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WARNING DRAMA INSIDE: What are your thoughts?

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FOR THE MODS: I was not sure where to post this. So if this is the wrong place, please move it.

FOR EVERYONE ELSE: I do apologize, this is DRAMA and rather long. I am not sure how much I can take out of the story without taking away from it. I will try and make this as short as possible.

I am actually looking for your thoughts and opinions. And hopefully posting this will give me some kind of peace. You know getting this shit out of my head.

Was she hacked or did she relay information from our private conversation?

On Monday, December 10, 2018, I was texting back and forth with a friend (more of an acquaintance actually). I have known her for roughly five years. We are not close friends but I messaged her about three weeks ago on Facebook, and she sent me a friend request. She had sent me a Facebook message on Monday, and I could not reply to it. So, I texted her, letting her know. She said she had canceled her Facebook account over drama with some people. I have known her cell number for several years.

I admire this young lady. At one time she worked a full-time job, part-time job and was going to school (college). I have always been impressed by this. And because of this, I wanted to help her. I haven’t been able to help her much. Everything I have been able to do, I did with my wife’s blessing.

Anyways, during our texting, we ended up on a path that led me to reveal something I have never told anyone. Not my wife, my parents, no one, PERIOD. Why did I reveal it, well, for some reason, being around her always calms me down. I can be having a piss poor, stressed as hell day, and almost immediately a calmness comes over me when I see her.

On Wednesday, December 12, 2018, I received a message from someone on Facebook. What this person told me pissed me off.

Below is the entire transcript of that conversation.

• This is a copy and paste from Facebook.
• My name and the senders name have been removed.
• Words in red are from the person that initiated the session.
• My responses are in black.
• I also ***** out my so-called friend's name
• I also removed one other piece of info. I was arrested roughly 17 years ago. After about three weeks the truth came out, and all charges were dropped. I left the reason for my arrest out. There is a hand full of people around my area that know about this but not many.

There is one more piece of info about my stepchildren that came out that I have never told anyone. That is until I revealed it during texting with my friend. I had never told anyone about this.


Wed 2:39 PM

How are you?

I am doing well and you? I like the US Army profile image.

I’m doing good and thanks
Getting right to the point. You should stay away from her you know
trust me on this

I am trying to not go off the deep end here. So, I have a couple of questions before I do. 1. Who are you talking about? 2. Who are you? 3. And are you threatening me?
FYI: I don’t respond well to threats.

In short
1. ******
2. It doesn't matter
3. No

No need to get bent with me. I’m here to help.
Trust me when I tell you this is in your best interest

So, answer me this. How would you react if I was sending these messages to you?

The same I guess

Why stay away from *****? And yes, it does matter who you are. And, it damn sure comes across like a threat.

I mean you no harm. She thinks you're a fucking joke man

Once again, sounds like a threat. But, why do you say that?

It’s not a threat!! I have no beef with you!! And because it’s true!!

True, why, because you say so?

No she does!

Really? Not that it matters, but why should I believe you?

Yup really and because I’m telling you the truth.

Then why does she not tell me herself?

Why would she? You're entertainment for her and her friends.

You know for some odd fucking reason, I am somewhat inclined to believe you, yet, I honestly don't.

you like proof?

If you want me to believe you, then yes, you need to provide me with proof.

You went to jail for THE REASON WAS LISTED HERE. How's that for proof?

She fucking told you that?

No she told my friend and my friend told me.


I believe you man. I would think if you had you would be in jail toady.
She absolutely thinks you're a perverted pathetic dirty old man.

In all honesty, I don't know if you are telling me the truth or not. But you know things you should not, and that damn sure pisses me off.

I'm telling you the truth. And I am not you enemy. I'm trying to help you!
And to provide more information. You don't like you step kids and are hoping to out live your wife so you can give everything to a stranger.

I’ve gotta go.

I’m sorry man. I can’t imagine how pissed you are. I would be and you should be to. If I hear more I'll let you know.

