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Do you smoke?

Why or why not?

What do you think of people who do?
Had a dream I was king, I woke up still king!!
i don't .. reason: my grandpa used to smoke a lot , and died because of throat cancer... sad
and what i think about people who smoke is, "they should quit smoking, if they really love their dear ones" ......... :(
I used to a long time ago when I thought it made me look cool. Then I quit and realized how much it stinks on people and in their clothes and breath. It just grosses me out now. Plus I hate to hear how people say they want to quit and "can't". I think that's a weakness of will in humans. If you wanted to quit, you would.
No, I don't. It was a conscience decision not to smoke, because my whole family (parents, sisters, aunts, and uncles) does smoke. Kinda of a reverse rebellious thing.

I agree with CK, it just grosses me out. I don't think that smokers realize how much they smell.
I smoked for 10 years. Loved every second of it. There is no companion like a camel light when you have to think about something or trying to pass the next level of your video game -- or when you are trying to bluff out a pot on a poker table... It also helps a lot if you are out on the town and want to "fit in".

Nevertheless, I have quit this dirty habit for three years and today, like chef says, can fully realize how much of a pain n the ass I was to non smoking citizens (the vast majority of the population). It fucking stinks, its stupid and your mouth tastes horrible.. kissing doesn't work anymore with someone who smokes...

I have to admit though, when I drink or play cards, I sure miss the ACT of smoking.
No I Dont Smoke. I Have Tried It As A Kid, But I Didnt Like It. Guess The Main Reason I Dont Is Because My Parents And Older Sister Smoked And The Smell Of Smoke And Ashtrays In Our House Was Awful. And Of Course It Is Really Unhealthy.

As For People Who Do Smoke, Well It Is Their Choice But I Always Try To Get My Friends To Quit!!
When I was in college (the second time, after a four year stint in te Navy) I had acquaintences who came back from an ugly little Pacific war addicted to heroin. After they got "clean", they told me that quitting drugs was easier then quitting tobacco.

I started smoking Old Gold cigarettes when I was very young. After that brand went out of business, I switched to Camels. Not filtered, mind you, and not "lite"; I smoked two packs a day of hard core tobacco.

For my fortieth birthday, after over thirty years of smoking, as a present to myself, I quit. I learned how genuinely stinky it is to others, and came to understand why people find the addiction so offensive.

Then, when I was 43, I got into a very high-pressure job. My boss quit, and committed suicide. I began stopping off at the local "watering hole" each day after work, to unwind with a pint of beer. One day, I bummed a cigarette from the fellow sitting next to me at the bar. The next thing I knew, I was right back to smoking a pack a day.

I have tried several times since then to quit, and have found it to be the hardest challenge I have ever faced. QUitting tobacco is more difficult than earning a college degree; it is more difficult than going through a divorce; it is more difficult than obtaining a professional engineer's license; and it is more difficult than going through foreclosure and losing your house.

Those who say, "if you want to, you could quit" are absolutely right, but, as the man said in Cool Hand Luke, "You got to get your mind right, Boy." I am living testimony to just how difficult that can be.

Starting the first time, I can blame on society, and other outside forces. But the second time, it was the stupidest thing, bar none, I have ever done in my life.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Nope i tried it once and stopped
Hate the smell of it and all aspects of it
I Dont Judge People who do it but it's sad to see how people smoke there lifes away
I'm just gonna be the odd one out and say yes I do smoke and still smoke.

I was stressed one day and took one out of my friends purse. I smoke weed and always had tip in my joint, so really it was never a big deal for me. never choked or vomited or anything.
I don't smoke because 1) it's not good for your health 2) my grandparents were smokers and ended up dying of lung cancer.

I don't care if someone smokes or not, but I generally find it a disgusting habit and would rather not have the person near me if he/she is currently smoking a cigarette. I prefer to keep a non-cigarette scent around me.
I used to smoke, and smoked 2 1/2 packs a day. It's been nearly 30 years since I quit. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It was 7 years before cigarettes no longer smelled good to me and I no longer had to fight the urge. Now, I think they smell nasty and wish everyone I care about could kick the habit.
haven't smoked for years....not good for a person
I quit smoking years ago.

My god .... everything tastes sooooo much better once I quit smoking. I took up running and cooking instead of smoking. Kinda drove myself crazy, to tell you the truth.

Quitting .... I do have to agree with Suezq, it was the HARDEST thing I have ever done. There are still times though, I would love to put my feet up, with a drink, and have a smoke, pondering whatever I am contemplating .... but instead ... I leave out the smoke part.

