there is a commerical on the tv and in it a girl tells a guy that if you have an iphone you have more sex then a person that doesnt. do any of you think would be true??
i dont think any commercial on tv that promises you more sex if you have their product is true.
Oh shit i have an android i guess i am doomed if the relationship i am in ends. wait a minute maybe thats why she doesn't come over as much anymore. Could it be if i had a different radiation emitting screen in my pocket i would get laid more often? hmmm maybe apple should hire the people who came up with axe's ad campaign for a new line up of tv ads.
I am on my third iPhone, so that would put me at 30.
Gawd, I must really be a slut!
i don't have an iphone and i umm... seem to be doing ok in the having sex department... omg, if i get one, would i have more?!
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
30yr old women having more sexual partners than men? I find that hard to believe.
It's the iPhone. My wife won't even have sex with me unless I have my iPhone with me. Hell, the dog won't even come when I call it unless I have my iPhone on me. Come to think of it I can't even get service in a restaurant without my iPhone.
I think my next tattoo is going to be of an iPhone.