I like watching porn, i guess, because that is what I'd like to see happen to me. I enjoy watching gangbangs and stuff on sites like public disgrace (w/c you should really look up if you think your taste for porn is a little kinky). I caught myself, once, mimicking the girl's facial expressions while watching. Subconsciously, I guess I'd like to be that girl. I sort of empathize with what I watch and internalize some of that. When I'm with other guys in the bedroom, I act like the girls in the movies I watch and they quite like that. I'm not aroused watching gay porn though but I enjoy reading gay erotic stories. I'm really just not too aroused from seing two strong, fit guys pounding each other. I do like gay stories because more is left to the imagination.
Although a corollary of me wanting to be in those girls' positions, is also the envy of knowing that I'll never be one of those girls. And girls are so pretty that I get jealous

But then again, maybe the arousal derived from watching porn is more base than that. Perhaps its also just the sight of entangled limbs and flesh, dicks and cunts.
So, what do you guys think? what about you guys? what is it about watching pornography that turns you on?
insert random dog emoticon here: