Can I get close enough to Master's flat to be able to get let in so I can snuggle up into him for the night.
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
Quote by Joannem310
Why do I always give people a second chance when 99% of the time, they are going to fuck me over the same way they did the first time around?
Quote by Milik_the_Red
What are those little plastic tubes at the end of my shoelaces called?
Quote by BethanyFrasier
They're called aglets.
...I'm wondering how I know that.![]()
Quote by littleduchess
I think most parents of school age children know this one thanks to this chart-topper. It does make it kind of hard to forget. Aglets... tying the world together.
Quote by Simplicity
Wondering if Lush will ever be like it was when I joined “fun”..A place to be excited about. A place that you could come and speak your opinion and not get yelled at or belittled. A place everyone got along . No cliques no bullies.
Quote by Milik_the_Red
Ah, google and YouTube. Killing the mysteries of my youth. What I’d have given for a computer back when I was in school. Imagine writing reports by hand— in pen. With no google or spell check. While walking to school in the snow. Up hill. Both ways! ?
And git off my lawn!
Quote by Simmerdownchick
I meant to PM that, dammit! Sigh...I guess it's out there now, I was going to extort millions from you!! (evil laughter...hahahahahaaa!)![]()