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The last person or thing you gave the finger to?

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I have a job I hate, and I have to clean a shit load of stuff everyday. I just sick of it, and I always find myself giving the mess the finger. This may sound petty to you, but it sucks when you gotta do it everyday.
The mirror, and effectively my reflection - after screwing up a test. Better to be frustrated than apathetic, I think.x
The meth head who told me I looked like a douchebag

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The douchebag who gave me the finger just because I'm a meth head.
My boss. With my hand in my pocket, but satisfying to do none the less.
this old dickhead that was driving slowly past my home while i was sweeping my footpath
to one of my colleague in the office...
my boss when he called....
The intellect is always fooled by the heart. ~ Francois de La Rochefoucauld
the world!! sometimes the world and all in it needs a big FUCK YOU!
The 'L' plates from my car once I'd passed my driving test.
My computer at work. It was not behaving itself and needed discipline.
Sexual innuendo? I can keep it up all night.
Waverley Council as we drove away from Bondi Beach. The motherfuckers stung us with a $169 parking ticket after catching us out with some deliberately misleading signage. I'm just glad we weren't being followed by bikies at the time.

I hope they enjoy the cash, because I'll never spend another cent in their territory ever again. I'll be going to Manly from now on, bitches!
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Quote by Wilful
Waverley Council as we drove away from Bondi Beach. The motherfuckers stung us with a $169 parking ticket after catching us out with some deliberately misleading signage. I'm just glad we weren't being followed by bikies at the time.

I hope they enjoy the cash, because I'll never spend another cent in their territory ever again. I'll be going to Manly from now on, bitches!

Manly is a way better beach than Bondi anyway, Bondi so overhyped, although to fair I had alot of fun in the 9 months I was there, good party backpacker zone.
The slow guy in the left lane. Seriously?? Just get over so the rest of us can get to work on time!
Quote by naughtynurse
The slow guy in the left lane. Seriously?? Just get over so the rest of us can get to work on time!

ROFLMAO I don't KNOW you, but...I LOVE YOU!!
My nosy neighbor
Believe in yourself and all things are possible
Quote by Wardog
Quote by naughtynurse
The slow guy in the left lane. Seriously?? Just get over so the rest of us can get to work on time!

ROFLMAO I don't KNOW you, but...I LOVE YOU!!


I live in Florida. Is there a place that has sooo many slow drivers who are unconcerned about blocking the flow of traffic? (& my lead foot?)
I drive the speed limit or slower so I do it a couple times a day for the fucking assholes that tailgate me. I slow down. If you're in that much of a hurry leave earlier asshole because I'll make your trip longer.

I've been known to get down to 35 on the freeway and the dick head stayed on my ass even though there were 2 lanes open for him to go around me. He flashed his lights, pulled out to go around. I just smiled broadly as I kept pace so he couldn't get back over and gave him the finger as he passed his off ramp. He was pounding on the dashboard as I just kept driving away.

I will express my displeasure and my wife will tell me I'm just dragging myself down to his level. I disagree and tell her I'm just using the only language they understand to tell them. I don't care if it's a man or woman. Get on my ass and get the finger and a real delay as I slow down. I have stopped my car too.

At 60 miles an hour your car travels 88 feet in "ONE" second. At 30 it's 44 feet. Most peoples reaction time to surprise is over one second so if you're closer than that you've just hit the car in front. If you do, you're as stupid as it gets.
I am always a gentleman.
Quote by naughtynurse


I live in Florida. Is there a place that has sooo many slow drivers who are unconcerned about blocking the flow of traffic? (& my lead foot?)

Darlin' I can tell you've NEVER driven in Chicago!
The ass who pulled out in front of me while I was going the speed limit only to slow down to half of posted limit.
Quote by LASARDaddy
I drive the speed limit or slower so I do it a couple times a day for the fucking assholes that tailgate me. I slow down. If you're in that much of a hurry leave earlier asshole because I'll make your trip longer.

I've been known to get down to 35 on the freeway and the dick head stayed on my ass even though there were 2 lanes open for him to go around me. He flashed his lights, pulled out to go around. I just smiled broadly as I kept pace so he couldn't get back over and gave him the finger as he passed his off ramp. He was pounding on the dashboard as I just kept driving away.

I will express my displeasure and my wife will tell me I'm just dragging myself down to his level. I disagree and tell her I'm just using the only language they understand to tell them. I don't care if it's a man or woman. Get on my ass and get the finger and a real delay as I slow down. I have stopped my car too.

