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Piercings… who has them?

I was having a conversation with someone recently about my tongue ring and I began to wonder when is it time to take certain piercings out.

Is there an age when it becomes weird or improper for someone to have certain piercings, such as tongue rings, eyebrow, nose, almost anything facial, I suppose. Maybe even the belly button? Would we go as far as nipples, clits or even the Prince Albert.

If so, how old and why?

I had my tongue pierced when I was about 15 and I’ve had it for 16 years, it’s a part of me at this point. The thought of removing it, is as weird as asking me to have a limb removed.

So tell me, what are your thoughts?
I think it's less about age than it is about how you see yourself. There isn't a magic number where you decide you are too old to be sexy or daring.

I think some piercings are very sexy. Tongue piercings are very suggestive. They say a girl like sex and likes to be playful. I say keep it. It makes you stand out and be memorable
Age is a number. If you are comfortable wearing them, wear them. If you start to feel you've outgrown them, take em out.

It was the same with me and long hair. After awhile I felt like a characature, a stereotypical man approaching middle age trying vainly to hang on to his youth, and cut it all off.
I think any body piercing is incredibly sexy. I had multiple piercing in both ears, I think one is still open. Though I have not worn an earring in over 20 years. I can't remember why I stopped wearing my earring to be honest.

Age is not a factor, friends my own age, I'm 55, still wear their piercings. Like you said, Poppet, it is part of who they are. So, no, I don't think there comes a time when it is weird or improper for someone to have certain piercings. Barring medical and personal reasons of course.

Good thread btw. smile
I think that piercings are up to the individual . If a person is comfy wearing them wherever they are then I'm thinking go for it. Most piercings to me are very sexy. I always notice earrings myself. I think they are lovely and enhance a ladies hair and face. I have seen some piercings that actually seem to disfigure and to me that is sad. But bottom line a beautiful woman to me can be beautiful even with piercings if she likes them. If you likem, doem, I'm going to whistle at you either way. If you like your tongue pierced then keep it. Can't imagine you without a limb.
the only piercings i have are in my ears. at one time i wanted my nose pierced but decided against it for professional reasons. i don't think there's any age that you shouldn't get one, much like tattoos. who knows, maybe i'll get one in the future.

Say. Her. Name.

I HATE piercings of ALL kinds. (I actually find them a real turn-off...) I mean, IF YOU NEED to, FIRE AWAY, but I thought your nipple looked quite beautiful BEFORE. (And NOW I worry it will HURT you if I suck it!)

And you know THE THING they say, like a TONGUE PIERCING feels better when she's giving you head? (IT FUCKING DOES NOT!!! And ANYWAY, she's sucking your cock, don't be fucking DEMANDING about it!!! "You know what would make this better, Babe? It would be if there was metal involved somewhere...")

Fucking LIP-PIERCINGS??? (It's like kissing a fucking notebook...)

CLIT PIERCINGS????? ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?????? ("How MUCH did that HURT!!!!!")

Eyebrow piercings? (I MEAN WHY???)

"I had it done at 15..." OF COURSE YOU DID!!! NOBODY WOULD DO IT WHEN THEY WERE 29!!!!!!

I can COUNT THE TIMES when I've looked at a woman and thought, "You KNOW what would make you PRETTIER? A LITTLE BIT OF METAL in your body..."

(It's NO TIMES!!!)

xx SF

(BTW I used to be a singer in a Rock Band... So you can imagine how THAT OPINION caused issues...) Don't get me WRONG I fucked them all anyway! (I'm a GUY!)
Well my opinion is that I think it is pathetic when old people try to dress and act like teens. I'm 54 now and embrace my age, not run from it. Well, okay I've got a wife that's fifteen years younger and drive a sports car and surf with the youngsters but...

Oh hell, just do what makes you happy.
I'm not into piercings and would be terribly upset if my children ever got them.

To each is own.

But, like tattoo's in the business world, you would need to cover them up.
There is a time and a place for these things.

This is just my opinion.

Another one of those issues that is so personal. I personally have only ear piercings, just one in each ear. I found them painful. Ironically the two tattoos I got I didn't find painful at all. One of my sons has a few piercings and I'm fine with his choices. It's akin to art for me. It's a matter of taste only. Age is no barrier to it at all. If you are happy with them, who cares what else anyone thinks. The world is and has changed, so there are more and more businesses and careers where tattoos and piercings are not a problem. Life's short, do what makes you happy!
I had three piercings, I got bored of them and closed them.
Age appropriate though? Bah I think age is an excuse people use to be boring and shy. Age has nothing to do with how you feel, it's more a box that people need to put you in to categorise behaviour. I say fuck that do as you feel
"If it doesn't leave you breathless, sweaty and ready to fade, it's just not worth doing."
In this I agree it's personal choice. I too dislike piercings, don't even have pierced ears (saw too many girls have their ears ripped open when sleepers were caught etc, back in the days before studs came along), and wasn't keen on daughters having them done. Finally agreed when they were old enough to look after them properly to ensure no infections etc. One still has them, the other one hardly ever wears earrings now, so they close all the time.

