New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Four -Chapters 13-16
Quote by DBarclayQuote by ali2teaseu
Hmm...Victor's Secret? Not my thing but that's just my opinion.
and your preference would be ???
Quote by RedRockhard
Is men wearing lingerie acceptable, panties, bras, ect.ect. I like to wear panties they feel good and make me hard to orgasm.
Quote by sweet_escapeQuote by RedRockhard
Is men wearing lingerie acceptable, panties, bras, ect.ect. I like to wear panties they feel good and make me hard to orgasm.
The idea of men wearing panties doesn't turn me on. I wear the panties in my house!
But it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks. As long as it makes you happy.
Quote by mizzoubaseballOnce a year or everyday. What difference does it make? I wear them everyday and few people know except here in Lush. I respect the fact that it might not be your thing, but it's my thing and I really don't think there's anything wrong with it. Warped maybe but not wrong.rpvvOzCSTfg7niF6
As long as it doesn't become an everyday thing