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The Friendship Test

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Active Ink Slinger
I scored 60. There should be a maybe button on some of those!
Internet Philosopher
I scored an 85 and would have expected no less. I do not call someone a friend easily, but once I do then I am their friend for life.
I scored an 85...I guess that means I'm better than an average friend
Active Ink Slinger
Your score is: 60

What does your score mean?

You rate a happy medium on the friendship scale. You are a regular good pal, someone friends can turn to turn to in times of need - whether emotional, financial, or otherwise. You are giving of your time and are generally thoughtful. While your heart is in the right place, however, you might sometimes slip up and forget special occasions or do slightly "selfish" things. This does not mean you are malicious or that you intend to hurt anyone - only that you are human. In fact, your approach to camaraderie is healthy and balanced; you realize that you don't always need to place your friends at the very top of your priority list, especially when it is to your own detriment. You know that true pals will respect, and even appreciate, your ability to say "no" or put yourself first from time to time. The most important thing is that you keep the lines of communication open and build the level of trust and respect necessary for a lasting bond.
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
Her Royal Spriteness
Your score is: 70

What does your score mean?

Camaraderie is your specialty, and you tend to keep your pals at the very top of your priority list. When a friend is in need, whether for emotional support, a financial boost, or a simple helping hand, they can count on you to come through. You give the very best of yourself, and will actually put your own desires (and sometimes needs) on hold for the sake of a pal's happiness. Your friends surely appreciate your self-sacrificing nature and probably sing your praises. While it's wonderful to show such intense dedication, however, there could be some negative consequences to your high level of commitment; do you ever feel, for example, that you are giving much more than others give in return, or that you are being taken advantage of? While most people see the value of such a fab friend, there are also folks who will milk your generosity for all its worth - not always out of maliciousness, but sometimes because it's just too easy. There is also the danger of developing bitter feelings when you give up your own wants for those of others - a true friend, in fact, will not expect you to drop everything for them in every situation, and will surely respect your decision to put yourself first from time to time.

for the record, i would totally pee on someone who got stung by a jelly fish.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Are you a good friend?

Your score is: 5

When it comes to friendship, you seem to have missed the boat. You are certainly not the most dedicated or giving of pals. In fact, others could easily accuse you of being a fair weather friend, the type who comes and goes on a whim. When amigos need your help, you are more likely to bolt for the door than pitch in, and the idea of offering to lend a hand is foreign to you. You generally have low expectations for camaraderie, which may stem from a variety of sources: bad experiences that have left you bitter, an untrusting nature, lack of what you consider "true friends", or simply a self-involved attitude. Whatever the root, your attitudes are preventing you from experiencing the value of real, lasting friendship. You don't have to suddenly dedicate all your time and attention to pals, but putting your own desires on hold from time to time will show them that they mean something to you. Things like remembering birthdays or helping someone move may seem minor, but they have can have a huge impact on the strength of your relationships. Try to be the kind of friend you'd like to have!


(Can't stop laughing, peed my pants)
but this test is seriously flawed...
sperm donor: legal issues and world over-population
kidney donation: I'm surprised mine are functioning at all
lend money: never, gift it no strings attached
fav outfit: nope but an outfit that makes them look their best
jellyfish sting: pee is a bad idea and will likely cause more stinging

So I have concluded I am a thoughtful friend...
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by LYFBUZ
but this test is seriously flawed...
sperm donor: legal issues and world over-population
kidney donation: I'm surprised mine are functioning at all
lend money: never, gift it no strings attached
fav outfit: nope but an outfit that makes them look their best
jellyfish sting: pee is a bad idea and will likely cause more stinging

So I have concluded I am a thoughtful friend...

you'd pee on me, tho, if i asked nicely, right?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

you'd pee on me, tho, if i asked nicely, right?

You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Your score is: 65

What does your score mean?

You rate a happy medium on the friendship scale. You are a regular good pal, someone friends can turn to turn to in times of need - whether emotional, financial, or otherwise. You are giving of your time and are generally thoughtful. While your heart is in the right place, however, you might sometimes slip up and forget special occasions or do slightly "selfish" things. This does not mean you are malicious or that you intend to hurt anyone - only that you are human. In fact, your approach to camaraderie is healthy and balanced; you realize that you don't always need to place your friends at the very top of your priority list, especially when it is to your own detriment. You know that true pals will respect, and even appreciate, your ability to say "no" or put yourself first from time to time. The most important thing is that you keep the lines of communication open and build the level of trust and respect necessary for a lasting bond.

It was 60, but I got extra for peeing on Sprite. Waiting in the queue was worth it.
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by sprite

you'd pee on me, tho, if i asked nicely, right?

Even without the bonus points...
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by apptobebad

i KNOW you would, but i assume i'd have to beg for it...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by LYFBUZ

Even without the bonus points...

i don't give out bonus points, sorry. your score is simply based on how number of orgasms i achieve.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The Bruiser
Your score is: 90

What does your score mean?