When it comes to looking at people with 'face furniture' I just wonder why they feel the need to have pieces of metal adorn their face. I haven't seen any I like, including tiny nose studs because I just wonder how that doesn't hurt when you blow your nose! And I can't imagine there's ever a time I would even consider puncturing any part of my anatomy with any sort of metal for decoration or any other purpose (and yes, hate needles and IV canulas too!)

All that said I really don't believe it's a case of a particular age that signals it's time to take 'em out - just like getting them, it's personal preference when you stop wearing it. If you feel you no longer need or want it, then take it out. If not, leave it in.
Like Mysteria said, "There's a time and a place for everything". I, personally, never had any piercing done (Damn, that must hurt! And to what purpose?) but don't have a problem with people who do, provided they don't go off the deep end.The same can be said for tattoo's. Some women look very sexy, some do not. Having never kissed a girl with a lip or tongue piercing, I can't say whether it would be a turn on or not.

As for your dilemma, shed them if and when you want. After all, they are a part of you. But keep in mind, fair or not, you might not be taken as seriously in the business world with ' face furniture' as one of the other posters, put it.

How's that for a non answer? Should I run for President?
I think Poppet, that you are the only one that can answer that. Like many have said, if you feel comfortable then why remove it. Besides, healing time after removing it also is something to look.

I like piercings and thought about doing some but to afraid of pain and health. Maybe some day in places that are common like esrrings or navel. Other, I don't like.

Just do what makes you happy, for what you say, taking them out is something that will make you not happy.

Keep smiling And have great day
What would you think if an 80 years old granny still has her tongue ring? Base on your answer, you decide if you stick with it or not.
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AGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I get a nasty feeling in the back of my legs at the thought of having my tongue pierced but that's just because I'm an old fogie but as far as keeping it once you've done it goes it sounds a peculiar sort of double standard and downright hypocritical to say there has to be a time when it's not appropriate. I'd hate to think what would happen if the giraffe necked women had to take their rings away once they got older.
I am not the best to answer this question.... I do not even have my own ears pierced. Call me a chicken, lol. Nose, eyebrows, lips ... tongues... just not so sure it comes across as best presentation... that's just my thoughts... I am old too, lol
I'm a bit old-fashioned as far as piercings and tats are concerned. I only have my ears pierced (double-pierced, actually). There are only two issues involved here (assuming no health concerns arise): How you perceive yourself, and how others perceive you, and whether or not that matters to you. These days, few bat an eye at seeing unusual piercings, so if you're secure in your career and your social surroundings, why worry now? On the other hand, people like me, who are in a position to hire and fire employees may, at some point, call your judgment or your appearance into question in a job interview. I have rejected job applicants for weird-looking tats and piercings because their prospective positions involve dealing with the public, and their appearance becomes a factor in how my company is perceived, by reason of the appearance of sales personnel, or the representatives I have sitting at a front desk. So, if you foresee a time when your career may depend on your appearance, you may find yourself at a disadvantage. I used to have beautiful, long hair that reached my ass, but when I took over the reins of my family's business, I cut it and spiral-permed it for a more professional look. It's unfortunate that such things matter, but... they do.
You know, the funny thing is, no one ever seems to notice I have a tongue ring. I don't play with it or show it off. I just have it, but now it simply feels a part of me. It does seem to be weird if a grandmother would have a piercing like that. I think there is an age limit, I just am not sure when.

To me, there is a difference between getting something pierced when you're in your teens or early 20's, to getting it done in your older years. That's just strange to me.

I don't know. To me, I don't have a problem with anyone having piercings or tattoo's, just so long as they do it tastefully. I'm surprised at how little people are pierced here. Granted, not many people have commented thus far, but yeah, I'm surprised.

Thanks to all those who've replied.
If you don't find it weird regardless of the age. As you already told us it is a part of you already, then stick with it. It's your body and you should know what's best for you. smile

I do pierced both of my ears and it was out of curiosity. I thought I'm a chicken to do it but I did and it wasn't painful at all using needles only. So I think it's your mind dictating what makes you feel good. Not the people around you unless you are really concerned about it. That will trigger what ifs and what not.
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