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That Historic Meeting

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Where did you meet your mate?
Quote by bikebum1975

Yeah, what a keeper she must be meeting her here! Psshttt!
I met my husband at a party when he was sixteen and I was nineteen. We shared my mixed two litre bottle of Southern Comfort and Coke (classy AND romantic)

We were friends for another two years before getting together as a couple.
At work ,, She really liked the way I kept her coffee cup full.
This may sound like a cliche', but the wife-unit and I met on ward 4 South of the Manhattan VA Med. Ctr.. in New York. She was a nice Jewish gril from Queens, engaged, half-way through nursing school and working at the VA that summer.. I was a beat-up vet from the south.

Two of my Lush stories: Handling Things in the Park, and, Her Weekend Sex Seminar (link on sig line) are based on some of what happened after we met.

Rumple Foreskin
RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
At a coffee place, sooo Seattle-ish, right? I called him a jackass. I was at a coffee place with a co-worker, and I was told that they were out of soy milk so I couldn't get my hot chocolate because "some guy just got the last of it." I told my co-worker, "I don't know who that jackass is, but he's on my bad list for the day!" We sat talking for a few minutes only to have this very nice man come up to me and say "Well, I may be a jackass, but I feel bad about taking the last of the soymilk." We've been together ever since.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
I met Matt my husband at school never gave me the time of day till 4 years after graduating high school and my bfs and gf i met on lush lol
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

i met my fiance when we were both just finished with high school and we were interns at the same company we both work for now..
he was head over heels for me but i wasnt ready to be tied down, we eventually became roommates along with another 5 people and after he'd been chasing after me for 8 years, i finally decided to give him a chance, and now i just wish we would have gotten together sooner..
on a blind date in the Navy.. 40 years ago....
Me and my SO met at a shopping mall, this last Christmas Eve. It was raining very hard, her car had broken down and she was totally soaked to the skin. She was just inside the door, shivering and shaking like a leaf in a wind storm. I was parked close, so I got her into my warm truck and turned the heat up high. I asked if she wanted me to take her home and she said yes and where. When we got there, she couldn't even get out, so I carried her to the door, she gave me the keys, and inside. I started to leave and she just said, "Help me?" So I got her into the bathroom, undressed her and into a warm shower. After a few minutes, I started to leave when she asked me to get in with her. Been with her ever since... Romantic, huh??
Job interview. (He hired me too!)
We met at an impromptu party after a pub session...I had taken over the music as I always do and we started talking about music....after a few weeks we started going out
Quote by Loislane
We met at an impromptu party after a pub session...I had taken over the music as I always do and we started talking about music....after a few weeks we started going out

his name wasn't Clark Kent was it?
Quote by BigRod
Quote by Loislane
We met at an impromptu party after a pub session...I had taken over the music as I always do and we started talking about music....after a few weeks we started going out

his name wasn't Clark Kent was it?

No Clark is my bit on the side (grins)
Stardate 63588.8

I was browsing the profiles for single women in my area, ages 40 to 50, and happened upon her profile photo. I peeked, unaware that she could tell that I'd visited her profile.

She was sophisticated, gorgeous, articulate, cultivated, worldly, three years younger than I, never married with no children - and way above and out of my league. She also had 48 some-odd 'friends' and 46 of them were males aged 55 to 25. I was a MySpace n00b in 2006, trying to figure out how to utilize this (new, to me) social networking tool.

I didn't wink, I can't remember if that's even an option; I didn't send an email greeting/flirtation. I merely admired her dozen or so photos of herself and her family. I drank and savored her typewritten thoughts. It was like a 20 minute vacation, two or three times a month. I'd notice when she added a new photo. I also noticed, eventually as I got the hang of MySpace, that she never once browsed my profile.

To be expected - she seemed quite popular and perhaps too busy, though I did notice that she was checking her account at least as frequently as I was my own. In all honesty, I sometimes felt like I was approaching a creepy stalkerishness with her, so I cooled out on looking her profile up.

A year passed and she had posted three new photos over the summer of 2007, which I noticed in November of that year. The photo of her wearing tight jeans, standing in downtown Hong Kong, while other tourists ogled her in the photo - coaxed a compliment from me to her photo comments area, just before Thanksgiving.

Three weeks later she replied, "Thank you...nice profile you have, yourself."

The second week of January I checked my account again. By this point I actually had eight friends (who I did know; coworkers mostly) as my buddies. I had been using the site for the last thirteen months as a way of connecting with people I had not seen in years or months. I noticed I had four new emails since I last checked in December.

One was from her.

"Are we ever going to chat, or just continue to gaze at each other's profiles? Please don't tell me you're married, gay or just another weirdo looking for an obligatory payback after a few cocktails and a dinner."

I replied and provided an email address and chat name on .

She replied a day later with her chat/email addy.

Two hours later, on a Saturday afternoon...I was striking up a cordial conversation with her via . She had some errands to run, but promised to look for me after 18:00.

She did, I was online...we chatted til nearly 2:00 am.

After a week of chatting and eventually speaking on the phone, we agreed to meet for brunch for date #1.

After date #4, two weeks later...we decided to become a monogamous couple.

I later learned she wasn't 3 years younger, but 16 months older than I. Not that it's a big deal - she could easily pass for a woman in her mid to late thirties, (visually). I like to think we're fairly evenly matched up, but...

She's my better in every way, in fact.

MySpace...neither her nor I even utilize it anymore.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Hmmmm... let's see... how did it go?

MySpace: The final frontier
These are the voyages of a WellMadeMale
His 5 year mission
To explore strange new worlds
To seek out new life and new civilizations
To boldly go where no man has gone before....

or sumpin' like that....
I also met my lady online in a music chatroom. She laughed at my jokes and was gorgeous so we met up. It will be 5 years next month and we're getting married in June. Who'd have thought the internet was useful!
Quote by rougerogue
I also met my lady online in a music chatroom. She laughed at my jokes and was gorgeous so we met up. It will be 5 years next month and we're getting married in June. Who'd have thought the internet was useful!

Congrats man I hear ya there.
Twenty years ago I met my lovely wife at a golf course, I didn't know at the time her family owned it. Bonus!!...
*smiles* I might share some day...
It involves feet.
Still single, I'll let you know when I meet that mate!
Quote by Algol
Twenty years ago I met my lovely wife at a golf course, I didn't know at the time her family owned it. Bonus!!...

This made me LOL.NBgE5J0oelmYat2a
Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by Algol
Twenty years ago I met my lovely wife at a golf course, I didn't know at the time her family owned it. Bonus!!...

This made me LOL.gyimo1At6tUbJWEB

Agreed Chef, but you neglected to answer the Q. Come on, is there anything to fess up?

Oh, and WMM almost made me weep with his account. Very touching. Thanks for sharing.

I met my bride (OMG) 23 years ago, when still a cop, during my initial sweep of my new beat. Whilst scoping out which establishments offered 'discounts' or cups of tea to lowly paid civil servants she was the only person to, as they now say, "diss me". It was love at first sight, even if it was more than a year later that we had our first date (I think she was mad that her then boss over-ruled her re the discounts )
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Art College. We showed each other our etchings.
He employed me. I was a young paralegal fresh out of college and he an older, experienced attorney who had recently divorced. Things clicked for some reason....

I met my husband 8 years ago in a AOL chat room. It is kinda funny, bit when we first started talking I looked to him as a older brother (he is 10 years older than me), but then we got real close, and we fell in love. We will celebrate 6 wonderful years in July.