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Paralymic star Oscar Pistorius shoots his girlfriend

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Just heard on the news that Oscar Pistorius shot and killed his Girlfriend in his luxury home in one of Pretoria's security estates. Oscar Pistorius made name for himself in the Paralympics with his bladed feet winning several medals in various events worldwide. She was shot in the head as well as the arm and died on the scene... He assumed she was a burglar
Why would he assume she was a burglar if he lived in a security estate? Seems a little bizarre considering.

Mind you, a friend of mine lived in South Africa for about a year, he lived behind razor wire, and was told not to stop at traffic lights...I guess under those circumstances, you'd be pretty jumpy too.
Quote by nicola
Why would he assume she was a burglar if he lived in a security estate? Seems a little bizarre considering.

Mind you, a friend of mine lived in South Africa for about a year, he lived behind razor wire, and was told not to stop at traffic lights...I guess under those circumstances, you'd be pretty jumpy too.

An acquaintance of mine was shot leaving his fortified compound in South Africa, all for a silly car.
Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.

The name Oscar Pistorius appearing on the gun control threads in Think Tank in 5... 4... 3... 2...
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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Thanks for the input you all. Thing is, Oscar has never been without controversy... and she was shot in the house
Quote by Pussy_Patrol

An acquaintance of mine was shot leaving his fortified compound in South Africa, all for a silly car.

South Africa is not that Bad hey haha.. we do stay in security complexes but not in fortified compounds... I have been is one of the worst areas of Johannesburg one day amidst an uprising... and was still treated with respect... nevertheless, these things happen here... But Oscar? I have my doubts about certain facts
Quote by hotjet64

South Africa is not that Bad hey haha.. we do stay in security complexes but not in fortified compounds... I have been is one of the worst areas of Johannesburg one day amidst an uprising... and was still treated with respect... nevertheless, these things happen here... But Oscar? I have my doubts about certain facts

He was the GM for a car manufacturer. He was shot and killed for his car as he was waiting for the gates to close. It happened ten years ago.
Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.

Is this the south African runner that was the firs runner in the olympics with no feet? he came in last but still..
Quote by Kitanica
Is this the south African runner that was the firs runner in the olympics with no feet? he came in last but still..

Yes, he was quite hot though in the para's but he tried out for the last Olympics where he did not get very far
Just been watching news myself. It appears the Police are charging him with murder. There are also reports of neighbours hearing the couple arguing.
Sad news all round.
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
After living in southern africa for 30 years, and knowing how dangerous that paradise is, I think people should wait for the story to unfold before thinking suspiciously about this, he may live in a security compound but, as has previously been noted it's not a fortified complex, living in South Africa( Johannesburg is one of the most dangerous cities in the world ) will put you in a state of high alertness and things can happen very quickly, my parents were robbed at gunpoint, in a friend's house, luckily nobody was hurt but there could have been a different outcome had someone lost "it". I've come home to find a burglar in my home and only managed to stop him by drawing my weapon ( gun laws are different compared to the UK ) then calling the cops after he realised he couldn't escape, he had a machete on him, I dont want to think what would have happened if I had been sleeping or relaxing in my home when he broke in as my weapon was normally in the safe when at home. So please lets wait for the facts
So much for being an 'inspiration' to all.

This is awful news.

I find it hard to believe that you'd be able shoot someone in your own home, thinking they're a burglar without actually physically catching a glimpse of them before you decide to pull the trigger - four times. He shot her once in the head which requires decent aim so how could he have not recognized his own girlfriend's head/face? I mean she was an FHM model with long blonde hair. What the fuck, Oscar?

Yet another domestic violence situation leading to another V-day tragedy as far as I'm concerned. Very, very sad.

How ironic that Reeva Steenkamp had retweeted this message the very day before she was killed.

Wow, that's crazy. It was inspiring watching him run. I wonder what happened...
As far as I can tell, Oscar Pistorius has always been a fame whore. First he sues to be able to race in the "normal" Olympics, saying his blades weren't an advantage (which they weren't). Then O.P. loses in the Para-Olympics and complains that he lost to someone whose who had an unfair advantage because his blades were too long (which they weren't). He's a self centered hypocrite.