I have dated men who smoke ... but I really prefer that my man doesn't smoke ... that means I'll kiss him WAY more and not ask him to go brush his teeth! hehehe

I have just about quit. Still do now and then. lol
I dont smoke. I never have, never will. My parents used to smoke. The smell of it in the house and the car as a kid was enough to put me off. My dad quit ages ago. Just cold turkey and it didnt even bother him. My mum quit 4 years ago. Im actually really proud of her. She said she would never ever quit. Almost 20 years ago her dad died of mesothelioma which put the fear in all of us because he had asbestos around his house. A lung specialist found asbestos in her lungs and then she quit cold turkey as well. The asbestos is not a danger to her right now, but at least it made her give up the one thing she knew was bad for her. Its still a daily struggle for her, but she would never go back.
i have in the past but i wouldnt say that i was ever a smoker. one every couple weeks if i was with someone who was smoking at the time. im not addicted to them and havent had one in months and dont know that i ever will again, just not something i really enjoyed.
I'm not a smoker I know people that smoke and it does stink. Especially when it reeks from someone who smokes to much.

I didn't take it up as I had bouts of pneumonia from when I was a baby till my late teens so I thought it would have left scarring on my lungs.
yes, i do. bcuz its the only thing that relaxes me...
i think people that smoke are some of the coolest people i know. more power to em
Quote by MotleyCrue101
yes, i do. bcuz its the only thing that relaxes me...
i think people that smoke are some of the coolest people i know. more power to em

really?? the cool factor is because they smoke??? or are you talking about a little bud??
I don't smoke! have tried but dint really like it. I don't really care about people who do smoke, in fact most of the people i hang out with are smokers so i am quite okay with it. But it is definitely not a good habit and one should quit if they can! What i don't get is how can anyone think smoking is cool? You can smoke for whatever reasons "to be cool" should never be one! Sadly that is why most people start smoking in the first place.
I used to smoke, not for long though. I got grossed out by my smokers breath, it would make
food taste weird to me, so I'd brush my teeth after. Not to mention the smell gets caught in
my hair too easy. I don't like smelling like cigarette.
As for the people that do, it's their decision, just don't try and kiss me smelling like an ash tray,
big turn off!
I smoked a long time ago, but it was more when i was out. I never really enjoyed it much so stopping was not
a problem. I hated the smell it left on you,and added to a hangover. Just bad all the way around. The health issues
can not be overlooked on top of that. Plus as already said. When you go to kiss a girl and your breath smell like a
ash tray. Not very appealing.
As far as someone else who smokes. I don't hold that against a person. I will ask them not to smoke in my car or
house. I have though to the best of my knowledge never turned down a kiss from a woman who just happens
to smoke. Some things we just have to deal with, but it can be a turn off
I enjoy a fine cigar almost every evening. Actually smoking a very nice cigar right now. It goes perfectly with my Crown Royal and Coke...
I personally think that smoking is gross, and would never pick up the habit myself, but with other people I can be extreme in both positive and negative attitudes.

For example, if a smoker can keep him/herself smelling nice despite the fact that they smoke, and they have restrictions (exp. no smoking in their house, car, etc.) then I commend them, because they control their smoking habit, not the other way around.

But if they smoke wherever they please, constantly, smell like smoke, and have no respect for the feelings of the people around them, then I'll do everything in my power to get such a person away from me.

Like alcohol, smoking has its abusers, and I tend to expose one when I see one. It's for their own good.
There's nothing more funny to me than someone who thinks it's sexy too. Cool and sexy? Uh-huh.
I've never smoked cigarettes... which I've always found as strange since I've experimented with a lot of other things.

I just find the smell of smoking to be a huge turn-off. I have a sensitive nose and am very into certain fragrances, aromatherapy, linen scents, hair-fresheners etc. The smell of cigarettes permeating clothes and hair is just not something I could get used to.

I don't mind a quality cigar though on occasion. And weed is a pleasant smell to me.

In terms of health risks - we're all adults here and I just assume that a person is aware of the risks involved so if they want to do it, it's up to them. Alcohol and other vices do their damage as well. I don't judge.

But... I couldn't ever seriously date a smoker. Once in a while - no big deal. But if it was someone smoking on a daily basis, the second-hand thing and the awful smell would bother me far too much.
i can tell smokers, even if they're not smoking, by the stink that clings to them. it's one of my biggest turn offs and i won't kiss smokers, and the entire time i'm around them i'm hyper aware of it, to the point it turns my stomach. pot, i don't have an issue with, but cigerettes are just nasty.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
i can tell smokers, even if they're not smoking, by the stink that clings to them. it's one of my biggest turn offs and i won't kiss smokers, and the entire time i'm around them i'm hyper aware of it, to the point it turns my stomach. pot, i don't have an issue with, but cigerettes are just nasty.

Fuck! (I'm a 40-a-day kinda gal........)

Guess that's that!

(I'm burning a SHITLOAD of bridges on Lush today....)

xx Steph