verifying stories and working on issues related to and involving authors submissions. while, like me, he might step in to the forum if things cross the line egregiously, as a rule, when he's in here, he's taking time off from being a mod and enjoying a little time as a member - being on the clock at all times gets a little old and we like to find time to actually enjoy the site like everyone else here.

here's the break down of mods, for those interested.

and thanks for telling us how to do our damned jobs.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.