Typical athlete that thinks he's above the law.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by DirtyMartini
I have to admit I never heard of him...but, apparently he's quite the star in S. Africa...

I reckon he got most famous in the London Olympics because he ran in both the Olympics AND the Paralympics... pretty big achievement for a double amputee.
As for the shooting, I find it difficult to believe that it wasn't him. He was dating a model (and she was beautiful) so who knows what sort of insecurity issues he was having? It's pretty tragic for her though... she looked and seemed lovely.
Of course Nike immediately pulled their advertising featuring Pistorius.

Pretty ironic and creepy to say the least.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Of course Nike immediately pulled their advertising featuring Pistorius.

Pretty ironic and creepy to say the least.

holy fuck! omg! just... yeah... damn.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Why is this so shocking to anyone? Because he was in the Para-Olympics? Because he was an inspiration? Beloved? Sad yes, but shocking?

He killed her than made up a lame excuse figuring he was above the law like the rest of the Celebriminals(yes I made that word up!) normaly do. If he wasnt famous or a double amputee, would it even be news?

BTW, wasnt OJ beloved?
Quote by Nikki703
Why is this so shocking to anyone? Because he was in the Para-Olympics? Because he was an inspiration? Beloved? Sad yes, but shocking?

He killed her than made up a lame excuse figuring he was above the law like the rest of the Celebriminals(yes I made that word up!) normaly do. If he wasnt famous or a double amputee, would it even be news?

BTW, wasnt OJ beloved?

When pretty and/or successful people die or kill, it always makes the news. Society somehow believes they are infallible and exempt from the horrors of life.

Technically though - Oscar was a pretty big news story at the London Olympics. We even had a thread about him in the Think Tank:

Murderous athletes, slain models, sexy female defendants on death penalty trials - this is the kind of stuff the media lives for.

We want our heroes to inspire us but the expectations often exceed what they can ever live up to. Especially when egos and fame get in the way.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

When pretty and/or successful people die or kill, it always makes the news. Society somehow believes they are infallible and exempt from the horrors of life.

We want our heroes to inspire us but the expectations often exceed what they can ever live up to. Especially when egos and fame get in the way.

I would add too that it takes a certain kind of mind to become successful and famous. Most people that are twisted enough to murder don't have the charisma, drive, or talent to become an inspirational figure. That is why it is so shocking to me and many others. This was a person that had all these things but also that hole in his soul that allowed him to murder. Pretty rare I would imagine.
Quote by Magical_felix

I would add too that it takes a certain kind of mind to become successful and famous. Most people that are twisted enough to murder don't have the charisma, drive, or talent to become an inspirational figure. That is why it is so shocking to me and many others. This was a person that had all these things but also that hole in his soul that allowed him to murder. Pretty rare I would imagine.

CNN posted an article about this, citing the police have said there were "previous incidents" and "allegations of a domestic nature" Sounds like they were calling him a woman beater but he was arrested for slamming a door at a party and a piece of the door hit someone. not sure how they plays into ..domestic nature, but they've only said the suspect is his age, it says they can only charge him officially once they're in the court room. didn't take them long to sort out the home defense idea I guess.

And on the side lots of people are different in private. Look at btk, church president and pillar of the community by day, strangler by night. He wasn't a movie star or anything but he was charismatic and no one saw the whole woman in the trunk thing coming.
At first I just thought this guy was stupid for mistaking a bombshell for a burglar (I don't know what she looked like but she was a model) but now it looks like he's not going to pass go or collect 200$ if they charge him with murder.
Quote by Kitanica

At first I just thought this guy was stupid for mistaking a bombshell for a burglar (I don't know what she looked like but she was a model) but now it looks like he's not going to pass go or collect 200$ if they charge him with murder.

Yeah, she was definitely not burglar'esque at all.

