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How has the Coronavirus affected your day-to-day life?

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Being 5-1/2 months pregnant, I will admit, I'm a little uneasy about it. My law firm is encouraging us to telecommute so I'm home today.
It hasn’t. I’m a nurse and nothing has changed for me. I have highly infectious and immunocompromised patients daily. I’m doing the same thing I was doing before to ensure that I don’t bring cdiff, MRSA, norovirus, etc home to my family.
my wife is working from home now and i am doing classes online and my job is pretty much on hiatus. in other words, we're spending a LOT of time at home, which doesn't suck, but it does take some adjusting to. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I carry a bottle of peroxide and a roll of paper towels in my truck, and use them all the time. Always have, since my husband became bedridden nearly 20 years ago. As a part-time plumber I'm often in contact with disease-carrying strangers. If I give something to Edward it could kill him. So, no change.

Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

I'm still working. The roads have been crazy though. Many people out clearing shelves.
Sat in front of a store today and saw three older women in a row each exit with a shopping cart of toilet paper.
I had tickets to an event next weekend, which has since been canceled.
I need to find out if the local college I attend has canceled classes.

Figures, right when I'm trying to get my life together, the world wants to go to shit.
Work is hectic trying to keep the calm. My hands stay chafed from necessary OCD type washing. Toilet paper is scarce and I literally called 5, yes 5, major grocery stores that were ALL out of toilet paper today. Thank God my grandmother hoards that kind of thing. I swear, she's got a bunker in her basement.
L.A. traffic is even worse then it usually is and Harris kind of hinted at closing our office some time next wk?
Concerts/shows are being cancelled/postponed. Certain clubs are closing too.
Social life is become quiet which I am not use to at all.

Toilet paper nonsense hasn't affected me as I use black toilet paper and I have plenty of it in storage.
Work goes on as usual no real increase and certainly no decrease in that.

Homelife is a bit strange... we don't go out to eat or movies or anything like we used to, the stores are just nuts, and we have been staying home. Everything that is "public" (schools, bars, pools, libraries, museums, etc) are closed. So are all three of our universities. It's almost like New Years Day! Life has ground to a halt here. I'm off work while my shoulder is healing so we are holed up at home.
Well, I'll still be going to work on Monday (I think... I expect to be told to work from home any day now), and most things haven't changed too much. I'm even getting used to the empty shelves at the supermarkets (I think we started on that a little earlier than the US... the major chains have now implemented caps on purchases so it's not toooo crazy). Everything's mostly fine.


Well, I manage IT for a company involved in respiratory heath so ... yeah, I've mostly been working on pandemic-related stuff for the past week.

And the panic-hoarding has affected my shopping. My regular grocery store was nuts this morning, for instance. We were just doing our regular weekly shopping but still got stuck in a long line with others.
I was so looking forward to watching the two highest ranked teams in college baseball play a series this weekend. My Georgia Bulldogs at #2 vs huge rival Florida Gators at #1. But now the games are canceled. But, hopefully college baseball will resume in just a few weeks.

And major league baseball too, because I have access to Atlanta Braves season tickets.

Traffic isn't as bad. We only have a minimal staff at the office, with about two-thirds able to temporarily work from home. It was hard to find some toilet paper during our grocery store shopping and had to buy some overpriced cheap brand. Why the hell do idiots think they have to buy a year supply of toilet paper because of the coronavirus?

With the stock market drop, my on paper net worth has declined. My sideline business, though, is actually doing exceptional. During this crisis vending machines are proving to be very popular.
It is great fun watching idiots panic..
I have a tendency to get pneumonia, so catching the virus would be a very bad thing for me. I am pretty much social isolating and only going out when absolutely needed. it helps that I already work from home.

L.A. traffic is even worse then it usually is and Harris kind of hinted at closing our office some time next wk?
Concerts/shows are being cancelled/postponed. Certain clubs are closing too.
Social life is become quiet which I am not use to at all.

Toilet paper nonsense hasn't affected me as I use black toilet paper and I have plenty of it in storage.



No work for me until thing's change. Hello unwanted holiday time.

Oh, and Today(Saturday 14th of March)was the first time I noticed grocery stores be empty. I was waiting in the meat department when number A67 was being serviced-I was B09. I was there for a while.
My favorite detergent, Woolite Dark, was still there though;inexpensive detergent was gone.

Nobody likes cream of corn though, that was the usual canned food left behind.

Oh, I noticed that beer wasn't being bought either.

