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Pepsi or Coke

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Coke. No explanation needed.


Krew has expressed their thoughts if I consumed caffeine, that I'd drink Rootbeer and Dr. Pepper.

Idk, 30yrs of never drinking soda.

Coke, especially if I'm driving long distances.

If we're talking full sugar versions then- Coke.

If we're talking about the diet versions then -Diet Pepsi.

If we're talking the zero versions then - Coke Zero.

I prefer Diet Pepsi....I usually add a good amount of Lemon Juice in the Glass.

Eine Nacht hat der Mond zu mir gesagt:

"Wenn er dich zum weinen bringt, warum verlassen sie ihn nicht?"

Ich pausiert eine Weile, dann schaute ich zurück auf den Mond und sagte:

"Mond, würdest du jemals deinen Himmel verlassen?


I prefer zero-sugar drinks - root beer, ginger ale, lemonade. Have never liked the taste of cola. And if the only zero sugar drink option is cola I opt for water.

Oh Coke for sure.

Diet coke. Read my profile please.

Coke or coke products only.

Neither. I don't like colas. Rootbeer or ginger ale please

In the sugary versions, Coke by a mile. In diet, a narrower win for Diet Coke but it is close enough that I might “fail” the Pepsi Challenge if it ever happened with diet sodas.

I don’t really like the Zero versions of either one as much as the classic diet versions. Too … I don’t know, syrupy or something.

If these things matter to you, Pepsi is chasing the political pendulum and dumping their DEI initiatives. Coke (and Dr. Pepper, fwiw) has said Fuck You to the activist investors and doubled down on diversity as essential to building a strong workforce. Use that information as you see fit.

Quote by joe71
I don’t really like the Zero versions of either one as much as the classic diet versions. Too … I don’t know, syrupy or something.

I don't really like colas period, but I actually prefer the Zero versions. Of the sugar free versions, they taste more "real" to me than the "diet" ones with pure aspartame, of which I have never been fond. So I'll take either in the Zero configuration but only if no other suitable drinks are on offer.

Really, as far as sodas go, I like Bubly nowadays. It is basically just soda water with some natural flavouring, things like lime and blackberry. They offer some interesting flavours and have no added sweeteners, sugar or otherwise.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Coke girlie

Especially Coke Vanilla

Hmm ..Coke or Pepsi yes Coke

'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Neither. I don't drink colas