The latest is that the police have no idea where the burglar theory came about but that it was surprising to the police when they heard it in the media. There were no signs of forced entry and they were the only people at his house. Apparently neighbours had heard loud arguing coming from the house leading up to the shooting. I'll bet the 'mistaken identity' thing was put out by family or maybe just spread by fans not ready to deal with the reality of the situation and wanting to find some kind of reasonable explanation for how it could have happened.

I agree with Jack though - at a certain level of achievement/success, we just don't expect stuff like this to happen. On some level it's like - wow he's famous, idolized by his country, an Olympic athlete, he's got a ton of cash and has dated a string of models and is a bit of a playboy on the scene. He had everything going for him. Most guys would look up to (and covet) that kind of lifestyle and now he's gone from glam to total rock bottom and a possible life sentence in the slammer. It does shock us more because the fall from grace is so much more profound than the 'average criminal' or sketchy guy that might commit the same crime.
No matter what the cause of her death was, this is still a tragic situation for all involved.
Interesting opinions all around and it seems there is support on both sides... But, If it was a burglary.... He still had time to put his booties on..?? Sorry, living in South Africa (and I love this country very much) and with all the crime and crap hanging around this country, the burglary excuse is the biggest damn crap!!!!

Maybe I should open a tour agency and take you to a shebeen in Soweto or give you a peek of the poverty in the JHB City Centre before showing you the lions in the Bushveld!! This country is MAGIC SHIT!! Except at the very Top?!?!?!
Quote by Dancing_Doll

When pretty and/or successful people die or kill, it always makes the news. Society somehow believes they are infallible and exempt from the horrors of life.

Technically though - Oscar was a pretty big news story at the London Olympics. We even had a thread about him in the Think Tank:

Murderous athletes, slain models, sexy female defendants on death penalty trials - this is the kind of stuff the media lives for.

We want our heroes to inspire us but the expectations often exceed what they can ever live up to. Especially when egos and fame get in the way.

I agree with most of what you are saying, but still, being shocked that a celeb or semi-celeb did something like this is not a shock to me. It has happened before and it will again.

Quote by Magical_felix

I would add too that it takes a certain kind of mind to become successful and famous. Most people that are twisted enough to murder don't have the charisma, drive, or talent to become an inspirational figure. That is why it is so shocking to me and many others. This was a person that had all these things but also that hole in his soul that allowed him to murder. Pretty rare I would imagine.

Not so sure I agree with this!!
Successful people are much like those who are not. And they commit crimes just like others as well. In fact, many times the very things that help a person become successful are the same things we see in career criminals. It is only the end result or focus that is different. Successful people however, tend to have more resources to help them out of jams (legally) should they get into them.
Quote by Nikki703
Not so sure I agree with this!!

That it's rare to have inspirational national figures like Oscar was that kill? Name another. OJ Simpson was hardly an inspirational national figure. When they called 911 I think the dispatcher said "you mean the sportscaster?". Phil Spector? Dude could be mistaken for the crypt-keeper from tales from the crypt. Sid Vicious? Junkie turned punk rocker who could barely play his instrument. Robert Blake? Some has-been with crazy eyes... Yeah I think national heros like Oscar who turn murderous are rare.
The same personality traits of psychopaths are often seen in successful people: superficial charm, over-inflated sense of self-worth, lying, manipulation, lack of remorse and/or empathy. Of course this doesn't mean they will start killing people but does show that it's not a huge leap for a thankfully rare few to take
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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Quote by overmykneenow
The same personality traits of psychopaths are often seen in successful people: superficial charm, over-inflated sense of self-worth, lying, manipulation, lack of remorse and/or empathy

How would you determine that? Do you even know a celebrity? Or someone like Michael Phelps or Usian Bolt? Because that is what Pistorious was to South Africa. How would you know any of these things about people you don't even know? Because you saw them on TV? Read some tabloid at the supermarket? Give me a break.

Which celebrity have you figured for a psychopath?

Quote by overmykneenow
Of course this doesn't mean they will start killing people but does show that it's not a huge leap for a thankfully rare few to take

The above was edited in after my reply. Sounds like back-peddling. Just saying incase people think I am misquoting.