What is the most public place you have given or gotten a handjob.
In a vehicle in a public setting.
Not really public, but in my friends house, in close proximity to a wide open window looking out onto a busy street where any folk could look in and see.
mall changeroom or 6 flags
Handjob at the mall. Blowjob at a pool.
Atlantic City - Harrah's Beach Bar.
Parked in a car, after hours in a state police office building's parking lot.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates In a nice restaurant during dinner under the tablecloth.
On a plane during a night flight to Cyprus and in a cinema watching "9 songs"
That's how my wife and I did our thing when we were just going out, in public. and "hidden places" but for the sake of this thread handjob.
In a car as I drove on the parkway
beach in and out of the water
town pool
Her hand in my shorts on the train (it was late)
Her old high school auditorium, just for the sake of being freaky anywhere we picked up her younger cousin from summer school(cousin was not with us)
On a plane with just a blanket across my lap
Under the table at dinner with my gf's parents and siblings
Getting and giving in a restaurant (with a table cloth of course hiding what we were doing). In the car parked at the beach. Sitting on the couch under a blanket while watching TV with others in the room.
shared a blanket with this guy Tony and well my hand found its way to his cock. It was complete torture for him as we were surrounded by about 20 people, who knows what they were up too.
In a car on the way back from an amusement park. My ex and I were in the back seat, her big sister and friend were in the front. We were almost passed out under a blanket, and my ex took out my cock and teased me mercilessly the whole ride back. I got some revenge later, though.
in a theatre, park, the beach, back of a van...
cinema, with loads of other people in there
Any time both ways when you can't get away with anything else!
At the movies and in a bar.
In a movie theater and in a parked car.