I'll admit, two of my photos aren't me. And one is questionable.
Do you wear your Dangermouse outfit in the bedroom? I could be Penfold ;) lol
You're not the only one smoothwetkitty who notices it too. Its funny cause, I can look at a pic and say its fake, and if i ask them about and they tell me its real, delete! lol I rather have someone put up cute pics of animal/things, or if they feel self-conscience for discretionary purposes than by all means. But to use fake pics and claim it as you, is borderline sad. What's even more sad are the idiots that believe its you. lol
I had this one girl tell and swore by it, that it was her in the pics. So i asked her to send me a few more, she said she didn't have anymore. Than I told her, what if i have 50 more of your pics, how is that possible? She deleted me, how rude! Sad part is, she still on this site with the same pics! lol But being the nice guy that I am, I wouldn't call her out. Just rather laugh and realize how sad of a person she is.
I know what you mean. All of my pics are me, feel free to try to debunk them, there all me. Dont know why people try to be someone that their not, its just disgrating to them selves. Everyone likes different things and body types, so why pretend to be someone your not. Stupid people.
Hi Steve and welcome.
I think it's because the internuts is fantasy to a lot of people so they can be whatever or whoever they want to.
I would never post a face picture on a website where we post sex stories and talk about sex. Talk about something that could destroy a professional career, that could do it.
I suppose some people prefer to be able to create the fantasy alter-ego they always wished they could be and that's fine...
That's not for me, all of my pics are me, but to each his or her own I guess...
I understand not wanting to show your face, I have cropped mine, but using others photos and claiming they are yours stirs up lots of things in my mind. Who are you really chatting with? Why is that person holding out? What else will they lie about. My pics with the exception of the funny additions, sexy Dorothy, etc. are actually me!
My av is not me, it's the picture which inspired me to write my very first erotic story. However, all of my pictures in my image gallery are real, which you can easily tell.
i have just started to notice this! and i am glad i am not the only one. i am glad to say that all of my pictures are actually me. and i feel like if you don't want to share your identity don't steal some one elses.
I have a professional career so i would never post a picture of myself in a public gallery on an erotic story site.
My pictures are all of red wine and ballerinas, and i think that i would look pretty bloody silly in a leotard....
However, my close friends on here all know what i look like as they are that....Friends...
Hey now, ALL of my avatar pics have been colorized by ME!
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
I tend to stick to the Pre-Raphaelite paintings now, although I get people asking me if I have long red hair (I wish).
I did try a picture of a cougar for a while, but a lot of people missed the point so I gave up on that one.
My profile ones are real......
(Otherwise what's the point?)
xx SF
I don't plan on ever posting pictures of myself. I might put something in as an avatar to distinguish me from others but probably not a photo and definitely not a photo of someone else.
I do look at peoples pictures but I generally end up feeling like, Wow more tits or another hard cock. . . boring. I'm just not a very visually stimulated person. I have an imagination that's why I'm on a story website. . . give me a situation that makes me hot and I can picture the rest myself.
But wait you say "you might be talking to an ugly person!" Well ugly people like getting busy too and the most beautiful men I've been with in real life have been the worst in bed. Sure if I was going to meet someone in real life there would have to be some actual physical attraction, but I'm not so if you're too ugly to look at you'll just be tweaked a little in my head.
Actually, what this thread is about are 3 common human traits. Failure to observe, which can be seen everywhere from sidewalks to traffic. The ability to believe whatever one wants to, despite facts to the contrary. The desire to deceive, getting little mental points in some twisted game of generating artificial self-worth.
Very well said Jesse.
SmoothKitty, you are not the only person who notices; possibly a majority of the viewers have noticed but had, as Jesse said, "... the ability to believe ...". Another point, have you noticed how many young woman on Lush have "identical twins" posting sensual pictures?
The quiet and always horny old guy in Sunny Florida USA
Personally while my avatar can be seen in full on other sites I do prefer to use only things I made. Makes it more personal.....
(And for the record I did draw that image the real thing is on my wall)
We will not friend anyone where there are obvious net pics trying to be passed off as their own. Even if the pics are labeled as net pics, if there are no original pics, we are highly suspicious of the person. Why post net pics at all? But we all get fooled at one time or another.
In my profession, like many others, there are strict rules regarding the use of social media and the potential for a conflict of interest, so as people have said before me,I won't be posting pictures of myself here. If that means you are unable or unwilling to be a friend then so be it. I am not being unfriendly, evasive or untruthful, just protective of my position that I have worked very hard to achieve.nkdRlQE0eZUUUxlJ
For the record my pic is me, just cropped down to avoid recognition (I hope). I put it up to in an effort to be friended by a few people who refuse to accept requests from members who use the default avatar. I've only got one other photo i posted (in my gallery) that I found on a tumblr site that simply moved me. I labeled it 'This just might be the sexiest girl in the world' and quite obviously isn't me (or even my gender!). I tend to assume at least 90% of the photos are not of the person whose profile they appear on, I don't plan on going out with any of them, so it's just part of the fantasy.