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I'm on lush every where I go. Do you lush away from home

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And where?

I'm actually in the waiting room at the eye Dr.
Usually not, no.
I usually have a Lush tab open at work.
While on my most recent business trip, I did check in to Lush from time to time, just to see if anyone was missing me.
Pretty much. My name is Candy and I am a lush addict.
Lush is both my get away place and at times my torment. I log in mostly on my phone so yes
Since joining my husband on the road so he can be an OTR trucker, my home is now kinda on 18 wheels and lush travels with me. We both lush and go. I am going to be a hermit the three days a month we are home and definitely lush at home then smile
No. I only lush when I'm at home.
I find it rude to be active on lush when Im around my guys.
I use lush when I'm at work and having a slow day
I'm on where ever when time allows
Only at work, once I'm caught up.
I try to check in daily and see what is happening
No not everywhere
Pretty much just at home.
I’m usually on Lush on my phone. So yes, at home and away from home.
Please read my naughty new Micro.


When I'm away from home, I check Lush on my phone so I can read my daily black box from that special someone.
Lush is basically a "home" thing for me. Even if it weren't, I'm not someone who would lush at work...though I do sometimes sneak around at non-sexual sites, for brief moments.
(Duplicate post. Please ignore/delete.)
I Lush at work on my mobile phone, usually during my lunch break.
On occasion, though those do not often present themselves.
Lynn....perhaps you need a road trip out to the west coast and you can Lush from here.......I try to at least check in and return messages when I am traveling
I do when I have a computer (e.g. I sneak it at work as I am now). I find Lush, the forums at least, doesn't play nice on phones so otherwise, not really. I have other forum sites that I'm on that work better if I'm mobile.
I fight my addiction daily...

I do bring my IPad to work for the sole purpose of reading stories on my break but I also found I enjoy reading at my desk as people walk by, ask me questions, phones ringing, etc.

Then I hear the ping..... mmmm which friend is it???? There is nothing quite like “chatting” with someone and having to hide my iPad on my knees under my desk so much fun! I guess the thought of getting caught just adds to my addiction!
I've Lushed in the streets. I've Lushed on the beaches. I've Lushed in the fields. l've Lushed in the woods. l've Lushed in the desert. l've Lushed in the mountains. I've Lushed in parking decks. l've Lushed in the snow. I've Lushed in the rain. I've Lushed between the sheets. I shall never quit Lushing.
Everywhere I go and will have time to open and use my laptop I will be checking into Lush. Oh, it does depend upon the place you are. I recall how the local library would block access to "adult" sites when in their facility.

On Thursday I will be getting my triweekly infusion of Pembro. I will be on Lush along with other computer sites while sitting in that little room.
Quote by vanessa26
Yes but mostly just at Starbucks

Nothing like a 6 dollar cup of burnt coffee
Quote by Buz
I've Lushed in the streets. I've Lushed on the beaches. I've Lushed in the fields. l've Lushed in the woods. l've Lushed in the desert. l've Lushed in the mountains. I've Lushed in parking decks. l've Lushed in the snow. I've Lushed in the rain. I've Lushed between the sheets. I shall never quit Lushing.
