My laptop screen broke today and I see a new one in my near future. Heres my question.....if you use a laptop is it a Mac or a PC? What do you like about yours and what dont you like about yours!!
I'll be shopping around but any help from my Lush family would be appreciated!!
Thank you!
Sassy (:
It is true that it really depends on what you plan to use it for. I have a lot of freinds who love their Mac's, but I guess I am the Anti-Apple so I am a PC. Actually it is the only thing PC about me, LOL. And I am pretty happy with it. And I use it for work (some design software packages as well as the usual MS Office stuff) and play.
My relationship with apple has always been a bitter/sweet one, but only bitter because of the issues moving between operating systems. My heart said Mac, but my brain said PC. My heart always won out.
I adore the way OS X works, it's stable, fast and simple (although that can also be it's downfall too). They last around 6-7 hours using wireless on a single charge. I have never had a virus nor have any other Mac users I know, and all the Mac's I have had have outlived their PC equivalents. They are money in the bank at the end of the day.
If you can afford to go Pro, do it. I bought a new MBP around 6 weeks ago and although most PC's do give you better bang for your buck, the new i7 (i5 standard in the 13") processors have closed that margin slightly. Budget in another few added years onto the standard 1 year warranty and for Office for Mac if you need it. If the budget doesn't allow a brand new Mac or you just plain think they're too expensive, don't be afraid of the refurbished ones on Apples website.
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back.
Macintosh users know they would NEVER want the complexities of a PC.
Cost aside Macs are so fast and easy to use.
BTW if you are aware of all the viruses out there... never hear of Macs having one problem!
There is some comfort in that.
Macbook for sure! Anything Mac rather than PC anyday anytime and it ain't even close! Mac! Mac! Mac!
Much less freezes, crashes....etc. etc. Just easier and much more fun to use!
I am a PC. Due to some physical disabilities, Mrs Nudie Pants had to go shopping for the lightest laptop she could find. It turned out to be a MacBook Air. For the life of me, I just can never get used to it. I suppose if I only worked on it I would, eventually, but Windoze is so ingrained into my habits that switching back and forth just causes me no end of grief. And yes, there are viruses that make the rounds on the Macs of the world. She just caught one, and had to go buy MacKeeper to help get her back up to speed. The machine does seem to run well, but it's not the end-all and be-all of the computing world.
In the end, weigh your needs against your budget and decide if the coolness of the Apple moniker is worth the extra tribute extorted.
Even if I had all the money in the world, I'd not go for a Mac because I'm just too used to my PC. I've been building PCs for years now and I will admit, when the iMac came out at first I was very impressed, but after using one, I was shocked at how convoluted the OS seemed compared to Windows. Also, once you get past the "ooh shiny" phase, it just becomes another computing device.
There are several more reasons that I don't like Apple as a company, but that would require about 5 pages worth of ranting, so I'll restrain myself. I remember using one of the ancient Macs and I got so pissed off at it that I hurled it across the room, suffice to say, my IT teacher wasn't happy, but that is what Macs make me wanna do, for some strange reason - perhaps it's due to Apple running around unjustly suing everyone for "copyright infringement" (heck, they're even trying to say that they invented Android, which is totally wrong - Android is open source and based upon a Linux kernel and came into being in 2003, whereas iOS is closed source and based upon a Linux-like kernel and came into being in 2007, the difference is subtle, but it is there and of course there is the fact that Android existed before iOS).
And the reason that Macs don't get as many viruses/malware as PCs running Windows is the same reason that PCs running Linux don't: because it's too damned hard to code a virus for a Mac and it would cost more to write the virus than it would be worth.
I love my PC and if it breaks down or a component stops working, all I need to do is buy a new one, slap it in and away it goes, as long as it's compatible with the mobo, there's no problem. With Macs, everything is proprietary, meaning you have to replace like for like, a hassle that I couldn't be bothered with.
Anyway, I fear that this rant has gone on too long, so I shall end it with some final words: for £500 I can build an extremely fast, overclockable PC that will keep going for years, for £500, I couldn't even buy a Mac monitor because Macs are so grossly overpriced and underpowered for their price. For over £1000, I'd expect the thing to run everything I could throw at it and for it it be eye-meltingly fast, but it just ain't. People are too concerned with shiny stuff. "It's so shiny, must be good!" Ain't always the case.
Having used both Mac & PC extensively I can honestly say that Macs are far superior in every way. Well worth any extra expense. You will come out ahead with less down time, much fewer headaches and much less frustration. Macs are far more dependable and almost always much faster.
I use a Toshiba Satellite L455D-S5976. I've had it for the last 4 years I wanna say, and it runs excellent. I've dropped it numerous times, and it's never given me any problems! I use a very basic Norton security virus protection, keep up with the updates, and back my files up on a hard drive. I would highly recommend it.
Macs are very sexy to look at. Use a pure language. Preferred by the creative types generally.
Macs are proprietary. Too expensive. Lack of, or no cross platform compatibility.
I know you can run Windows on Mac now, but their own software and systems is for Mac.
They want you to have all Mac products.
If I won the lottery I would no doubt prove what a hypocrite I am!
Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.
Walt Disney I just made the change this January to a MacBook and it's great. I use it for writing, movies, music, etc. I have heard that if you use a lot of spreadsheets, like Excel, etc. PCs might be better. But I love the track pad/swipe feature Macs have.