At 60 miles an hour your car travels 88 feet in "ONE" second. At 30 it's 44 feet. Most peoples reaction time to surprise is over one second so if you're closer than that you've just hit the car in front. If you do, you're as stupid as it gets.

I'll pass on the right too. If you are going 35 on the interstate where the speed limit is 70, than you are a) breaking the posted minimum speed andb) MORE likely to cause an accident that the person following traffic going 80.

Wardog, I've driven in Chicago. Biggest potholes I've seen. Also in NY, where the biggest asshole drivers are.
I worked in retail in a big store that had a major shoplifting problem. Thousands of dollars of merchandise went out the door every week. It was a minimum wage job and one of the reasons why we couldn't get raises or bonuses was because so much money was lost to theft.

When we learned we were finally going to get security cameras we were thrilled. The store was so politically-correct and afraid of lawsuits they never prosecuted shoplifters. Now it would be on tape.

But when the cameras were installed, they were all watching the employees at the registers! The owner didn't want to catch customers, she wanted to catch employees!

So I would be working at a register and scratch my head, my middle finger pointing up at a camera.

Yeah, I was fired.
The driver who blatantly cut me off this afternoon.
My sister-in-law's dog.
Quote by LASARDaddy
I drive the speed limit or slower so I do it a couple times a day for the fucking assholes that tailgate me. I slow down. If you're in that much of a hurry leave earlier asshole because I'll make your trip longer.

I've been known to get down to 35 on the freeway and the dick head stayed on my ass even though there were 2 lanes open for him to go around me. He flashed his lights, pulled out to go around. I just smiled broadly as I kept pace so he couldn't get back over and gave him the finger as he passed his off ramp. He was pounding on the dashboard as I just kept driving away.

I will express my displeasure and my wife will tell me I'm just dragging myself down to his level. I disagree and tell her I'm just using the only language they understand to tell them. I don't care if it's a man or woman. Get on my ass and get the finger and a real delay as I slow down. I have stopped my car too.

At 60 miles an hour your car travels 88 feet in "ONE" second. At 30 it's 44 feet. Most peoples reaction time to surprise is over one second so if you're closer than that you've just hit the car in front. If you do, you're as stupid as it gets.

If you are driving below 45 miles per4 hour on a freeway, during daylight and in dry weather, you are an accident looking for a place to happen. Like the person whop stops several car lengths short at a signal to keep from being rear-ended, you are creating a situation that rapidly approaches being a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Trust me on this one. I am a licensed professional civil engineer. I have over twenty years experience years designing and reviewing designs of highways. In the early 1990's, while employed by my local government, I wrote the chapter in their new design manual covering sight distance, horizontal and vertical alignment, and superelevation.

Last time I attended a highway design seminar, there were two speakers there from AAA. One of the things they told us is that 90% of accidents on US Interstate highways involve a vehicle that was traveling more than fifteen miles per hour above or below the 85th percentile speed.

In dry weather and daylight conditions on most interstates, the 85th percentile speed is somewhere between 68 and 78 miles per hour. Vehicles traveling below 53 or above 93 pose a danger both to themselves and to other drivers. That is why, on interstate highways in most states, you can be ticketed and fined for obstructing traffic if you are traveling at less than 15 miles per hour below the posted speed limit. That is also why there are signs (or are supposed to be, under FHWA Guidelines for Signage and Striping) restricting bicycles and mopeds from using interstate highways.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
My neighbours husband today, arsehole has been trying to get into my knickers for years now I cant stand him.

He collard me today, told me they were moving in a few weeks and asked if I wanted to "catch up" The fucking turd, his wife is my friend, he got the finger I assure you and a few choice words too the tosser.

(yes I know you are all gonna say why don't I just tell her, she is daft over him, she wouldn't believe me if I did I know that and sadly so does he I threatened to before and he laughed at me sad)
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Quote by kiera
My neighbours husband today, arsehole has been trying to get into my knickers for years now I cant stand him.

He collard me today, told me they were moving in a few weeks and asked if I wanted to "catch up" The fucking turd, his wife is my friend, he got the finger I assure you and a few choice words too the tosser.

(yes I know you are all gonna say why don't I just tell her, she is daft over him, she wouldn't believe me if I did I know that and sadly so does he I threatened to before and he laughed at me sad)

She KNOWS, she doesn't WANT to admit it. You COULD secretly record the twerp but it would STILL cost you a friend. Sometimes you're just in a bad spot. BUT, if you DO record it and only let HIM KNOW...
My iPhone and charger when it suddenly decided that "this accessory isn't supported."