But I truly don't understand why the entire family has to go grocery shopping--leave those teenage kid's at home--they're in my way by not paying attention--iPhone's to the face. The amount of times I had to raise my voice(I have a soft sweet childish voice) or say beep beep next thing you know I'll download bike horn app. no I won't, I dislike apps

I don't shop at Target or Costco, so didn't have to deal w/ that nonsense at all.
Here in Argentina, schools are still open, but most companies are turning to home-office and cinemas and bars are closed. Football (big thing here) matches are also cancelled, as well as concerts and other public events. Supermarkets get long lines, but small stores are still well supplied. ERs all over the city are unnecessarily overcrowded.
People are going nuts, it's like the Sims IRL.
Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Since we're home now, so my gf quarantine me everyday... sometimes twice a day lol... oh god smile
it really hasn't. they've decided to let us work from home when/if we choose and i'm honestly looking forward to giving it a go to see if it's something i like. lol, i've ALWAYS been about that introvert life so this is a walk in the park?

Say. Her. Name.

I'm in confinement since last Friday, have been out only Saturday morning to buy some groceries. I'm working from home. The situation right now is that, if you're out without a justified reason, you can get arrested.

On Saturday I was planning to spend the day on the phone with a friend, as he was on a business trip and had all the time for me that day. But his company cancelled all business trips all of a sudden and had to rush back home.

I was going to visit a friend the weekend of the 28-29 and I had to cancel that. I had a friend coming to visit at the beginning of April, but that was cancelled too.

I usually have a cleaner coming once a week, and have cancelled that too.

So yes, it has affected my day-to-day life big time. Still, I'm happy I can stay home, I'm happy that I can keep working, and, most important of all, I'm happy that my family is well. We can't be together, but we talk every day.
Very worried Doctor told me to self isolate not to venture out in public due to my emphysema and copd plus my wife has a heart condition is unable to do a lot of shopping and of course our supermarket has ceased doing home deliveries unless you are an aged pensioner confined to home which is what we are, but not according to Coles supermarket suggested we get in touch with a local charity if we are short of supples
I am responsible for my 90 year old aunt, who is in an assisted living facility. She is moving to a new facility today. Because of new state regulations, only medical personnel are allowed to enter either facility, so I will be unable to tell her in person what is going on, calm her fears, and see that all of her essentials are packed for the move. The new facility plans to provide a face-time session after she has settled there, so she will at least see that my wife and I are okay and that we haven't abandoned her. We won't be able to move things from her former apartment until after the crisis has past.
A bunch of idiots bought up all the N95 masks to horde in their closets because I don't see one retard wearing a mask which I actually need for work. So now we have to put major agricultural operations on hold, which could lead to the loss of the year's fruit all because this planet is full to the brim with fucking idiots.

I use black toilet paper and I have plenty of it in storage.

wait what..
I’m lucky enough to not be poorly or know anyone who is. I’m not so lucky financially. I have two part-time jobs, one of which I’ve lost as a result of Coronavirus closing that business. My other job is teaching - not exactly secure either. It’s all a bit of a nightmare.
Quote by Magical_felix

wait what..

You think I'm going to use generic, bland, white toilet paper?

snapping le fingers

You think I'm going to use generic, bland, white toilet paper?

snapping le fingers

That's pretty funny.

My youngest has symptoms, so I am debating taking her out to get tested. Symptoms aren't bad, so the other option is just to wait it out. I thought I had a few symptoms yesterday, but I think it was just allergies.

Other than, that, I already worked from home. Just not going to stores/restaurants/movies. We are stocked up, we'll be fine. LJ is still working, but they are moving to all phone call, no public meetings.

The stock market, and what it's doing to my retirement fund, is frikkin scary.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.
I have closed my bookshop for two weeks.
Quote by Adagio
I have closed my bookshop for two weeks.

Sorry to hear that. I know bookstores can have razor thin profit margins.
I've asked our resident managers and leasing agents to close their offices and make appointments from home, our maintenance staff to respond only to critical service requests and emergencies. Our main office is still open, but we're struggling with finding face masks and rubber gloves for our maintenance personnel who still have to enter residents' homes to do repair work. Hoarders have completely disrupted the supply chain, impairing our peoples' safety. Merchants and vendors should have rationed purchases to prevent hoarding when this first started.
My work is closed, my children's school is closed, the pubs are closed, cinemas etc all closed so we are home trying to keep to a routine and going for walks on the beach or woods avoiding others.. Hard having no playdates, missing meeting up with friends.. I'm working from home keeping in touch with students but it's all a bit surreal.

The government closing the pubs 2 days before St Patricks day really brought it home to everyone how serious it is

2 competition winning stories, 1 Famous story, a smattering of Editor's Picks, a handful of Recommended Reads and one Clitorides award are scattered amongst my stories.

One of a handful of writers to get the Omnium badge for writing in every category

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