Personally I'm a skinny guy, and I've always idolized people who were very human, yet still could kick some serious ass.
For example I hate Superman with a passion.
He has:
- Heat vision
- X ray vision
- Freeze breath
- He can fly
- Super strength
- Invincibility
- Super speed
and I can't even remember everything else. AND THEN to top it off his disguise is a PAIR OF GLASSES!!!!?????
Fuck superman
At any rate I idolized people like Spiderman, Batman is my favourite super hero ever because he kicks ass, and hes a fuckin ninja!
But if I could have a super power my super power would be to BE Nightcrawler. Like literally BE Kurt Vagner.
So Lushites, what super power would you have.
I'm gonna start the wolverine tally lol because usually that's ever guys favourite: 0
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
I'd be Wonder Woman. A hot outfit, a gold lasso and an invisible jet. What more could a girl want?
Breathing Underwater would be my number one super power, but I would also like to create illusions and make people see what I wanted them to see.
Oh my god, I've always wanted to fly! Even if i had the power i probably wouldn't use it to fight crime, just for my own personal use. I'd also be able to fly super fast so I could anywhere in the world in under an hour and have super strength so that i can carry any amount of people/luggage i wanted at once.
And! I'd have wings, not angel type wings but butterfly type wings that are all beautiful and ornate and i have the ability to completely fold them in if i wanted, so nobody could see them.
I havent thought about it much though
Good answers so far guys.
If I couldn't have teleportation I'd want to have the ability to morph into anything I wished. Kinda like Mystique
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
I'd settle for Wonder Woman's body, the powers would just be a bonus in my book...
however, I'd want my man to have Mr. Fantastic's powers, come on, ladies, he can shape any part of his body any way or size he likes?
Invisible Girl? No, more like Incredibly Blissful Girl.....
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
I dont know if its a super power or not but to be able to shapeshift at will would be fuckin brilliant! you dont need to be able to turn invisible you just melt into the wall, not so much Mr Fantastic more like the liquid terminator but, well human.
Are you talking about remote viewing instead of astral travel during meditation, Nic?
Super hard bone density and the ablitly to create new bones at will, (Fun for freaking people out.)
Pull out my spine and use it as a whip awesome
I would have to say deadpools powers, amazing abilities with guns and swords, healing factor, steal dead mutants powers. Granted their are other superheroes around. But if i was alone I would say sabertooth, hes a fuckin animal! Oh and I'm a marvel comics nerd Blindfolded just fyi.
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
I would be a teleporter. That way I can look at Rocco getting his freak on whenever I wanted to. It would also be nice to be like Storm from X-Men.
Latest story:
Begging for your forgiveness, I am going to admit that I have a superpower.
See, I am a non-smoker, yet when someone smokes around me, the smoke always and under all conditions fly towards me! Disturbing and disgusting! Sometimes in formal environments I move my hands like "ow come'on!" to camouflage my attempts to push it away, or "puff" as if I am bored. But it doesn't work at all.
I told this first to my mom, and she -as a psychiatrist- decided that I was trying to feel myself important.
I decided a test.
We were sitting in the garden of a pub, she was smoking and as always the smoke was coming towards me. I offered to switch places and we did. And the smoke flew to me again. My mother said this is quite usual in scientific history which is called "coincidance" Then we switched places again and again, my mother getting paler and paler each time.
Many times after that I had the chance to prove. The smoke even figths against natural wind or air conditioners blow!
I still haven't decided how can I become the rul.. I mean saviour of the world with such a power and I still couldn't come up with a better name than "smokestick".
Maybe I can earn money by working in no-smoking places as a smoke magnet; my usual costume containig two large oxygen tanks.
Maybe I will have a special team who smokes till they rot in a small room with me, and thus smokes form a cloud around me and I scare the shix out of children who steal fruits from trees.
I'd abolish Time and Space
I'd keep gravity, tho...
I would want the ability to go invisible. Then I wouldn't have to read minds...I could be standing right beside someone and hear what they had to say. I wouldnt have to pay to get on a bus or a plane, go see a movie or concert and I could totally mess with people's heads by moving things around the room while they are standing there watching.RutTpAGpFjqvg3lH
Oh, and I would become the "voices" in someone's head....Sweet torture!!
If I had that power, Red Bull would make a fortune off of me because I wouldn't sleep for at least a week. LOL
I would like any of the following:
Dream Manipulation
And I am all about Storm from X-men....LOL!
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Maybe this was said already, but I would love to travel through time and interact in the past without having serious negative consequences for the future...or present - kinda like the back to the future thing...
morphing/shapeshifting like Mystique....or an empath like Peter Petrelli from heroes who can absorb and use any other mutant's powers
The ability to manipulate matter. Like Phoenix/Jean from X-Men 3. With that power you can do anything!