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Leader or Follower?

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I was talking to some people about this and its quite interesting when you really get down to it.
Are you a natural born leader or do you tend to follow others more?

Personally I think Im a leader. I go my own way, if something dosnt appeal to me Ill rather just go do my own thing than get sucked into some boring situation. I speak my mind and rarely give in when I know I am right. Though I am humble enough to apologize when I think I have done wrong. I don't need other people to be positive to influence me to be the same, I usually just am and can brush it off on others.

So... What are you?
Same as you, I'm extremely stubborn, I know my own mind, wont back down if I know I am right, stick up for what I believe in and will often go my own way, by myself instead of following the crowds.

On the other hand, I can be quiet, passive and very very laid back, preferring to just quietly get on with life instead of arguing the toss... depends if the situation is worth arguing about
I stay out of the way a lot, watching the crowd thin out as they choose directions, then make a decision of my own...sometimes just for the sake of making one.

That's not to say that I don't freak out every now and then when I look around and see that nobody else chose the path that I did...but I know I wouldn't be where I am as a person if I took others' advice on a regular basis.
I agree with Will .... I see that in myself as well ... so I am definitely more a leader than a follower - though many would never follow me (not that I care). lol

artists tend to naturally go outside the borders (lovely thought) .... though my professional life is very much within the constraints of borders - but those borders are often challenged and occasionally changed.

nice to have leaders to follow ... and followers who take your lead ....

Constant Gardener
Either lead, follow or get the hell outta my way.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by Necho
I was talking to some people about this and its quite interesting when you really get down to it.
Are you a natural born leader or do you tend to follow others more?

Necho, you are right about this subject being interesting. People have written books on the subject.

I tend to do my own thing, but I don't have any problem working as part of a team in order to accomplish a common goal. If in my judgment, another person is more leaned or accomplished I assume a role in which I am able to learn from them. When I am that person, I teach.

In my view the greatest danger in being a follower is when one is blindly obedient to a political ideology and/or religious dogma. To me that situation is true slavery because the mind and soul are enslaved, in many cases willingly. I stay away from the "isms". I try to pick and choose wisely, when it comes to ideas.
Quote by Kyle
Quote by Necho
I was talking to some people about this and its quite interesting when you really get down to it.
Are you a natural born leader or do you tend to follow others more?

Necho, you are right about this subject being interesting. People have written books on the subject.

I tend to do my own thing, but I don't have any problem working as part of a team in order to accomplish a common goal. If in my judgment, another person is more leaned or accomplished I assume a role in which I am able to learn from them. When I am that person, I teach.

In my view the greatest danger in being a follower is when one is blindly obedient to a political ideology and/or religious dogma. To me that situation is true slavery because the mind and soul are enslaved, in many cases willingly. I stay away from the "isms". I try to pick and choose wisely, when it comes to ideas.

The problem with being a leader... If something goes wrong... Its YOUR fault.
Quote by Necho
The problem with being a leader... If something goes wrong... Its YOUR fault.

Oh god what have I done now?
Quote by nicola
Quote by Necho
The problem with being a leader... If something goes wrong... Its YOUR fault.

Oh god what have I done now?

Guilty conscious there Nicola?

If that was a serious question... nothing. I was just generalizing the blame shift when it comes to trouble in a group and who pays for it in the end.
Hmm.... I've always done my own thing but does that make me a leader even though no one follows?
Quote by Necho
If that was a serious question... nothing. I was just generalizing the blame shift when it comes to trouble in a group and who pays for it in the end.

I was just messing around

I don't follow well.
Quote by nicola

I don't follow well.

We know...
Constant Gardener
This world would stop functioning very well, if everyone was a leader.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale
This world would stop functioning very well, if everyone was a leader.

So... uhm... What world are you from? The one I'm in isn't functioning very well...

Hey, imagine if there were actually people from other planets, imagine dating sites then!