Camaraderie is your specialty, and you tend to keep your pals at the very top of your priority list. When a friend is in need, whether for emotional support, a financial boost, or a simple helping hand, they can count on you to come through. You give the very best of yourself, and will actually put your own desires (and sometimes needs) on hold for the sake of a pal's happiness. Your friends surely appreciate your self-sacrificing nature and probably sing your praises. While it's wonderful to show such intense dedication, however, there could be some negative consequences to your high level of commitment; do you ever feel, for example, that you are giving much more than others give in return, or that you are being taken advantage of? While most people see the value of such a fab friend, there are also folks who will milk your generosity for all its worth - not always out of maliciousness, but sometimes because it's just too easy. There is also the danger of developing bitter feelings when you give up your own wants for those of others - a true friend, in fact, will not expect you to drop everything for them in every situation, and will surely respect your decision to put yourself first from time to time.

For the past few months I’ve been using Instagram and been using the site to post my photography . Here’s the link to my profile

My recommended read

here’s a link to my photography album in my media

Active Ink Slinger
Hoping to snag some real sexy LUSH ladies for friends with this:

Score of 80:

Camaraderie is your specialty, and you tend to keep your pals at the very top of your priority list. When a friend is in need, whether for emotional support, a financial boost, or a simple helping hand, they can count on you to come through. You give the very best of yourself, and will actually put your own desires (and sometimes needs) on hold for the sake of a pal's happiness. Your friends surely appreciate your self-sacrificing nature and probably sing your praises. While it's wonderful to show such intense dedication, however, there could be some negative consequences to your high level of commitment; do you ever feel, for example, that you are giving much more than others give in return, or that you are being taken advantage of? While most people see the value of such a fab friend, there are also folks who will milk your generosity for all its worth - not always out of maliciousness, but sometimes because it's just too easy. There is also the danger of developing bitter feelings when you give up your own wants for those of others - a true friend, in fact, will not expect you to drop everything for them in every situation, and will surely respect your decision to put yourself first from time to time.
Active Ink Slinger
Your score is: 5

When it comes to friendship, you seem to have missed the boat.

WTF ??? I offered to pee on them whether they'd been stung by a jellyfish or not ...
Awesome Lady
Scored a 40. Couldn't be an egg donor What if some of the characteristics of crazy relatives showed up. Can't afford to be sued.
High Lord of Darkness
I scored a 65...

You rate a happy medium on the friendship scale. You are a regular good pal, someone friends can turn to turn to in times of need - whether emotional, financial, or otherwise.

Just don't turn to me when I have tickets for Queen.

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

Primus Omnium
Quote by sprite

for the record, i would totally pee on someone who got stung by a jelly fish.

for the record, I would totally pee on someone.... period.

I leave it to my friends how good a friend I am.
Rainbow Warrior
Hoo boy!

I got an 80. Yes, for a VERY VERY close friend, I'd give an egg. I would give my kidney (already offered it once)...however....Sorry, but I am going to that concert! It's probably a band I haven't seen and have always wanted to see, OR, it's Paul McCartney and nobody gets between me and Macca.
Fav outfit? Eh, clothes are clothes, don't leave me naked (when it's inappropriate ;)
I'd watch the dog, I keep my word about shit like that.
And, if I thought it would help, I would pee on my friend for a jellyfish sting...

I've been burned on the money thing, so that's an iffy one

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Simmerdownchick

I got an 80. Yes, for a VERY VERY close friend, I'd give an egg. I would give my kidney (already offered it once)...however....Sorry, but I am going to that concert! It's probably a band I haven't seen and have always wanted to see, OR, it's Paul McCartney and nobody gets between me and Macca.
Fav outfit? Eh, clothes are clothes, don't leave me naked (when it's inappropriate ;)
I'd watch the dog, I keep my word about shit like that.
And, if I thought it would help, I would pee on my friend for a jellyfish sting...

I've been burned on the money thing, so that's an iffy one

my rule on money is i'll lend it if i'm comfortable with never getting it back - if i do, it's a bonus, but certainly, never expected.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
I got a 90 ..... and the feeling used bit is pretty accurate lately ......

Quote by sprite

you'd pee on me, tho, if i asked nicely, right?

but i assume i'd have to beg for it...

darlin you wouldn't even have to ask I am here for you. But, if you would like to beg a little we can work that out as well ..........

There are times she is kneeling out of obedience, reverence and respect. Those are the times it is okay to stand above her. But when she is kneeling because the weight of the world is just too heavy to bear … that is when You should be kneeling beside her.

Daddy has a lovely family - Daddy’s Little Family …

He is behind the curtain - Someone’s Watching ...

Some childhood memories return - Memories of Daddy …

Just a ride in the country - Afternoon Distraction …

She waits to keep a promise - Promises …
Active Ink Slinger
Kinda neat..


What does your score mean?

You rate a happy medium on the friendship scale. You are a regular good pal, someone friends can turn to turn to in times of need - whether emotional, financial, or otherwise. You are giving of your time and are generally thoughtful. While your heart is in the right place, however, you might sometimes slip up and forget special occasions or do slightly "selfish" things. This does not mean you are malicious or that you intend to hurt anyone - only that you are human. In fact, your approach to camaraderie is healthy and balanced; you realize that you don't always need to place your friends at the very top of your priority list, especially when it is to your own detriment. You know that true pals will respect, and even appreciate, your ability to say "no" or put yourself first from time to time. The most important thing is that you keep the lines of communication open and build the level of trust and respect necessary for a lasting bond.