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Should you let a commentor know they've forgotten to vote?

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Over the years I have received some very positive comments, and some not so positive, only to have the member forget to cast a vote on the story. At times these comments are left by members I don't know well, but other times it was by a close friend. I admit, once in a (very) great while I've sent a reminder, but I always feel dirty for doing it. My question is, what is the proper etiquette?

I'm sure this happens all around the site, so do you let them know of the oversite, or do you just assume it wasn't an oversite at all and say nothing? The vast majority of the time, I've been satisfied knowing my story was enjoyed and letting it go, but I wonder what others do, and how would you feel if someone reminded you to vote?
I tend to let it go. I just assume that it was purposeful they didn't vote.
I always vote, I don't always comment. That said, I've had two instances recently where I've commented first, only to find that I couldn't vote after posting the comment. So I didn't "forget" to vote, I was unable to do so.

On the flip side, like Laura, I don't obsess over the number of votes vis a vis the comments. I let it go. I certainly wouldn't contact a reader who took the time to comment and ask them why they failed to vote--if I even noticed any kind of correlation between X member commenting and a lack of increase in overall vote count. Yes, my timeline is my landing page, but that's pretty much the only time I look at it, and I certainly don't waste my time trying to figure out who voted and who failed to vote. I'm just thankful that anyone at all takes the time to read my work.
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I have appreciated when I've been asked if I intended to vote.
Quote by HeraTeleia
I always vote, I don't always comment. That said, I've had two instances recently where I've commented first, only to find that I couldn't vote after posting the comment. So I didn't "forget" to vote, I was unable to do so.

On the flip side, like Laura, I don't obsess over the number of votes vis a vis the comments. I let it go. I certainly wouldn't contact a reader who took the time to comment and ask them why they failed to vote--if I even noticed any kind of correlation between X member commenting and a lack of increase in overall vote count. Yes, my timeline is my landing page, but that's pretty much the only time I look at it, and I certainly don't waste my time trying to figure out who voted and who failed to vote. I'm just thankful that anyone at all takes the time to read my work.

You make a good point. The timer preventing casting votes over short periods is no doubt a contributing factor, especially when we are talking about flash stories and poems.

Personally I would not mind if I was contacted as I'm often distracted. But in the seven years I've been here I've only sent a pm a couple times and then only in special circumstances. I was just interested in how others felt.
It happens, but it's really not worth stressing over. Accept the votes with good grace unless they are obviously malicious, and the comments with thanks. In the end it's what you as a writer feel about your work that matters.

On the point raised by Milik, the timer preventing a reader from casting another vote until several minutes have elapsed is a bit annoying when you are reading poetry and flash erotica.
No. I don't mind because a comment is always worth more than a vote to me. I wouldn't mnd if someone told me I hadn't voted though because I NEVER have a reason not to vote.
I always vote and comment. To me it's the least I can do for their effort.
I usually vote and comment on those that do the same for me. I don't think that I would mention a thing. If people don't have time to read me, I don't have the time either. I'm not into patronizing.
I never go and ask someone if they forgot to vote. I think them voting is there right to or right not to. I know if I read a story and I'm not into it, I don't comment or vote. I have voted and not commented only because everything has been said.

Al, I to have a lot of people I read that don't read me, it's there choice. It's them missing out on a good story ?? I'm kidding, I use to get upset about it, but by not reading someone because they don't read me, then I'm missing out on a good story. So it's your decision. Not saying your right or wrong. Just my
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btw, if someone ever notices i've forgotten to vote, please do tell me. i will happily rectify the oversight.
Quote by browncoffee
btw, if someone ever notices i've forgotten to vote, please do tell me. i will happily rectify the oversight.

Can you vote for all of my stories then?

Just kidding! Lmao
Quote by MostPreciousLittle

Can you vote for all of my stories then?

Just kidding! Lmao

lol, i'll have to read them first! which is your favourite?
Quote by browncoffee

lol, i'll have to read them first! which is your favourite?

I was only joking, sweetie.

I don't know what kind of stories you like. Jade the Dancer is pretty cool. But there is only one chapter so far!

Quote by MostPreciousLittle

I was only joking, sweetie.

I don't know what kind of stories you like. Jade the Dancer is pretty cool. But there is only one chapter so far!

Lol, I know, but I haven't read anything by you yet and felt that I ought to. Next stop, Jade the Dancer!