Do not do that. I do not want to hear any more. I thought we were friends and told her things in confidence. I guess I have learned my lesson, yet again. You know, all I wanted was a friend to talk with. Nothing more. This world is, so GOD DAMNED FUCKED UP.

I hear ya man

I just saw something. You are from Tulsa OK. How do you know *****?

I’m from Taylorsville. Graduated from Alexander Central the same year she did.
I have a lot of the same friends she does!

Okay. That makes sense.


I took screenshots of this and texted it to her Wednesday night around 11 pm. Stating something along the lines of “Why? What on God’s green earth did I do to justify this?”

Unfortunately, I don’t have the text messages. I deleted them from my phone. The line about me not wanting my step kids to have anything when I die would set my wife off. I have my reasons for this and it has nothing to do with them being my stepchildren. It has everything to do with who they are as human beings.

Anyways, she responded within about two minutes. The first text was “Who the hell is that?” Referring to the person that sent me the Facebook message. I told her I had no clue. Her next text was something along the lines of someone has been hacked. Then, that’s a fake account. You need to report it.

It was about the fourth or fifth text before she addressed the issue of the Facebook messages when she stated I didn’t tell anyone.

Throughout the texting, she ended up stating she was scared and was calling the police and changing her cell number because she believed she was being stalked. There were also reference along the lines of the following…

Numerous comments about hacking, hacked, fake Facebook account, report the account, etc.
You really can’t believe I am that type of person.
I am a good person.
I have a big heart.
You and your wife have always been good people to me.
Something is not right here.

She also started suggesting that I was behind it. Not directly, but through other statements she made.

Now, due to the nature of my job, even though I was not convicted of any crime, I am 99.99% certain I would get fired if the arrest got back to my company. Let’s just say, my job gives me high-level access to a company with a lot of money. I explained this to her and asked her to give me a couple of days to try and figure out what’s going on before she called the police. She never acknowledged my request concerning my situation. Somewhere during our texting, I finally told her to do whatever she had to do.

I ended our texting session around midnight. Telling her, I had to go to bed because I had a long hard day tomorrow.

The next morning at work I was going through my email (my personal email account is set up in my outlook at work) and had received another message from the person from the above transcripts.


I was sound asleep. I was so wired when I went to bed, my wife woke up and gave me a sleeping pill around 12:30.

Once again copied and pasted from Facebook.


Thu 1:42 AM
It appears the shit got crazy.

Tell her it’s her phone that is compromised. No need to change her number. Just factory reset the phone and it will uninstall the compromised app.


I took a screenshot and sent it to her around 8:45 am.

It took about her about two minutes to respond. Something along the line of “My phone is not compromised. And they would not tell you if it was let alone tell you how to fix it. I’m changing my number. No one has had access to my iPhone. I’ll let the police figure it out.”

A few minutes later she did send another text saying she was going to reset her phone and change her number.

Then I received another Facebook message.


Thu 3:02 PM
Notice how defensive she got. She is guilty man. You know it I know it and she knows it.


I did not send this one to her.

The only thing I know for sure is this, the statement I made about my stepchildren, I had never said to anyone, NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. And then two days after telling her, I receive the message on Facebook.

The one thing I cannot get out of my mind is how she first reacted to my text. We were four or five text exchanges in before she stated she did not tell anyone. Something about this doesn’t seem right. Maybe it's just me, but my first response would have been, "I didn't tell anyone". Not talking about hacking.

And then the next morning, I receive a Facebook message telling me to tell her that her phone was compromised. Just a bit too convenient for me.

Regardless of why or how this happened, I am done with the friendship.

So, based upon the info above, do you think her cell phone was hacked or did she tell one of my deepest secrets and someone ratted her out for it?

What other thoughts or comments do you have?

Sorry to bring DRAMA but I am truly confused by the entire thing. Both how and why.
I lost interest after two mins.

Didn't even make me laugh.