Ice Lady from Pluto looking for red hot stud from Mars to take to Venus for a long weekend! NO EARTHLINGS PLEASE!
follower that's it.2Z3x1tJWZRxr4nAq
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
This world would stop functioning very well, if everyone was a leader.

I don't follow that well, stubborn steak you know.

*The Dark Room*

How do you talk to an Angel available from Amazon.
I'm too stubborn to be a follower, but I'm not a leader either. I just hover somewhere in between.
Quote by WellMadeMale
This world would stop functioning very well, if everyone was a leader.

That is true, very true. I think there are different types leadership. In most working environments there needs to be a defined chain of command, even in tech, although subsets of an enterprise, like creative efforts work better without strict structure. That said, work commitments are for the most part voluntary. You can walk away, so are you really a follower when you submit to a chain of command or are you just being pragmatic?

I have control over my life for the most part. I do my own thing. I don't think that alone makes me a leader. That alone does not make me a follower. It makes me my own person.

Leaders are people who create that which others use/follow. Bill Gates is a leader, Nicola is a leader, The founders of google are leaders, Buddha is a leader, Nancy Pelosi is a leader, Bush was a leader, even Britney Spears is a leader to someone given her influence over others.

In my view we are all followers of ideas, even the artist, even the scientist, even the tech deities. Very few of us are original thinkers on that level. People read books, go to churches, go to seminars, etc looking for a way out or way in. This is where, IMHO, good and evil lie. Ideas are the arena of the true follower. That is where the source of homophobia is, the source of intolerant, the source of great harm to humanity. It all lies in blindly following dogma of religion and blind allegiance to political ideology.

To be truly free you have to think for yourself and have the courage to stand firm in the face of aversity. That is leadership on the individual level. On that level I am as much of leader as possible.
Active Ink Slinger
The question is are you a follower or a leader but everyone seems to be answering on whether they are conformists or not. Being a follower doesnt mean that youre a sheep and incapable of making your own decisions, and not going with the majority doesnt make you less of a follower. I tend to be a leader but dont always feel comfortable in this role.. its the role thats given to me by the people im surrounded by.I guess thats what really makes us a follower or a leader, the decisions of those around us rather than our own decision.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by shygeek
Hmm.... I've always done my own thing but does that make me a leader even though no one follows?

This is me. Haha. I go my own way but then I warn people "Don't follow in my footsteps, I walk into walls."
Right there. Oh yeah baby. Right there.
Active Ink Slinger
strangely enough.. I do both.. and if I believe what I am told.. neither one very well.. so I tend to spend a lot of time alone..
"Don't walk ahead of me, because I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, because I may not lead.
Just walk alongside me and be my friend."
Quote by roccotool
"Don't walk ahead of me, because I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, because I may not lead.
Just walk alongside me and be my friend."

Right on
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by roccotool
"Don't walk ahead of me, because I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, because I may not lead.
Just walk alongside me and be my friend."

Right on
I would like to be a follower but normally in work situations everyone else seems to look at me for leadership and guidance as my team lead has no I've been forced into leadership...personally it's another story lol
I tend to lead mainly because I am around a lot of followers, or just people who require a little more guidance.
Lollipop Girl
i think im kinda both
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Quote by rougerogue
The question is are you a follower or a leader but everyone seems to be answering on whether they are conformists or not. Being a follower doesnt mean that youre a sheep and incapable of making your own decisions, and not going with the majority doesnt make you less of a follower. I tend to be a leader but dont always feel comfortable in this role.. its the role thats given to me by the people im surrounded by.I guess thats what really makes us a follower or a leader, the decisions of those around us rather than our own decision.

Okay, good point. I guess I'd say I'm a follower...but a bad one.
Active Ink Slinger
Leader - with many of Necho's attributes. Taking responsibility for the screw ups is more than made up for in the basking in glory of triumph, accomplishment and (hopefully) recognition when it goes right.

Helps to have a thick skin too - probably why I was known as 'Rhino' in a former life.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
Either lead, follow or get the hell outta my way.

What he said...